Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 20 The Fourth Person of the Team

At the moment when Ren Jingcheng visited the fire machine, Ye Xiaoqian and Xiaoya did not go shopping as they said. At least the place they are standing now is definitely not the place to go shopping.

Longyingkou Fourth Street, this place is almost as famous as Hujia Lane by the local population of C City.

If Hujia Lane is a place of food and color, then Longyingkou Fourth Street is a city of gambling and drugs.

The four streets of Longyingkou are chaotic. Its chaos is not the same as Hujia Lane. Its chaos is really chaotic. Even the police don't want to get close to it. The Municipal Public Security Bureau once built the police station in the middle of this street, but a week later, the newly built police station was empty and moved to the second street of Longyingkou, two others. As for why, it was a tacit secret.

The fourth street in Longyingkou is chaotic, but it is not that no one comes. On the contrary, it is very lively, especially after 10 p.m., this is the most lively place in the whole C city. The reason is that there are hundreds of bars and several large KTVs on this street.

Eating and drinking Hujia Lane and playing Longyingkou are the life symbols of the night owl family.

At night, the lively Longyingkou Fourth Street is particularly quiet during the day. The door of every bar is closed, and some dilapidated beer bottles are scattered on the ground. Large and small black garbage bags almost occupy the entire sidewalk on the roadside. Several young people who occasionally walked through the street were rustling all over, with a fierce look in their dull eyes, looking at passers-by up and down, which made people shudder.

"Sister Xiaoya, are you sure it's here?" Ye Xiaoqian asked a 27-eight-year-old young man who bumped into her, took Xiaoya's hand and asked carefully.

"Yes, Liu Hua is the most well-intened about Hujiaxiang and Longyingkou. He told me that the person you are looking for is working in that bar, and there is absolutely nothing wrong." Xiaoya turned her head and looked around at the signboard of the bar on the street and said affirmatively.

It's not that Ye Xiaoqian doesn't believe Xiaoya. The two of them have been here for almost an hour, but they still haven't found a place.

It is said that the Fourth Street of Longyingkou is not a big place, but there are too many bars here, and all kinds of signs are stacked, which are already dazzling even during the day. In addition, it is slightly difficult to avoid those seemingly malicious mixes on the street.

"I found it, there!"

Ye Xiaoqian really felt unsteady and was about to tell Xiaoya to give up, but Xiaoya beside her screamed and pointed to a slender sign on the street and said.

Ye Xiaoqian looked in the direction of Xiaoya's finger and couldn't help swallowing her saliva, because the place looked too scary. A black wooden door that seemed to allow only one person to pass through was open and exposed the narrow and dark aisle behind. The aisle was dark, giving people an inexplicable cold atmosphere across the street. The two girls trembled all over.

"I think it's going to eat me!" Ye Xiaoqian said in a low voice.

"Why, let's go back..." Xiaoya nodded, seemed to agree with Ye Xiaoqian's point of view, and couldn't help saying.

"It's all here. Let's go and have a look first." Ye Xiaoqian pondered for a moment, shook her head, took a deep breath and said.


Xiaoya put on the look of sacrificing her life to accompany the gentleman and tightly wrapped Ye Xiaoqian's arms. The two girls leaned against each other and slowly crossed the road to the door of the bar.

But when they arrived at the door, they couldn't have the courage to walk in, but stretched their necks outside the door and kept looking.

At this time, a figure swaying slowly in the dark walkway. The two girls screamed with fear and stepped back a few steps. As soon as they stood firm, they saw a beautiful teenager wearing an apron and holding a plastic basket full of beer bottles. The door is coming.

Ye Xiaoqian and Xiaoya couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and giggled at each other.

The young man put the basket at the door of the bar. As soon as he turned his head and saw the flowers and branches smiling like flowers, his eyes suddenly straightened. He stayed there for a long time without blinking his eyes.

"Brother, don't look at it. If you look at it again, your eyes will run out."

Seeing the young man's stunned appearance, Xiaoya said with a smile.

Xiaoya's joke made the teenager blush, and she didn't know what to say, so she turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait, brother, we'll ask you about someone." Ye Xiaoqian hurriedly called the teenager and said.

"Who is it?" The teenager turned around and said.

"Sun Jianyang." Ye Xiaoqian replied.

"Xiaoyang, brush the cup in the back. If you want him, come with me." The teenager smiled and said.

After scaring themselves just now, Ye Xiaoqian and Xiaoya didn't feel so scared. They followed the teenager and walked into the dark road.

"It's strange that there are a lot of people looking for Xiaoyang these days. Is he causing any trouble?" The teenager led the way in front and walked when such a sentence suddenly popped out of his mouth.

"Many people?" The teenager's words made Ye Xiaoqian's heart jump and said tentatively.

"Yes, you are all the sixth wave to find him." The teenager nodded and replied.

After hearing this, Xiaoya gently hit Ye Xiaoqian with her arm and gave a look. Ye Xiaoqian nodded calmly and returned a slightly impatient look.

The area of the bar at the end of the road is not small, but except for the bright light of the bar, only a vague outline can be seen elsewhere. However, what reassures the two girls is that the bar has no strange decoration and does not feel smoky. It looks very ordinary.

"There is a kitchen, and Xiaoyang is there, but I dare not let people enter casually without the boss. If you want to go in, you can only go in alone." The teenager took the two to a door with a sign hanging "The kitchen is heavy, and idle people are not in" and said.

Ye Xiaoqian and Xiaoya looked at each other, and finally Ye Xiaoqian volunteered to push the door and enter the kitchen.

The kitchen is clean, and the sunlight shining through the window and the open back door makes it brighter than the outside business area. Ye Xiaoqian turned a metal shelf full of tableware and quilts, and saw a short figure bending over and busy by the pool.

"Sun Jianyang?" Ye Xiaoqian took a few steps forward and called softly.

The figure paused when he heard the sound, put down the cup in his hand, turned around, revealing a face that looked one or two years younger than Ye Xiaoqian.

Sun Jianyang's appearance is not bad, his eyebrows are thin and long, his nose is straight, and his lips are thin and long. The most distinctive is his eyes. The dark eyes between the long eyelashes are strangely shiny, and he involuntarily create a sense of enchanting between opening and closing, which is a pair of peach blossom eyes that are fascinated by thousands of people.

"What's the matter?" Sun Jianyang raised her slender eyebrows and said coldly.

"Well, we have become a team, and there is one less person..." Ye Xiaoqian thought about it and decided to speak bluntly.

"No need to say, how much can you pay?" Sun Jianyang interrupted Ye Xiaoqian rudely without waiting for her to finish speaking, and said coldly.

"Money?" Ye Xiaoqian frowned and said strangely.

"You are not the first person to find me, and you will not be the last one. You should know who I am. I only look at the money to do things, and I will naturally help you with the money you give." Sun Jianyang looked up and down at Ye Xiaoqian and said.

"If you win the game, you will get a bonus!" Ye Xiaoqian pondered for a moment and said.

"That's the champion. I didn't get the bonus from the champion. I don't accept the payment afterwards." Sun Jianyang looked at Ye Xiaoqian contemptuously, snorted coldly and said.

"I... have no money..." Ye Xiaoqian muttered in a low voice.

"If you don't have money, just talk about it. Get out of here!" Sun Jianyang sneered and waved his hand and said.


Ye Xiaoqian was about to say something when Sun Jianyang suddenly took a step forward, grabbed Ye Xiaoqian, turned around and pushed her to the edge of the pool. Her whole body was tightly attached. A pair of peach blossom eyes were full of malicious aggression. Her long breath hit Ye Xiaoqian's face, which made her trembling and her mouth was sharp. I screamed, but somehow, the sound of rushing to my throat couldn't come out.

"If you don't have money, you can also pay for it. If it's you, I can consider not paying!" Sun Jianyang put his head to Ye Xiaoqian's ear, blew a breath, and whispered, "It's just that your chest is a little small, and it looks difficult to touch."

Ye Xiaoqian's eyes were instantly full of anger when she heard the words, and she didn't know where the strength came from. She broke away from Sun Jianyang's clamping and threw it hard. She only heard a crisp sound of "pop". Sun Jianyang's head immediately tilted to one side, and a red five-finger mountain appeared on her cheeks.

"Bastard--" Ye Xiaoqian almost roared out these three words with all her strength, and her voice kept echoing loudly throughout the kitchen.

"Xiaoqian, what's wrong?"

Xiaoya, who had been waiting outside the door and worried, immediately pushed the door and entered. Before stepping into the kitchen, the sound had passed through the door.

"Sister Xiaoya, let's go. This man is just a bastard." Ye Xiaoqian took a bite, quickly walked to the door, took Xiaoya's hand, pushed open the kitchen door hard, and strode out of the bar.

Seeing Ye Xiaoqian's entangled appearance, Xiaoya did not dare to ask more. She could only let her pull the pinched painful wrist and leave the fourth street of Longyingkou.

And the two had just left the door of the bar, but their figure fell into the eyes of another person.

The man strangely looked in the direction of the two leaving for a long time before turning around and walking into the Internet cafe where Sun Jianyang worked.

After saying hello to the teenager in the bar, the man pushed the door and walked into the kitchen and saw Sun Jianyang standing by the pool in a daze.

"Here you are!" Sun Jianyang saw the man, sighed slightly and said.

"Here you are, this month's share." The man took out a thick envelope in his pocket and threw it to Sun Jianyang.

Sun Jianyang took the envelope and pinched it, nodded with satisfaction, and put it away.

"Bear by the way, the girl who just walked out of the bar came to see you, right? What's the matter?" The man turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly remembered something and turned around to ask.

"Do you know her?" Sun Jianyang did not answer, but asked another question.

"I know her, her name is Ye Xiaoqian, the school beauty of No. 1 Middle School in our city. A few days ago, I heard that she was going to form a team to participate in the Donghua District game. It seems that someone in his team is a fire engine and wants to get over. The man lowered his head and nodded a cigarette, took a sip, and said.

"Fire machine?" Sun Jianyang read in a low voice, and a sharp light flashed in the peach blossom eyes in an instant.