Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 25 Sneak Attack, One-on-One

Looking at Ren Jingcheng, who suddenly came out of nowhere, Sun Jianyang was not surprised when he realized that he had been fooled. There are only a few ways to deal with snipers. Sun Jianyang, as a sniper, knows much better than Ren Jingcheng.

Sun Jianyang originally had a plan to deal with this situation, otherwise he would not have arrogantly asked Ren Jingcheng and Lu Xinxin alone. Unfortunately, the plan would never catch up with the changes, and a series of accidents made his plan completely come to nothing.

First of all, he expected Lu Xinxin's recklessness, but he didn't expect that the first shot aimed at the heart position was actually dodged by Lu Xinxin at the critical moment, but only shot Lu Xinxin's leg; the second was Ren Jingcheng's unexpected speed, not to mention the fast support because of the ultra-low rate of fire of the sniper rifle. Ignoring his attack; secondly, Lu Xinxin's sudden outbreak, not only found his position at the beginning, but also repeatedly used ultra-high skills to resolve his offensive one by one, narrowing the distance between them, forcing him to make an unsuccessful "three-point continuous shot", but unfortunately, he still failed to block the opponent's front. The pace of progress.

And because of Lu Xinxin's amazing performance, all his energy was attracted, so that he was sneaked around by Ren Jingcheng and didn't find it.

Sun Jianyang regretted that he was too big. He thought that they were just a few ordinary players, and he just participated in the game. There was no hope of winning the championship at all. He didn't expect their technology to be so strong, and he had no temper at all.

Which of these two fire engines are you interested in? Sun Jianyang glanced at Ren Jingcheng and Lu Xinxin, who was rushing with all his strength, and couldn't help thinking about it.


With a few crisp sounds, Ren Jingcheng's previous bullets all hit Sun Jianyang and immediately repelled him a few steps, and the OP value of the armor suddenly decreased a lot.

Sun Jianyang carried the rifle behind his backhand and didn't know where to find a dagger. The dagger is about 25 centimeters long, with a spine similar to a shark's tooth on one side, and the blade on the other side is extremely thin, which looks very sharp.

Ren Jingcheng did not expect Sun Jianyang to admit defeat. He had been prepared for a long time. When he saw the dagger appear, he fired three shots in a row. These three shots did not use any tactical skills. The speed was not fast and the power was not great. Obviously, he was not intended to kill the enemy. That's the truth. After Sun Jianyang calmly flashed the bullet, he found that Ren Jingcheng had taken a long distance from him. Ren Jingcheng knows very well that the disadvantage of the dagger is its distance. In addition, the human arm can only attack four or five positions. As long as the distance is opened, the threat will plummet, while his pistol is doubled.

How fast! Sun Jianyang narrowed his eyes and couldn't help being surprised.

Surprised, Sun Jianyang was also unambiguous. As soon as he moved, he only heard two sounds in his ears, and suddenly appeared in front of Ren Jingcheng a few meters away. As soon as his wrist turned, the dagger thought of Ren Jingcheng's chest.

"Double propulsion", Ren Jingcheng flashed Sun Jianyang's dagger sideways and muttered softly.

"double propulsion" is evolved from the "propulsion" of tactical skills. In Tactical Regulations 101, it is said that it is balanced, speed-oriented for characters, and the ingenuity of using feet, ankles and knees to cause a similar instantaneous movement to raid opponents in a small range. It is an effective way to quickly approach opponents.

Ren Jingcheng frowned, and "double promotion" is a very advanced tactical skill. He not only needs to fully master several of the tricks in the skills, but also needs to go through a lot of repeated practice. Even some players with insufficient talent and understanding can't even master the "promotion", let alone do not want to "double promotion".

Now, looking at Sun Jianyang using this technique, Ren Jingcheng suddenly knew that he was not only a blocker who was good at long-range strikes, but also had a deep study of close combat.

Sun Jianyang missed the blow, the dagger turned in his palm, and his backhand was stabbed again. Ren Jingcheng raised the eagle pupil to block this, moved his feet, and kicked Sun Jianyang's knee fiercely. This foot was extremely fast, and a shadow flashed by, and Ren Jingcheng's toes had been attached to Sun Jianyang's knee.

"Up Kick" is one of the few personal fighting skills in the game. These close combat are skills that must be mastered by balanced and speed players. After all, these two types of characters with strong close combat ability are too weak. If there is no effective counterattack, they can only be killed.

The damage of "up kick" is not worth mentioning, but when hitting the target, it will give the opponent a short sense of paralysis. During the paralysis, the opponent's action is limited and he can't move, and Ren Jingcheng can take this opportunity to open the distance again and solve it with the gun in his hand. As for the "double propulsion" Ren Jingcheng is not worried, this Techniques are a great burden on the body and cannot be used continuously in a short period of time.

If Sun Jianyang is just a sniper, Ren Jingcheng may have achieved the due results. Unfortunately, if it is always the case, it is not a fact that Sun Jianyang is proficient in close combat, so this kick is doomed to return in fut.

Ren Jingcheng saw a flower in front of him, not to mention that he lost the trace of Sun Jianyang.

Ren Jingcheng's eyes shot an unbelievable look, and he was surprised. Suddenly, there was a sound of wind behind him. Ren Jingcheng's short body, and the silver blade scratched against his scalp, leaving a deep scratch on his hood.

Ren Jingcheng did not stand up straight, but twisted. His backhand was a shot, but the bullet came out of the chamber, and Sun Jianyang suddenly disappeared again.

The wind rose again. This time, it was actually in the front of Ren Jingcheng. The piercing cold came to his face, and Sun Jianyang's dagger actually penetrated straight into Ren Jingcheng's face door from top to bottom.


A weak voice suddenly sounded, and Ren Jingcheng actually disappeared in place. Sun Jianyang looked up and found that Ren Jingcheng had retreated ten meters away in an instant, and the barrel in his hand was aimed at himself.

is a "double retreat", and experienced Sun Jianyang instantly understood what happened.

"Double speed retreat" is a tactical skill corresponding to "double propulsion". The two are used in similar ways, but one is forward and the other is backward.

The gun sounded, the bullet flew, and then another shot, the sound of the gun had not disappeared, followed by another shot...

1.5 seconds, almost in the blink of an eye, Ren Jingcheng continuously pulled the trigger and fired six bullets.

The altitude, speed and angle of the six bullets are different. The only thing that is the same is that the position they aim at is the key to Sun Jianyang.

"hexagonal shooting": Shoot six bullets to attack the enemy's key points at a very fast speed. Each bullet counts the damage separately. If all hits the key points, the total damage will increase sixfold.

This is a beautiful-looking skill recognized by many players. Six times the damage sounds a little fantasy, but the fact is that even the best gunner in WarGame can't do it. Because all the bullets need to hit the key to trigger six times the damage. As long as one misses the key point, it will not be triggered, so it is easy to crack. In fact, there is no need to crack it at all. After all, the player is not a wooden stake and will not stand there for you to hit. As long as you move casually, the bullet will inevitably not hit the key point. After the bullet is loaded, it can It will not be controlled by players.

Despite this, it is not that this tactical skill is useless. Anyway, it is six bullets. Even if it does not trigger six times the damage, the damage on the player is not low, and even there are no fewer people.

It is likely that Sun Jianyang is now. It's not that his armor is so bad that he can't afford the damage of these six bullets, but because of Ren Jingcheng's initial sneak attack, the dozens of bullets have made Sun Jianyang's armor on the verge of collapse. If he is hit by "hexagonal shooting" again, Sun Jianyang can't guarantee him. It can continue to be lively.

Sun Jianyang's body was moving at a high speed like a green smoke. His speed was unbelievable, leaving only a vague shadow in the air, and then the shadow could not be seen.

"Ghost Step!"

Ren Jingcheng suddenly lost his voice. Finally understood why Sun Jianyang always disappeared under his eyes, all because of this "ghost step".

Of course, the "ghost step" does not really make people disappear, but a kind of illusion that makes the other party's eyes occur under high-speed movement, as if the performer has really disappeared. In fact, this is just that the eyes deceive the brain, and the brain gives feedback a message that the other party has disappeared to the eyes. The eyeball accepts the wrong instructions and creates the illusion of the other party's disappearance. This is the principle of the "ghost step".

"hexagonal shooting" seems to be completely not the opponent of the tactical skill of "ghost step". It is not surprising that all six bullets have been dodged. Ren Jingcheng has such a mental preparation and is preparing to make up another round. However, unexpectedly, the radar actually hinted that three bullets hit the eye. Mark, and it caused a lot of damage.

Ren Jingcheng thought about it and understood that Sun Jianyang's "ghost step" was not as skilled as he showed. There must be loopholes in the process of casting, and the speed of the three bullets was so fast that he could not avoid it at all. Naturally, he was hit.

Sun Jianyang's figure was hit by the bullet and also appeared. The dagger in his hand was held tightly, making a "double propulsion" come in an instant. The dagger danced, drew several bright silver lights and killed Ren Jingcheng. Ren Jingcheng was preparing to take the dagger, but Sun Jianyang was halfway with a dagger. Turn, and the figure of Sun Jianyang disappeared.

is another "ghost step", but this time Ren Jingcheng can't dodge like the previous two times. One of his body movements was not finished and stiffened. At this time, there was no time to adjust, and there were no other laws to avoid injury, so he had to be slaughtered by others.

"Cut the throat", the blade hit from behind and neatly crossed Ren Jingcheng's neck, hit the key point, and the OP value of the armor jumped wildly, and it was directly cut by half.

Sun Jianyang didn't stop hitting a move. The dagger suddenly turned in his hand, like a poisonous snake, spinning into Ren Jingcheng's vest and piercing between the two ribs. Ren Jingcheng only felt that his body shook, and the OP value fell crazy, reaching the value of 3000.

Sun Jianyang was about to go further and killed his OP value as much as possible before Ren Jingcheng counterattacked, but suddenly there was a thunderous shout in his ear. A dark shadow rushed to him. Before the person arrived, the weapon in his hand turned into five black lights shrouded him in it.

"Fast Spur"

Lu Xinxin finally arrived at this time of crisis.