Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 34 First Round of Group C

Although there are still two days before the college entrance examination, the whole Donghua District Workers' Stadium is still full and overcrowded. Among them, 17- or 18-year-old high school students account for a large share, and most of the rest are young people in their 20s, and the most conspicuous of them is at least one with white hair. Sixty-year-old uncle.

Taona followed the old editor to drill around in the crowd, investigate the situation of the four venues, and reluctantly took photos and take notes, because she knew that although this was not the news she wanted to do, it was also the capital for her job-hopping in the future and the cornerstone of her success.

The group stage will be held in these four sub-fields, and will not move to the main stadium until the quarter-finals and the championship and runner-up.

The passers-by A team composed of Ren Jingcheng and others decided to draw lots in Group C, and this draw is good or bad. On the one hand, the other three teams in this group are not famous, at least there is no impression in Ye Xiaoqian's memory. The bad thing is that if they qualify in this group, the first opponent they face is likely to be the fire machine team.

Group A, where the fire engine is located, is more tragic. In addition to the well-known madman team, there is also a sky dance team that has been competing with them to be the first chair in C city, and the last one is a vest-like team temporarily composed of several members of the rapid team.

I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort for them to get out of the line under the pursuit of these guys.

The third venue of Group C was converted from the badminton training hall. Because the stadium was originally two floors, the audience was arranged to the second floor, unlike the first venue of Group A, where the audience stood outside to bask in the sun.

The original office and lounge on the second floor have been emptied. The room is full of dozens of LED screens, large and small, and the subwoofer hanging in the corner plays annoying heavy metal music. Because the central air conditioner of the badminton hall is generally not turned on, the room is quite sultry.

Taona has been separated from the old editor. The old editor seems to be very considerate of Tao Na's mood and only arranged her to be in the third field, and the remaining three fields are all wrapped in the old editor's chest.

Good morning, friends. It's 5:30 a.m., and the group stage of the Donghua District WarGame Competition will officially begin in 15 minutes. The list of the first round of matches has been posted on the screen. You can check it by yourself. In addition, there is a service desk at the entrance of each field. If you have any questions, you can consult.

Today's game will be divided into three stages. Four sub-fields will hold group matches in the morning to compete for the top four places. The quarter-finals will be held at the main stadium after 1:30 p.m., and the championship and runner-up will be held at 7:30 p.m. Please keep it up* and don't lose it.

The crazy heavy metal music finally stopped, and the audio announcer began to introduce the situation of the game, and said it for nearly ten minutes before stopping.

Ren Jingcheng and others walked into the field under the guidance of the staff, looked at the surrounding environment, changed their game clothes, and waited for the battle to begin.

Their opponent is the Killing Star Team. The name is very fierce, and several buddies are even more ferocious. They will meet them on the street in order to see ghosts!

"This is my substitute." Sun Jianyang said coldly.

"Hey, you are a substitute again. If it's over, you will be a substitute in every game in the preliminary competition. What on earth did you ask you to do? It's soy sauce!" Lu Xinxin roared an angry voice when he heard the words.

"Don't worry, I will definitely play when you fight against the fire machine. If you don't meet the fire machine, you will lose. That's an overestimate of you, and I don't need to play." Sun Jianyang curled the corners of his mouth, shrugged his shoulders and said with a sneer.

"You..." Lu Xinxin raised her fist and wanted to hit him, but Ye Xiaoqian, who stood aside, grabbed him.

"What's the quarrel about? Let others see jokes?" Ye Xiaoqian pushed Lu Xinxin away and shouted in a low voice.

Ren Jingcheng turned his head to look at Sun Jianyang, frowned, squeezed his lips and finally didn't say anything more. He just shook his head slowly at Lu Xinxin.

Lu Xinxin snorted heavily, glanced at Sun Jianyang with fierce eyes, and walked to the side and dodged far away.

After a while, the staff informed them to enter the competition venue and the battle officially began.

Donghua District WarGame Competition Group, the first round of Group C, passers-by A team VS Killing Star team, map: martial arts arena.

As this message was displayed on the large screen in the audience room of the third minute, the electronic synthetic sound in the field also sounded through the headphones.





"Black Shark is a forward and goes straight!" At the beginning of the game, Ren Jingcheng assigned a task to Lu Xinxin through headphones.

The martial arts arena is a very small map. To put it bluntly, it is a ring. There are two Chinese-style rooms on both sides of the arena, which is the place where players enter. As long as players leave the house, they can see the opponents opposite the ring clearly. There is no way to play such a map. You can only fight hard to see who is stronger.

Lu Xinxin is a bull. Before Ren Jingcheng gave instructions, he actually rushed out of the room, but what he couldn't imagine was that his footsteps had just stepped out of the door, and three cold lights came towards him.

Lu Xinxin cursed and raised her spear to block it, but the action was still slow. The cold light was already on her body. At this critical moment, three shots sounded behind Lu Xinxin, and three bullets brought a series of screams, crossing Lu Xinxin and hit the three cold lights respectively.

Three cold light were blown down by bullets and flew back. The three members of the Killing Star team gathered together and grabbed the cold light respectively. They were three watermelon knives about one and a half meters long.

The code names of the three people of the Killing Star are: the King of Killing, the King of Killing, and the King of Killing. With their blood-red fighter armor and the heavy watermelon knife in their hands, it really has such an extremely fierce taste of plagiarism.

Lu Xinxin passed the disaster without danger, and the anger in her heart suddenly rose. With her feet, she drew a red and black arc and rushed to the killing emperor among the three.

Ren Jingcheng was deeply afraid that Lu Xinxin would be besieged by three people. Eagle pupils shot out several bullets and flew out to attack the emperor of killing and the king of killing.

The King of Killing and the King of Killing saw that the bullets were coming and knew that they could no longer save the Emperor of Killing. They raised their weapons and blocked all the bullets.

And with such a delay, a spear in Lu Xinxin's hand "folded back" and shook back the killing emperor by a few meters and caught up in two steps. As soon as the spear was thrown, the mallet hit the chest of the killing emperor.

The King of Killing and the King of Killing understand that if they don't solve the problem of the guy code-named Maloco in front of him, they don't want to help. One of them uses "sudden" and the other uses "leap" to press Ren Jingcheng.

Ren Jingcheng was not in a hurry. He turned his left hand empty and took out another eagle pupil. He moved his index fingers, bulleted out of the chamber, and attacked the two people who rushed up.

The emperor of killing and the king of killing ignored him and were determined to get close to Ren Jingcheng and force him to death with close combat. But they forgot one thing. This is 3VS3, with three people per team, not two.

The Emperor of Killing was smoothly close to Ren Jingcheng, but the King of Killing was lifted up with thick smoke in the huge roar.

Gives! The two instantly remembered that there was another person on the other side who had never done anything, and this person turned out to be a rare supply in the game.

The supply soldier is an auxiliary role in WarGame, which is mainly responsible for logistical support. Its own attack is not excellent, but it can use various means to cooperate with the attack of the main attacker and the deputy attacker, which plays a role of more than 2. The tactical skills of the supplyman are not mainly based on the weapons in their hands, but on the ammunition backpacks on their bodies.

Ammunition backpack is a special equipment prop with a variety of *, mines and shells. These bombs have their own different functions and can play an unexpected role with others in the team.

For example, the king of killing just now is a mine that has been ambushed.

The Emperor of Killing had no choice but to face Ren Jingcheng alone when he saw this scene, but Fortunately, the other party was a speed type, and he was a power type. The difference between the characters made him very confident that he could take the other party. His whole body suddenly jumped up, the watermelon knife raised his head, and a move of "collapsed the mountain" and pressed Ren Jingcheng's head. Go down.

Dunshan: It is specially used for long weapons in close combat. It uses the strength of the whole body to cut a powerful blow from top to bottom, causing damage and making the enemy float briefly.

The confidence of the Killing Emperor is reasonable. Today, when the speed type is already low, power players generally have a feeling of facing speed players as if they were ants, as if they were God, and they can eliminate speed players by moving their fingers.

However, today's killing emperor's "collapse" is destined to break his teeth.

If Ren Jingcheng before meeting Xiao Ou, maybe the Emperor of Killing would really cause him a lot of trouble, but now Ren Jingcheng is not the former Amon, how can he see this kind of little shrimp?

He bent his knees and jumped backwards. This jump not only avoided the "collapse mountain" but also gave a panoramic view of the back of the killing emperor. The barrel of the eagle pupil splashed sparks in an instant, and dozens of bullets were connected into a string of vicious fire snakes, biting fiercely on the killing emperor's vest.

While the OP value plummeted 1,500 points, the Killing Emperor fell to the ground fiercely, but this did not mean that it was over. The Killing Emperor was thinking of himself. As soon as he fell to the ground, Ren Jingcheng stepped on his back. The bullet of the Eagle pupil was furious again, and then reduced the OP value of the Killing Emperor by 1500 points.

The poor killing emperor's name is domineering, but the equipment is not as powerful as his name. The 3000-point OP reduction under two strikes has made his armor frequently collapse.

And the king of killing entangled by Ye Xiaoqian on the other side is also uncomfortable. The King of Killing was about to land after being blown up by a mine, but Ye Xiaoqian, who ran quickly, took out two * from the ammunition backpack and threw them out. In the sound of the explosion, the King of Killing flew high again. Ye Xiaoqian calculated the landing point, quickly buried a mine on the ground, and retreated. The King of Killing fell just when So I fell on the mine and was bombarded again.