Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 320 Officially

Liu Jingqian finally had no sound. He was quiet. He wanted to tell them that their practice was useless, but at that time, he was so painful that he couldn't speak.

The five heretics are depressed. They have been working hard for a long time, but they are completely useless. Isn't this satirizing them?

Liu Jingqian's last words made them hesitate for a moment. Can they mutate after eating their companions? Is it real or fake?

People say that people are about to die and their words are also good, but people like Liu Jingqian are not normal people. What he said before his death may be for other purposes, such as letting defective products kill each other so as to achieve the purpose of destruction!

Although this is not good for him to die, if you know Liu Jingqian, you will know how strict he is for his so-called works.

He has always admitted that the first generation is disgusted and disgusted with zombies because they did not meet his requirements and became defective products. And the only thing that gratified him was that these defective products were lethal enough and spread fast enough.

If you think about it this way, then Liu Jingqian said what he just said just to let the five of them kill each other, and then be gorgeously solved by what he thought was the most perfect work.

Therefore, no one believed Liu Jingqian's last words. The five heretics decided to let go. Anyway, there were so many of them that they could not deal with a first generation.

The initial power permeated in an instant, and the five heretics had been suppressed by her powerful power before they could do anything. The ability of the first generation is greater than they thought. Originally, she thought she could just suppress or control zombies, but when she was just above, her power had surprised them.

But it's right to think about it. She is the first generation. Even if it is the source of zombies, her genes are reflected in every zombie infected with the virus, and they are no exception. Without the first generation, there would be no such suppression. Such suppression comes from blood and genes. No matter how powerful the heresy is, it is impossible to resist.

Some of their bodies are Liu Jingqian's genes, which will not dilute the genes of the first generation, but may also make them turn over.

Shouyi moved in the next second. Although he did not have the first powerful power, he was more advanced than these inferior goods. As a heresy, his ability is not just to show this.

The speed is basically invisible to the naked eye. Before the five people could react, he had already reached the front.

A Fei was shocked by the calm and waveless look, his dull eyes, the speed of extraordinary people, and the amazing performance of Shouyi.

I once had seen him jump from the ground to a helicopter flying in mid-air. Fei knew that his explosive power was very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

According to Huiman's data, heresy will have strong vitality and adaptability to any virus. Later, she said that she accidentally found that she had a special ability, and even Liu Jingqian, who had just died, did not know about this matter.

A Fei has always believed that Shouyi does not have such ability, but his physical strength and physical fitness are very strong, but depending on his speed just now, will this also be an ability?

If it is a heresy, there will be some superhuman abilities, and the five opposite...

I hope this is not the case. A Fei is tense and ready to join the war at any time.

I think he has no strength to participate in the battle of heresy, but as a former world-class killer, A Fei is still a little proud. It is absolutely impossible for him to stand and watch without participating.

At first, she didn't just control the field. She wanted to know whether her ability could control them or even kill them. But the strength has reached 80%, but what can only suppress them is their action, and they can't do anything to them at all.

There is still 20% strength, which can only open up to 90% at the beginning. If the final strength is opened, then...

It's okay now. Cooperate with Shouyi. His body is strong and absolutely has the same strength as them. However, they have many people and are afraid that Shouyi can't compete with each other.

He saw A Fei's approaching figure and followed him as everyone. He sighed for the first time. I thought to myself that now, it is no longer a problem that can be solved without fear of death. Afei's courage is commendable. If they can't effectively kill the heresy, then his joining is just making trouble.

What she wants to identify now is the weakness of the five people. The head is certain, but they should also have their own head to be attacked, and it will never be easily successful.

And Liu Jingqian just said that they wanted to mutate again and must ingest their companion's genes. Obviously, they did not believe Liu Jingqian's words and had no action.

But she first believed that Liu Jingqian did not lie, but what she didn't expect was that Liu Jingqian's words were also kind this time and she was suspected. People like Liu Jingqian don't disdain to lie. He usually seldom talks and communicates little with people. Generally speaking, they are talking directly to the point, and he thinks it's wasteful to say too much.

If you miss it, you will miss it. At first, they will not be given a chance to believe in Liu Jingqian.

The strength has been increased to 90%, and the blue veins on the first face are bulging, and the eyes have turned black, shining fiercely.

Products, let me see your strength! At the beginning, the strength was raised to a critical point of 90%. With the current strength, ordinary zombies can never bear it, but the five heresies are only a little slower.

He can't control these. His purpose is only to make Chu safe. Although they are all the same kind, he still cares about Chu, and the five opposite him makes him feel uncomfortable.

They are ruthless, and their moves are all for the key points. Although their opponents have been suppressed for the first time, there are many of them, and it is difficult to defeat four hands with a pair of fists, and gradually there is a tendency to fall behind.

A Fei took action at this time. A heresy who wanted to start from behind Shouyi was stopped by him, and the dagger in his hand was scratched, which made you instinctively dod, and Afei came in.

With a cold smile, A Fei did not feel that he could be stronger than Shouyi, but he had enough experience and was a killer. Every move he made was fatal, and most of them focused on attacking his head.

But the things that have mutated are different. When A Fei's heavy punch, he was just crooked, and there was no other effect. A Fei's anger also came up. Even if he could not form an effective attack, he only hit the other party's head.

The heresy was originally from Huiman's guard, and his skills are also very good. In addition, the virus strengthens his body, which gives him super-high defense against general attacks. Ah Fei worked hard for a long time, but only made him move his head.

With a hum, A Fei shook his hand, and the explosive in the other hand was hit on the man's head by him. He quickly turned around and jumped, pulled Shou Yi back a few steps, and pulled Chu over. A Fei pressed the detonator in his hand.

With a bang, the explosion sounded, and a head that was not intact was blown to pieces in an instant. The sticky brain soul man's broken bones and blood burst like this, splashing on his companions and the ground on the surrounding walls... In short, it was right everywhere.

I used to hear people say that it was a headshot, but this time I saw the live version.

Lost the body of the head, shook it back and forth a few times, and then shook it a few times, then fell to the ground softly.

His companions watched him fall like this, not angry, but they were still angry. Isn't this way of death cruel? After Ah Fei took action, he was not afraid at all. Is he still laughing?

What he means seems to be saying, isn't that just the case? Do you think you are awesome? It's just to scare yourself.

Such a smile is simply provocative. They are no longer ordinary people. For ordinary human beings, they still have the strength to kill him. No, they are made into meat cakes!

When she first broke away from A Fei's hand, the momentum just came back. She could not relax for a moment, otherwise the remaining four would definitely turn upside down.

Shouyi continued to beat people silently. At the beginning, he still suppressed the four people, controlled his own strength, and crushed the other party to death.

The four heresies look at each other. The power of the original generation is so powerful that their current power can't resist at all. Looking at the headless corpse on the ground, they came up with a method at the same time.

Liu Jingqian's last words echoed in their minds. If they don't want to die, they have to go this way, right?

They are all at the end of the road. If they don't enter, they will die. In this way, what will happen to the two sides...