Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 92 This Day as always

Yan Zhengkuan stood on the square of the New World Convention and Exhibition Center and was very nervous looking at the crowd blocked by police and security guards outside the cordon.

As the captain of the public security brigade of the Public Security Bureau, it is not the first time he has seen such a scene. Such scenes are staged several times every year, but every year he is as nervous as he is now. He deeply knew that the brains of the group outside the warning line have begun to heat up, and the reason in their minds have been gradually swallowed up by the surging **. At this time, they have no reason to say. A little incitement, and only a little incitement may cause great disaster.

Calm down, calm down, Yan Zhengan can't help warning himself from the bottom of his heart, but the more he is, the more nervous he is, and the sweat goes straight down with his cheeks. The weather at the beginning of August is the hottest time. What can the cool south wind play in the morning? The clothes under the body will not be wet with sweat.

"There seem to be more people this year than usual..."

Two policemen next to Yan Zhengkuan were smoking and talking. One of them was on a short and fat tiptoe, looking over the shoulder of the security guard behind the cordon and whispered.

"Yes, this should be 20,000 to 30,000, right? I don't know what it will look like at 8:30!" The tall policeman nodded and also lowered his voice.

"Well, I heard that the municipal bureau has transferred the city's police here this time. Whether it is the police, criminal police or section staff, they have all been sent to battle, but it seems that there are still many people who can't ask for leave." The short and fat policeman said.

"It's not! There is a boy surnamed Li in the Criminal Investigation Department. He is 900 meters tall and muscular, thick and strong, but last year he was crushed by the crowd and seemed to have broken a few ribs. This year, he went directly to the deputy director and said that he would not come here even if he died. The tall policeman said.

"Actually, our family won't let me come." The short and fat policeman said, "The year before last, I was hit all purple and blue. I couldn't be touched all over my body for more than a month. It hurt when I touched it. It made my mouth strange that month, and the boss was not happy. Well, I didn't come last year. This year, Corey won't let anyone go.

"Oh, are you so powerful that your sister-in-law can't stand it for a month?" The tall policeman can be said with a thief smile on his face and lowered his voice a little and said.

"Damn, you sister-in-law dare to joke, find a fight!" Although the short and fat policeman did mean that, it was another matter to be said in public. He blushed and roared unconsciously.

This abrupt shout attracted the attention of people around him, especially Yan Zhengkuan. He was already nervous and uncomfortable. As a result, there were two people here who didn't know the so-called blind noise, and the anger ran to the top of his head.

I was about to scold them, but I didn't want a man with glasses with a work card to run from the exhibition center to them.

"Captain Yan, Secretary Wang said to let people in." The man with glasses lay down in Yan Zhengkuan's ear and said.

"Isn't it only eight o'clock? So early?" Yan Zhengkuan asked strangely.

"There seems to be some big man coming to our city today. He came earlier than expected. Now the motorcade has gone to the airport to meet him. He will pass through here, but now everyone has blocked the road. This can't be done. Secretary Wang said that the governor directly ordered us to release people early so that the comrades of the traffic brigade could dredge the traffic. The man with glasses rubbed his hands and explained.

"Om, since it's the order from the superior."

Although Yan Zhengkuan is curious about what kind of big man he came from and even the governor has to ask in person, where is he, a police captain of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, qualified to ask.

"All units pay attention, release people in 2 minutes..."

With the order of Yan Zhengkuan, the whole atmosphere at the scene became tense in an instant. After the yellow cordon, both the police and security guards were all ready.

The atmosphere is an interactive feeling. Naturally, the tense atmosphere in the warning line cannot be hidden from the people outside the warning line. The actions and faces of those police and security guards fully explain one thing, that is, they are about to enter.

This almost predictive feeling seemed to be a plague, infecting all the people in a blink of an eye. Suddenly, the crowd began to be bustling **. The people behind pushed the people in front of them, and the people in front of them roared and scolded the people behind them. The whole crowd had become a pot of porridge in just ten seconds.

"Captain Yan, I can't do it. The crowd is in chaos. Don't wait. Let him go!" The man with glasses immediately said sharply when he saw that the situation was going out of control.

Needless to say, Yan Zhengkuan also found this sign. Although he wanted to wait more, there were too many people this year. Seeing dozens of people near the cordon kept staggering forward, he knew that he could not wait any longer.

"Ren people go..."

With Yan Zhengkuan's order, the cordon was broken in an instant, and the security guards and police in front of them had no time to retreat and were overwhelmed by the crowd in the blink of an eye.

"Go quickly..." Yan Zhengkuan looked at this scene and couldn't care about anything else, and the man with glasses quickly ran away to the side.

People are really crazy now, regardless of blindly rushing, hitting the head, hitting the face, hitting the legs, hitting the head, stepping on the feet, kicking the legs, all kinds of accidents have been staged, and the screams accompanied by fierce scolding have also begun to stage.

"Fout, who stepped on my feet..."

"Ouch, my ass."

"Who the fuck pushed me..."

"Damn it, my stomach!"

"Who hit me in the face!"

"Damn, you dare to hit me, you don't want to live..."

Yan Zhengkuan listened to the scolding one after another and looked at the tsunami crowd in front of him, but the tension in his heart did not ease a little. The most frightening thing in this chaotic environment is the stampede. Fortunately, most of the people in the crowd are strong young men with sharp hands and feet. If there is an old man, I'm afraid that the child will really die.

Three minutes, as difficult as three years, have finally passed. The crowd of people pouring into the New World Convention and Exhibition Center has come to an end, and most of the rest of the people are not in a hurry.

Yan Zhengkuan looked down at the ground. Except for a few policemen and security guards who were affected by the pond fish lying on the ground and howling, no corpses of the people were found. With a long sigh of relief, a relaxed smile finally appeared on his extremely tight face.

Several ambulances drove from the other end of the square with the sound of "It's over, it's over--" alarms. As soon as the car stopped, several expressionless first responders jumped out of the car and quickly ran to the side of the wounded lying on the ground to check it carefully.

And among them, there was the short and fat policeman. His face was blue and blue, and there were seven or eight footprints on the police uniform. He didn't know where he was injured and kept lying on the ground shouting "pain".

"Brother, you have to hold on!" The tall policeman was miraculously unhurt at all. He squatted beside the short and fat policeman, grabbed the hand of the short and said with tears.

"Brother, if I can't do it, don't be sad. You have to live a good life." The short and fat policeman hummed and patted the tall policeman's hand and said.

"Brother, do you have any wishes?" The tall policeman touched his face and whispered.

"My wife is the most relieved..." The short and fat policeman choked twice and said.

"Brother, don't worry, my little brother is strong, single and unmarried, and I will definitely help you take good care of your sister-in-law. Don't worry!" When the tall policeman heard this, his eyes suddenly came out and patted his chest to promise.

"Go, go, I'll go to your third grandson..."

The short and fat policeman got up and roared three feet high. Before his voice fell, he punched the tall policeman.

The tall policeman hasn't figured out what's going on. His fists over there have hit him in the cheek.

"I knew you bastard misses my wife. Today, I will castor out your boy. Let's see if you still miss your sister-in-law!"

The short and fat policeman roared again and waved his fist again.

The tall policeman woke up this time, hiding from the fists of the short and fat policeman, shouting: "Killing, few people..."

"Captain Yan, won't you take care of it?" The glasses man saw the farce from beginning to end, pulled down Yan Zhengkuan next to him and asked.

"They are used to it. Leave them alone!" Yan Zhengkuan waved his hand and said carelessly.

Sure enough, I don't know what the tall policeman said. The short and fat policeman suddenly smiled and hooked up with him.

"Okay, it's nothing. I'll go back first. Deputy Director Zhang has arranged the security work of the Convention and Exhibition Center." Seeing that nothing happened, Yan Zhengkuan said to the man with glasses.

The spectacled man answered and was about to say something, but he saw that his eyes turned to the broken cordon in the square.

The man with glasses looked curiously. At first glance, several men and women were talking and laughing. The biggest one looked like 278, and the smallest one looked only 1617.

The man with glasses was about to ask what was going on, but he saw that Yan Zhengkuan had greeted him with a smile on his face. After chatting with a girl in a white dress for a while, he turned around and left.

And this group of men and women quickly passed him and entered the door of the New World Convention and Exhibition Center.

August 4, today is the day of the start of the new season of the WarGame Professional League, and also the beginning of the C city division of the Brilliant Cup National Challenge. On this day, all WarGame players in C City, as in previous years, ushered in a new season and new events in chaos, scolding and fighting...