Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 106 Encounter with the Terminator

Whether the contestants are angry or helpless, their arms can't be twisted their thighs, and they still have to compete when they compete.

At nine o'clock, the 13th round of the individual knockout round of the C City Challenge officially began, and the contestants took turns to enter the competition map one by one.

Ren Jingcheng was the 52nd person who walked into the competition map, and the system arranged his birthplace in the ward of a hospital. Fortunately, there are no other players in the room, otherwise a team will be inevitable. The game will take four hours, and it is not a good thing to have a battle at the beginning. Once the energy value of the equipment is seriously depleted, the fun will be great.

However, Ren Jingcheng's situation is not good at this time. The radar in front of him shows that there are two blue and red dots constantly colliding dozens of meters away from the hospital. Obviously, someone has been fighting.

Although the blue dot indicates that one of the two sides is on the same team as him, Ren Jingcheng has no intention of rushing to help. Now in the game, one less competitor is one less, and it is better for both to die together, which is perfect!

At this moment, a series of yellow apertures suddenly flashed on the radar. Ren Jingcheng was shocked. Looking carefully, he found that a yellow dot was standing outside the door of the ward and didn't know what he was doing.

Ren Jingcheng doesn't know what the yellow dots mean, but he has a feeling that this is by no means a good thing.

Ren Jingcheng squatted low and hid between the two beds, holding the eagle pupil in his hand, slowly raised his head to match the height of the bed, stared at the door of the ward with vigilant eyes, tried his best to hold his breath, and did not dare to move, but his heart kept beating wildly because of tension.

The yellow aperture on the map flashed for a while and suddenly stopped, and the yellow dots gradually left the scope of the ward.

Ren Jingcheng took a long breath. Just now, he was really nervous. Although he didn't know what the yellow dot was, there was always a sense of danger lingering in his heart. Now that the yellow dot didn't seem to leave without any discovery, Ren Jingcheng dared to relax a little.

But before Ren Jingcheng's breath was completely exhaled, the yellow aperture on the map flashed crazily. Ren Jingcheng, who had no psychological preparation, was suddenly shocked. Before he could figure out what was going on, he heard the unique crisp sound of the glass when it broke behind him.

Ren Jingcheng also reacted quickly and did not look back. He slid sideways and quickly between the two beds. Before he stood still, he heard the harsh sound of "squeaking, Kara" behind him. Ren Jingcheng ran a few more steps forward, went to the door of the ward, opened the door and rushed out. As soon as he rushed out a few steps, there was a loud "boom" behind it. The door of the ward suddenly turned into thousands of wood chips, hitting Ren Jingcheng's head like rain.

Ren Jingcheng rushed dozens of meters away before he dared to turn around to see what was behind him. It doesn't matter when I look at it, and my heart is chilling.

I saw that behind him was actually a metal skeleton robot exactly the same as the movie Terminator, but the robot's movements are not as clumsy and slow as in the movie. It is not only as flexible as a real person, but also fast. The feet made of metal bones pop out on the ground. A few meters, just a few steps to catch up in front of Ren Jingcheng.

The palm, which is also made of metal bone structure, is stretched out and pressed straight to Ren Jingcheng's head...

At this moment, a strange and nervous voice also sounded from Ren Jingcheng's headphones.

"Damn it, Terminator..."

This sentence was urgent and short, and soon disappeared, but it was enough for Ren Jingcheng to understand what was in front of him.

This metal skeleton robot is indeed called Terminator, with the same image as in the movie and the same name. It was specially designed by the game company to pay tribute to the movie Terminator, but the role of the Terminator is not to destroy and kill in the game, but to protect the security of the city.

Terminators often appear in city-type maps in the game. Their existence is somewhat similar to the police and army, mainly to protect the security of the city and specifically combat the destruction of the city. And the player's battle in the city is obviously an act of destruction of the city. The Terminator naturally needs to stop it. As for the means to stop it, it is also very simple to kill it...

The original design of the urban attack and defense map was to show the real-life virtual reality of the military. The role of the army is to fight against people, but not to fight with robots, so there is no metal bone structure like Terminator in this map.

Needless to say, the current situation must be the "in-law" behind his back.

Unfortunately, thinking about the reason why the Terminator appeared here does not help the current form. The robot characteristics of the ultimate is destined to be an immortal thing. Don't think about it if you don't destroy it.

Ren Jingcheng waved his head and flashed the metal bone palm of the Terminator, and the eagle pupil did not aim at it, but shot at the Terminator.

The Terminator robot has no key points. The energy value is the same no matter where it is played, but the Terminator is not an ordinary armor like the blue-backed spider. Its armor of the metal skeleton is armored armor, which is the same as the power role.

The armor is characterized by high defense. Ren Jingcheng's gun is just a tickling behavior for the Terminator. It just pauses for less than half a second and then rushes back to Ren Jingcheng.

At this time, there are more and more curses in Ren Jingcheng's headphones. Obviously, more and more people in the blue team to which he belongs have met the Terminator. As for the "mother" they greet, it goes without saying that it is the mother of "parent-in-law".

Ren Jingcheng flashed the Terminator's attack and was about to fight back. Unexpectedly, the Terminator moved so fast that he immediately punched him like his head.

With this fist that could blow the door of the ward into scum, Ren Jingcheng did not dare to provoke him at all. He had no choice but to give up the act of counterattack and wanted to dodge first. As a result, he never thought that this group of Terminators was just a false move. Together with the wind, the Terminator had kicked him **.

Although the kicked foot is made of bones, it seems to be very weak, but Ren Jingcheng dares not try it.

The Terminator's kick is smart and tricky, but Ren Jingcheng and Shen Yan have not learned martial arts in vain during this period. They have some martial arts instincts, and they have been on the alert all over. When the Terminator kicked this kick, he already had a way to deal with it.

It is completely meaningless to hold the gun at this time. Thanks to this game, Ren Jingcheng turned over the pistol and disappeared. His hands were under his hand, just slapped on the foot of the Terminator.

The Terminator is a robot, and its power is also full of ten. The power of this foot is far beyond Ren Jingcheng's imagination. His lightweight speed type can't withstand this kind of force, and he was kicked out at the moment.

Fortunately, Ren Jingcheng still blocked it, but he didn't deduct the OP value, otherwise he would really lose his wife and soldiers again.

The Terminator is completely controlled by the system. The attack is more instinctive than instinctive. As soon as the foot is withdrawn, it will kill Ren Jingcheng in mid-air again.

Although Ren Jingcheng was kicked away, his movements in the air were very stable without any deformation. It looked as if he had jumped back. How could he make the Terminator close to him? Eagle Pupil came to his hand and several bullets flew out.

The bullet crossed a distance of about two meters with a shrill, hitting the ultimate head and chest, and the terminator was beaten back several steps.

Ren Jingcheng stepped on the ground and shot quickly, and dozens of bullets hit him in a straight long line.

Of course, Terminator, as a robot, has an advantage that human beings can't compare. He twisted his body completely against common sense, and the large pieces of "fast continuous" bullets were dodged by him.

Ren Jingcheng had another impulse to curse, but good children don't curse, so Ren Jingcheng never scolded.

But the real situation is that even if he wants to scold, he still has time. I don't know if this terminator is the reason why he has no meat all over his body. The speed is simply incredible. Although it does not know the player's attack combat skills such as "rush", "fast advance" and "attack step", it has a metal body and a mechanical heart, so the distance of less than five meters does not seem to exist for it, and a step suddenly appears beside Ren Jingcheng.

This time, the Terminator seemed to know that he couldn't hold Ren Jingcheng close to his fists and feet. The two hands took out two Japanese knives from nowhere and killed Ren Jingcheng.

Ren Jingcheng, who had just hit with his bare hands, was in a mess. Now Ren Jingcheng took the weapon and had no choice but to dodge the attack of the Terminator and think about the escape strategy in his heart.

Of course, the monsters in WarGame's map are different from monsters that have been abused hundreds of thousands of times by players in traditional games. These monsters are more like a kind of player killers. They are designed to abuse players. It is not impossible for players to kill them alone, but it is very difficult.

Especially humanoid monsters, this kind of monster AI is extremely high. Although there is also a certain operation mode under the control of the program, coupled with the power far beyond the player, the speed and defense are really unbearable. Even if the player kills it, there is no benefit, and it will consume a lot of energy points. , it's really a loss-making business.

Ren Jingcheng is also in a dilemma now. I don't know whether to stay here to kill the Terminator or escape.

In fact, after this period of battle, he has also roughly figured out the battle mode of the Terminator, which is only three, that is, fist, foot and grab. These three moves, coupled with its speed far exceeding the player, constitute the basic attack mode.