Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 278 Cruel Experiment

One day, when I first entered Huiman's day, I never opened my eyes or moved.

At this time, she is completely an experiment. She has no right to say no, or even the right to eat. She is completely a living dead person.

Liu Jingqian is working. He doesn't have time to pay attention to his so-called daughter. The various reports and data in his hand let him enter the stage of retreat. He doesn't eat or drink, don't rest, and doesn't let others rest.

After their initial return, all the senior researchers of Huiman were ordered by him to put down all their work and concentrate on analyzing the initial data and strive to restore the manufacturing of viruses and vaccines in the fastest time.

At the behest of Liu Jingqian, a large amount of production has been saved and a warehouse has been piled up. Of course, this warehouse is not on the ground, but in Huiman's unknown underground building.

At first, it is much more important than saving. With her, Liu Jingqian can continue his virus experiments and do various mutations and different structural analysis. In his opinion, nothing is more important than viruses, which is the key to creating new human beings.

The plan to biochemical human beings as soon as possible has been put on hold for the reason that the head of the research institute is not in the mood to do those useless things. Anyway, they have been rescued, and large-scale zombies will soon arrive in Huacheng. It doesn't matter whether their plan is implemented or not.

Like Liu Jingqian, most people think that Chu is more important than anything else. Their research institute depends on her to live! Only Luo Mingjun thinks she is more pitiful than anyone else. Cold experimental platform, did she think she would never have a chance to lie down again? This poor child made Luo Mingjun secretly sigh many times.

Recently, Luo Mingjun always thinks of his lovely daughter, and I don't know if Shouyi has been by her side. Huiman has been looking for people who sell internal intelligence, and Luo Mingjun dares not contact Luo Ziyi.

But he has a feeling that she has arrived in Huacheng and is not far from Huiman.

From a father's point of view, of course, he doesn't want his daughter to take risks. Luo Mingjun always knew when she had a biochemical reaction. If Huiman's detection equipment in Huacheng had not been aimed at high-intensity biochemical reactions, he estimated that Luo Zi had been targeted by Huiman's people early in the morning.

This is a blessing in misfortune!

Luo Mingjun knew that if Luo Ziyi came to Huacheng, it was mostly for himself. Although he had warned Luo Ziyi not to come to Huacheng, there was no way to stop this seemingly gentle but surprisingly stubborn girl.

On the experimental platform, the first expression began to become uneasy. Maybe there was something I didn't want to see in my sleep. And of course, what she doesn't want to see is Huiman's dazzling white laboratory and Liu Jingqian.

The injection in his hand pushed down, and looking at the transparent ** entering the initial body, Luo Mingjun sighed in his heart. From this moment on, the child will continue to suffer. For more than 20 years, he didn't know how she survived. All he knew was that every time he saw her empty eyes and pale face, it made people feel heartache for no reason.

The preliminary inspection has come to an end, and the next step is to wait for Liu Jingqian's analysis results. He is the maker of the virus and the person who promotes the virus. Chu Geng was created by him. Huiman gathered the elites in the medical field, but no one could surpass him.

Luo Mingjun sorted out the experimental instruments without squint, and his heart was just in the dark. In Huiman for many years, he has learned to hide his true emotions, and with masks, what people see is just a little numb researcher like himself.

Liu Jingqian's analysis may last for a long time, which is understood by everyone present, but no one left. Everyone was very worried about what the result was waiting for.

The data in his hand has not been changed for a long time. Liu Jingqian stared at the data and kept looking at it. His expression changed a little. He didn't know whether he was happy or angry.

Raising his hand, he greeted a researcher and whispered something to the man. The researcher nodded and walked out of the laboratory.

Luo Mingjun is playing drums in his heart, hoping that it is not a bad result. If Liu Jingqian thinks that there is something wrong with his work, the next experiment will be more difficult than before.

When the researcher came back, he got a small metal box in his hand. Luo Mingjun's heart skipped when he saw it. That is the latest research result of Liu Jingqian, which has added a variety of different virus reagents on the basis of the previous V series viruses. After this thing was developed, several experiments failed, which would only make the already crazy zombies run away and make it even more impossible to control their ferocity.

Liu Jingqian took this thing out...

There is a slight sweat on Luo Mingjun's forehead. Is he going to destroy the beginning?

V series virus is not just a kind. Since it is a series, it has many different varieties. Of course, the most successful of these is the one that has caused the collapse of the world today, while the others have not been used because of different degrees of defects, but only left a small number of samples for experimental reference.

The virus brought by the researcher is the most ferocious one after Liu Jingqian's research. It will not only turn people into zombies, but also have some wisdom and judgment. Most importantly, it can drive zombies crazy, not only cannibalism, they will not even let go of their own kind.

Luo Mingjun hopes that Liu Jingqian will not use it for the first time, but since he brought it, there is no reason not to use it.

Sure enough, Liu Jingqian nodded to the researcher with the virus without looking at the metal box, and the man silently accepted the order and carefully removed the virus.

At the beginning, he was still in a coma and had no chance to resist. The researcher slowly put the virus into the body.

Liu Jingqian waved to everyone, and everyone quickly walked out of the laboratory and went to the observation room next door to wait for the results.

Luo Mingjun also walked out of the laboratory. He always felt that he was very small and cowardly. Every time he saw a good human become a monster, he could only help Zhou to abuse, but he sympathized with nothing in his heart.

walked out of the laboratory and followed everyone to the next door. Luo Mingjun, who stood behind the crowd, prayed that nothing would happen at the beginning and looked at the child on the other side of the glass expressionlessly.

Luo Mingjun hopes that someone can rush in and take Chu away at this time. But if it is just before the virus injection, such behavior is kind. But after that, it was stupid.

No one knows what kind of mutation will occur at the beginning. That's why Liu Jingqian feels challenging.

Everyone couldn't take their eyes off the little figure lying on the experimental platform next door. What kind of changes will she have?

At the beginning of falling asleep, suddenly there was something else in the chaotic consciousness. That thing is like a bug, squirming in her body... No, not one, but many, they crawl together in her veins, as if they were encroaching on her body.

When consciousness moves, the initial power bursts into one's body. She is the first generation. Can she control the heresy of zombies? Can't she even control her own body? She is also a zombie, but she is just a special zombie.

The power gathered and suppressed the squirming things in the body for a while. Just for a moment, the disgusting thing began to crawl again.

At first, she was surprised by the stress resistance of this unknown object. In the past, she also used this method when suppressing the V series virus to change the body structure in the body, and the effect was obvious. Today, she has no unfavorable ability, but she just blocked the footsteps of those things.

I was unwilling to increase my strength, and the speed of the thing slowed down. But strangely, they began to merge with their own body and were assimilated by her body, and they still moved forward relentlessly.


At the beginning of lying quietly, a roar suddenly burst out, releasing all his strength. Half sitting up, she suddenly opened her eyes, but what people next door saw were a pair of scary pupils - all the white parts of her eyes turned blood red, which made the black pupils look darker.

The eyes were almost dripping with tears, and the eyes were widened with anger, as if they were about to get out of their eyes. At the beginning, there were blood-colored lines around the eyes, as if a ruptured blood vessel appeared under the skin.

Some people guessed correctly. After returning to Huiman, the child immediately turned back to the experiment and underwent the most cruel and painful experiment. However, this is her choice, for the people she cares about...