Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 65 Tiger Head and Snake Tail won the championship

Although there is still an hour before the official start of the competition, it generally requires participants to arrive half an hour in advance, because it takes time to enter the data card, repair the virtual generator, etc.

Ren Jingcheng and others have only taken less than 20 minutes from the hospital to the stadium.

Ren Jingcheng arrived at the stadium at nearly 7 p.m. Fortunately, he was not late.

Ren Jingcheng and Lu Xinxin helped the crippled Sun Jianyang, together with Ye Xiaoqian and Su Yuqing. They walked into the lounge aggressively and were dumbfounded as soon as they entered the door.

"Why is there no one?" Ye Xiaoqian raised her eyes and looked around, searched for a long time, and said strangely.

"The group of the Imperial Team hasn't come yet?" Su Yuqing said uncertainly.

There seems to be no good explanation except that the other party is late. Everyone, look at me, I look at you, both puzzled and bored. Just now, they have been psychologically prepared for a long time to calm down so that they will not fight with the imperial team as soon as they meet. As a result, they are now punched empty, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

Ren Jingcheng and Lu Xinxin put Sun Jianyang on the chair and asked Su Yuqing to fix his ankles and wrists. As soon as they turned their heads, they saw Ye Xiaoqian standing at the door and looking out. Ren Jingcheng left Lu Xinxin to help him and got up and walked towards Ye Xiaoqian.

"What are you looking at?" Ren Jingcheng patted Ye Xiaoqian on the shoulder and asked softly.

"Let's see if those guys will come!" Ye Xiaoqian replied with a smile.

"In fact, it's quite strange. I just wanted them not to come to the finals in the car, but when I got here, I really didn't see them and felt that if they didn't come, we couldn't defeat them on the field, which was also a great pity. Isn't this kind of contradictory psychology ridiculous? Ye Xiaoqian looked out of the door again and said slowly.

"No, it's not ridiculous at all, because I think so too..." Ren Jingcheng shook his head and looked into Ye Xiaoqian's eyes and said.

"Forget it, you are just sweet-mouthed, and you may be thinking about it!" Ye Xiaoqian's small nose wrinkled and joked.

"Really!" Ren Jingcheng stressed that Ye Xiaoqian didn't believe it.

"It's strange to believe you!" Ye Xiaoqian said deliberately and funnyly.

"I can swear!" Ren Jingcheng raised his hand and made an oath and replied seriously.

"All right!" Ye Xiaoqian would not let Ren Jingcheng swear and stretched out his hand to pull down his raised hand, " By the way, what did the fire machine say to you? Is it convenient for you to tell me?"

Ren Jingcheng subconsciously wanted to say "it's inconvenient to say", but on second thought, the fire engine did not seem to make him deliberately hide it. After careful consideration, I felt that even if Ye Xiaoqian knew any secrets, she would not talk about it. Thinking of this, Ren Jingcheng made up his mind and then simplified what the fire machine told him and told Ye Xiaoqian.

"Do you think Sheng Langyuan deliberately approached Jianyang?"

After listening to this, Ye Xiaoqian thought about it and suddenly threw out such a sentence.

" impossible!" Ren Jingcheng hesitated for a moment and said.

"I don't believe that there is such a coincidence in the world. City C is not a small city. The banker of the black competition is not only Boss Luo. Why did Jianyang find him? Besides, Jianyang was only 13 or 14 years old at that time, and where did he come from to know any black competition people? Ye Xiaoqian said with her hands.

Ren Jingcheng was stunned when he heard this. He really didn't think about this problem. After cleaning up the clues, Ren Jingcheng had to admit that Ye Xiaoqian was right.

The black market gambling competition is illegal. People in this industry are no better than renting a store on the street to open their business and posting small advertisements. They are not only doing things secretly, but also must be extremely cautious and low-key. Even if children like Sun Jianyang want to play black games, there is no way to find.

Even if Sun Jianyang is a "thie" to help others fight, it is a completely different concept from the black game. One is a moral violation, and the other is actually illegal. The essential difference also limits the scope of personnel selection. It is not that he can't enter the black zone after a long test.

What's more, Boss Luo has suffered a big loss before. People he trusted won't use it. In the face of Sun Jianyang, who was only 14 years old at that time, it would be a big joke for you to say that Boss Luo trusted him.

It makes for granted, but Ren Jingcheng feels that Ye Xiaoqian is still too conspiracy theory.

"Jan Yang had a conflict with the fire machine at that time. What else can Sheng Langyuan do to attract him?" Ren Jingcheng said suspiciously.

This time, Ye Xiaoqian was stunned again, but no, Sun Jianyang's relationship with the fire engine had become discordant at that time. What could Sheng Langyuan do even if he pulled Sun Jianyang into the black game? The two of them are very close, but they are not real brothers. It is completely impossible to strike the fire engine through Sun Jianyang!

"Forget it, it seems that I think too much." Ye Xiaoqian waved her hand and said with a sigh.

Ren Jingcheng laughed with him and revealed the matter.

"Damn, those guys haven't come yet. I'm still waiting to teach them a lesson!" Just then Lu Xinxin came over and clap her fist and said impatiently.

"Yes, it's only ten minutes before the start of the game. Why haven't they come yet?" Ye Xiaoqian took out her mobile phone and looked at the time, and also said strangely.

Time passed minute by minute, and five minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and the figures of the imperial team still did not appear.

"They won't come, will they?" Su Yuqing couldn't help saying.

"Who knows!" Ye Xiaoqian said, "Also, we usually inform the preparation of the game 15 minutes in advance. Why hasn't anyone informed us to prepare now?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a few footsteps suddenly came from the corridor outside the door.

It's coming...

Several people looked at each other and found that their eyes were very complicated. Obviously, no matter how much they did, they still felt very uncomfortable emotionally.

No, the two of them turned into the room from the corridor. One is the young man who usually informs the game, and the other is a member of the empire team, who can still face the madman team in the quarter-finals.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Now I'll inform you of one thing." As soon as the young man entered the door, he said, "The final scheduled for tonight had to be cancelled."

Cancel? Why?" Lu Xinxin was the fastest and asked as soon as she heard the news.

"This is the representative of the imperial team and just came to inform us. A member of the Imperial team was injured and could not compete this afternoon, so they decided to abstain..." The young man pointed to the chariot beside him and replied.

"Is there anything else we need to do?" Ren Jingcheng asked.

"No need. The organizing committee of the competition has decided that because the imperial team will abandon the competition, your passers-by A team will directly win the championship of the Donghua District competition, and we will hold an award ceremony in 15 minutes. Please wait for a moment to receive the award!" The young man said.

"Okay, okay, thank you!" Ren Jingcheng nodded and said.

"If there are no other problems, I will go first. Congratulations on winning the championship!" The young man said with a smile.

"Thank you! We have no problem..."

The young man nodded and turned around with the chariot and came to the lounge.

"Is that it?"

Looking at the young man disappearing outside the door, Ye Xiaoqian seemed to be a little distracted and muttered to herself.

"Although I'm very unwilling, it's really over!" Ren Jingcheng took a deep breath, spit out for a long time, and said slightly confusedly.

"What should I do now?" Su Yuqing turned her head to look at this and that, and said blankly.

"Wait..." The answer was Sun Jianyang, who sat on the chair and observed the adhesive tape.

"Damn it, we're all champions. You're not happy. We should make a scene now. Haha, we got the championship. We are the champions!" Lu Xinxin's heart was very big. She raised her arms high, jumped up and shouted.

"Yes, we are champions, we are champions..."

Ren Jingcheng looked at the crazy Lu Xinxin and seemed to infect his joy. A smile appeared on his face, and his smile gradually became bigger and bigger. Finally, the corners of his mouth almost grinned behind his ears.

"Yes. We are champions! Sister Yuqing, we are the champions!"

Ye Xiaoqian grabbed Su Yuqing's hand, showed a brilliant smile, and said excitedly.

Only Sun Jianyang sat in a chair silently with no expression on his face.

"What's the matter, Jian Yang? Aren't you happy that we won the championship? Ren Jingcheng** found that there was something wrong with Sun Jianyang and sat next to him and asked with concern.

"It's not unhappy, but I don't understand!" Sun Jianyang lowered his head and stared at the injured foot and shook his head.

"What don't you understand?" Ren Jingcheng habitually scratched his head and didn't figure out what Sun Jianyang wanted to express.

"I don't know..." Sun Jianyang shook his head again and said.

"I don't know what I don't understand?" Ren Jingcheng frowned and said strangely.

Sun Jianyang nodded and fell silent again...


At this time, outside the side door of the Donghua District Workers' Stadium, the chariot was saying this beside Sheng Langyuan.

"Brother Yuan, why don't you let us fight with them?" The chariot said with complaint.

"This is what Boss Luo means. He has his own reason. We are just his tools to make money, so why do we need to ask more!" Sheng Langyuan flipped the mobile phone in his hand and said lightly.


The chariot was just about to say something but was interrupted by Sheng Langyuan.

"The bonus won't be less than yours. What are you afraid of!" Sheng Langyuan stared at the chariot coldly and said unhappily.

The chariot knew that it had caused Sheng Langyuan's dissatisfaction and dared not say more.

At this moment, Sheng Langyuan's mobile phone suddenly rang. Looking at the number above, Sheng Langyuan winped at the chariot, and the chariot walked away knowingly and quickly.

"Hey!" Sheng Langyuan put his mobile phone close to his ear and whispered.

"Is everything done?" There was a low voice from the mobile phone.

"It's done. There is no objection except Boss Hong. Sheng Langyuan said.

"Lao Hong, don't worry about him. He has such a bad problem. I will tell him in person." The person on the other end of the mobile phone said disapprovingly.

"Boss Luo, I want to ask a question." Sheng Langyuan pondered for a moment, took a deep breath, and said cautiously.

"Xiaoyuan, you are the person I trust the most. If you have something to say, don't be so careful. You are too out of the outside." Boss Luo said with reproach.

"Yes, yes, I want to know why we abstained. We will definitely win the championship without Sun Jianyang. Now that we have lost the game, you have lost a lot of money. Why!" Sheng Langyuan said unconvincedly.

"I'm just trying the water this time to prepare for the C City Challenge two months later, and I don't have to expose our strength. I have contacted a lot of people who are interested in the challenge. Compared with them, Boss Hong is just a small stone by the roadside. Xiaoyuan, don't let me down next time. Boss Luo smiled in a low voice and said slowly.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down..." Sheng Langyuan's eyes condensed slightly and said solemnly.


At 8 p.m., the audience at the Workers' Stadium in Donghua District received a notice from the organizing committee of the game after waiting for half an hour.

Because the imperial team abstained, the passers-by team won the championship of the Donghua District WarGame competition.

The whole audience was stunned for a while...