Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 146 Two Hearts

Ren Jingcheng put away his mobile phone, which was really surprised and happy.

He never thought that Hongyan Xiaobei looked like an ordinary little girl who knew the big man of P.

Ren Jingcheng, the person who called Hongyan Xiaobei, can more or less guess that it should be Vice Principal Wang, who specializes in enrollment at P University.

is about to become a student of P University. In order to know more about the situation of P University, Ren Jingcheng occasionally attends the forum of P University, so he still knows a little about Vice President Wang.

Vice President Wang is a rich and powerful young school in P University. He is a student of the current president. Naturally, he has become a confidant real power figure. At P University, he still has the ability to call for wind and rain. Especially in terms of enrollment, he is fully responsible. All the affairs of the admissions office are in his hands. .

As long as this person nod, he will report a few days later. It is not a problem not to participate in military training. He can rest assured.

"Bear by the way, how do you know Vice President Wang?"

I knew that it was not good to inquire about other people's privacy, but he was too curious. Ren Jingcheng couldn't help it for a long time and asked.

"Oh, our family used to be in B City, and Uncle Wang lived next door to our house. Because he and Aunt Wang were busy, he often asked my mother to help them take care of their daughter. As soon as they left, the two families became familiar with each other. His daughter is also my best friend."

Ren Jingcheng obviously thought too much. Beauty Beckham had no scruples and explained casually.

"How do you know that my name is Ren Jingcheng? I don't seem to have said my name!"

Ren Jingcheng nodded with understanding, and suddenly remembered that Hongyan Xiaobei said his name directly without asking at that time. He felt very curious.

"There are five recommended students in the province, and you and I are in C City. Obviously, I don't call you Ren Jingcheng. Isn't that you? Do you still need to ask? It's strange how can your IQ be recommended..."

Red Xiaobei's big eyes flashed twice, looked at Ren Jingcheng as if he were looking at an idiot, and said rudely.

"If others hadn't said that I didn't know your name was Zhou Ting!"

Ren Jingcheng was quite uncomfortable to be said by Xiaobei, and he wanted to try to explain it.

"Yes, you can hear my name. Why can't I hear your name? This is not a secret of the National Secret Service. Anyone can know it."

Bing Xiaobei then replied rudely.

Ren Jingcheng instantly understood that Hongyan Xiaobei did not want to be more entangled in this matter, but he thought about it and felt that this matter might be related to Hongyan Xiaobei's family background.

He is not aimless. It is almost impossible to achieve the position of vice principal of P without a little family, and Hongyan Xiaobei said that Vice President Wang is his neighbor, which shows that her family background is not simple. Combined with the last time she broke up with her boyfriend in a high-consumption leisure club like He Cuixuan, Ren Jingcheng I'm sure you're right. And this can also explain why Hongyan Xiaobei always has a young temper, never knows how to be polite, and every word is annoying all the time.

What Hongyan Xiaobei just said just made the atmosphere that had just become a little harmonious between her and Ren Jingcheng.

Seeing that Hongyan Xiaobei didn't say anything, Ren Jingcheng didn't want to provoke her, so the two sat in an unusually quiet carriage until the taxi stopped outside the New World Convention and Exhibition Center.

After paying the car and getting out of the car, Ren Jingcheng and Hongyan Xiaobei looked at each other awkwardly. No one was embarrassed to say something first.

Look at the time, the two of them came in time, six minutes before the start of the first game of Group C.

At this time, there is still a long queue at the gate of the New World Convention and Exhibition Center, and many spectators are queuing up to enter the venue. Since Ren Jingcheng is a contestant on the same day, he can walk through the player channel, but Xiaobei can only queue up to enter the venue like those spectators, although she has to participate in the team competition. If there are seats in the player's seat, you can't enter the venue through the player's channel.

"Go in quickly. If you delay any more, you will abstain."

In the end, the silence between the two was broken by Hongyan, who waved her hand and urged Ren Jingcheng to go in quickly.

"Well, I'll go in first. You can also queue up quickly, or there may be more people later."

Ren Jingcheng nodded and said with a smile.

Beauty Beckham also smiled, nodded, and turned around to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

Ren Jingcheng didn't know why he suddenly shouted at the leaving beauty Beckham.

When Xiaobei heard the sound, she took half of her steps and turned around to look at Ren Jingcheng curiously.

"There is one thing I really want to ask. Why did you help me? I know you don't have a good impression of me!"

Ren Jingcheng scratched his head, hesitated for a moment, and asked with a confused face.


"Wait a minute, you'd better stop talking. If we meet somewhere again, tell me the answer again!"

Red Xiaobei was about to explain, but Ren Jingcheng suddenly stopped and then said in a tone full of unknown feelings.

"Okay! See you by chance."

Hongyan Xiaobei was stunned when she heard the words, suddenly smiled and nodded her head vigorously.


Ren Jingcheng waved his hand, said the same four words, and turned away.

Blossom Xiaobei looked at Ren Jingcheng's straight back and unconsciously showed a faint smile at the corners of her mouth. Then the smile became bigger and bigger, and it changed from a shy smile to a grin. In the end, no matter how Hongyan Xiaobei covered it up, the smile on her face never disappeared.

Ren Jingcheng is also thinking about the matter of Xiaobei while walking. In fact, he doesn't have a good impression of this girl who has only met three times. The first time, Xiaobei lost the game, he was very rude to sneer at him; the second time, although he was also wrong, Xiaobei was also unreasonable and unpleasant; the third time, the beauty Xiaobei messed up and made him apologize, and his words were also repeatedly sarcastic, which made people feel humiliating.

But all these impressions seemed to have changed at the moment he got off the taxi. Ren Jingcheng didn't understand why. All his negative impressions of Hongyan Xiaobei seemed to suddenly evaporate in the blink of an eye. All that was left in his mind was her voice and smile, and even the slightly proud princess disease became abnormal in his eyes. Love.

Thinking of this, Ren Jingcheng couldn't help taking a deep breath. He couldn't figure out why he had so many contradictory ideas about Hongyan Beckham. He didn't know whether it was good or bad.

Suddenly, a beautiful figure came from far and near. Ren Jingcheng took a look and found that it was Ye Xiaoqian.

"You finally came. I thought you were going to be late, and the line has been busy when I called you."

Ye Xiaoqian came to the front and saw Ren Jingcheng suddenly smile like flowers blooming. She was young and beautiful, which made Ren Jingcheng's heart beat a few times and smiled reassuringly at Ye Xiaoqian.

However, the figure of Hongyan Xiaobei suddenly broke into Ren Jingcheng's mind at this time and became very chaotic and blurred with Ye Xiaoqian's figure. Not long, the figures of Ye Xiaoqian and Hongyan Xiaobei suddenly separated, and the scene in his mind changed, as if it were a replica of the dream last night, but This time, Ren Jingcheng did not ride a white horse, but lay with Ye Xiaoqian and Hongyan Xiaobei.

Such a picture really broke through the pure psychological bottom line of Ren Jingcheng. The smile on his face suddenly stiffened, and the eyes looking at Ye Xiaoqian also became deep and complicated.

What's wrong with me? Ren Jingcheng couldn't help asking himself.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Xiaoqian's sixth sense as a girl made her very ** about her feelings. At this time, Ren Jingcheng's appearance made her feel very inappropriate, but she didn't know where and who it came from, but she seemed to be careful.

"Nothing, go in!"

Ren Jingcheng didn't know how to explain the chaotic pictures in his mind. He could only sigh silently, and then pretended to be "I'm very happy".

It's just that Ren Jingcheng doesn't know that Ye Xiao's heart has been buried with a seed of doubt. He doesn't know when this seed will sprout, grow up, bloom, and bear a fruit called "jealousy".

The first game of Group C is not actually Ren Jingcheng's game, but the competition stipulates that each group must log in the names and game IDs of the players before the start of the first game. If they are 15 minutes late and do not log in, they will be directly treated as a waiver.

Ren Jingcheng came in time, otherwise he would not have to fight in this game and would be directly punished as abstaining.

Ren Jingcheng returned to the player's seat after completing the login work under the guidance of the staff. After sitting down, he greeted Sun Jianyang and the fire machine twice, and began to look back frequently, looking for the figure of Xiaobei.

Ren Jingcheng was absent-minded and said endlessly. In fact, he didn't hear Ye Xiaoqian say anything endlessly, and he didn't even hear Ye Xiaoqian's voice calling his name.

Ye Xiaoqian couldn't hang on her face. Huo Ran stood up, snorted coldly, turned around and left the player's seat. After a while, she didn't know where she had gone.

Ren Jingcheng looked for a long time and finally saw the figure of Xiaobei, who was seven or eight meters away from him. He immediately grinned happily. When he turned his head and looked in the direction of Ye Xiaoqian's seat, he was suddenly stunned again.

"What about her?"

Ren Jingcheng asked Sun Jianyang through Ye Xiaoqian's actions.

"I was pissed off by you!"

Sun Jianyang shrugged his shoulders and answered jokingly.

"What do you mean?"

Ren Jingcheng asked what he didn't understand.

Sun Jianyang smiled meaningfully at him without saying a word.

Ren Jingcheng sat in his seat in confusion and still didn't know what he had done wrong.