Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 176 How to arrange?

"This is really just a coincidence..."

Listening to the voices around him, Ren Jingcheng said feebly.

But his voice drowned in the crowd almost instantly and passed away with the wind.

People like to join in the fun. The news that "the two male pig's feet in the video of "Breaking Egg Boy" once staged a hilarious plot again" seemed to have raised their wings. It quickly spread from the campus network to the whole P University with the power of Weibo.

And anyone who saw this message immediately left a message with great interest and asked for the address. Then, of course, more and more people surrounded Ren Jingcheng and the handsome boy, pointing out as if they were looking at the chimpanzee in the cage of the zoo.

How to stay in such an environment? Ren Jingcheng said "Big brother, I'm sorry" and then fled. The handsome boy also grabbed a registration form and said, "I'll send it later" and quickly disappeared behind the horizon.

The beginning and end of this matter is indeed a coincidence, but what can't be covered up is that the two people in the video seem to have the intention to join the Flying Tiger Club, which is an exciting news for those good people who do nothing on campus, because whether it is a coincidence or intentional, as long as they follow those two people, it is obvious that Fun can be found.

There are not a few people reporting this idea. There are all kinds of people on campus, and the most of them are boring people. Therefore, the new stalls of the Flying Tiger Club, which was originally full, became popular again, and even the dozen big-waisted young men could not stop them.

Looking at the table that was knocked down and the team members who shouted that their voices were about to break, the eldest brother was proud and felt that he was really presightful. He felt that it would not be so simple between Ren Jingcheng and the boy. He needs to bring one of them here. He doesn't have to do anything. God will naturally help him arrange everything.

Li Cuiyun, standing next to the eldest brother, was full of worshiping stars and couldn't take his eyes off the eldest brother. He felt that he was too wise, too resourceful and too far-sighted. Such a husband should not find him earlier.

So, a strange picture appeared. Li Cuiyun, with a crazy face, looked at the eldest brother with loving and worship, while the eldest brother laughed proudly and didn't even give her a look. He looked like an idol drama, but this scene fell into the eyes of outsiders. It's harmonious. It's not as good as an idol dramat and talented woman at all, but it's like a combination of villains with a broken pot and a rotten lid...

Anyway, in the next day and a half, the Flying Tiger Club directly blew the banner of attack by the east wind, killing other clubs into rivers and defeating the army. Li Cuiyun, holding 2,000 registration forms, stepped on the chair in the office with the expression of the eldest brother and laughed. It was really so It's a lost meaning of **.

After that, the club was pre-selected.

2,000 people can't be digested even by a professional club. What's more, it is said that the Flying Tiger Club of a school-level team in the district is qualified and eliminate the superfluous. Each club has to carry out after the recruitment activities, unless your club is really very remote and only four or five people sign up, of course you have to follow the baby. It seems that there is no need to be eliminated.

The quota of the Flying Tiger Club is only 200. After commissioning the existing personnel, they still need to recruit about 80 people, so the probability of selection is about 8%. This value is acceptable if the number of applicants is about 1,000, but in terms of the number of applicants After rising to 2,000 people, the probability is a little low.

Although the eldest brother intends to expand the total number of the club, it is difficult to say the attitude of the school. Joining the club is equivalent to taking one less course, which is not a happy thing for the school. It is very grateful to give 200 people to the Flying Tiger Club, and the eldest brother is very afraid of training. The director will kill him as an example.

On the contrary, Ren Jingcheng suddenly remembered his conversation with Zhou Ting about Vice President Wang and privately reminded the eldest brother to take the upper route.

Unfortunately, this road did not go through in the end. After two days of consideration, Vice President Wang still refused the expansion request of the Flying Tiger Club. There were 200 people, which could not be more.

I have no choice but to apologize to the rest of my classmates.

The eldest brother who made up his mind immediately issued an announcement on the campus network. The content is generally to explain that the Flying Tiger Club has a limited capacity. Now it can only recruit 80 people at most. Other students who have not been selected should consider whether there are any other clubs to consider.

The students did not have a too fierce reaction to this. This kind of thing is normal. Every year, a large number of people are rejected, and they are not rejected once or twice. At worst, it is better to find a more remote club. Anyway, you can change the club's application at will until October 1.

The job of the preliminary examination is to read the registration form and select those whose information is unclear or those who know that they have no contribution to the club's activities will be eliminated first. However, of course, this may eliminate some people who should not be eliminated, so after that, the eldest brother and his generals Da Ming and Zhu Xin will have a second review. Interview these people.

When the second review is completed, people who passed the primary election will be summoned to fight. It doesn't matter whether they win or lose. The main thing is to see the performance of these people in the battle, and then select 80 people to fill the club.

However, this review work is a little different. First of all, Huo Siyang and Qin Zhengshi. Because of their relationship with Ren Jingcheng in the dormitory, the eldest brother directly added them to the club roster for convenience of monitoring. Then Zhou Ting, a girl, beautiful, has an ambiguous relationship with Ren Jingcheng. Naturally, he is exempted from the examination. Finally, It was the handsome boy. In order to thank him for helping the club attract popularity, the eldest brother waved his pen and exempted another exam.

Always, four people related to Ren Jingcheng were qualified to be exempted from the exam. In addition, five people were directly transferred to the club in their first year.

After that, the Flying Tiger Club began to hold a vigorous pre-election.

It's just that the results can't satisfy the big brother. The quality of this group of freshmen is not very good. There are only two or three people with training value, and it is obviously unrealistic to rely on them to participate in the school-level league. The main players on the club are mostly senior students like Zhu Xin, and there is bound to devote themselves to them wholeheartedly. In the league, there are only two senior brothers and Daming, who are the backbone of the club, and it takes at least 14 people to participate in the school league.

Sure enough confirms the sentence in the movie: What is the most expensive in the 21st century? Talent...

After a few days of observation, the eldest brother finally established a list of starting and substitutes for the team.

It was another Sunday, only two weeks before the start of the school league, and the eldest brother gathered all the 200 people of the club.

"This is the board that will determine your fate in the club in the next few years."

Big brother pointed to a whiteboard behind him and said.

The members sitting below know what the eldest brother is talking about. This is an advanced board, which is a unique regulation of the school league club.

To put it bluntly, the club of the school league has always been an amateur club. Of course, there are no star players, but it is impossible to say that everyone is equal. If you want to let the club captain decide, others will definitely not accept it, so they finally come up such an advanced board.

Corresponding to the advanced board is the club qualifying competition, which is also a feature of the school league club. It cooperates with the advanced board to build the pyramid of the school league club.

Of course, the captain of the club is in the first place. This position is generally jointly recommended by the previous captain and the club members, so there is no possibility of replacement. Next is the deputy captain. The vice captain is proposed by the captain and seconded by the club members. This will not be replaced unless special circumstances.

As for the next three levels, it is not so safe. The starting players, as the name implies, are the priority for the club to participate in the school league. They generally represent the face of the whole club and are the top priority of the club's training. Next is the substitutes. Although there are not many opportunities to show their faces as substitutes for starting players, students are not professional players after all, and time is impossible. It's not stable, so their appearance rate is not low; the reserve players, this is relatively bad, basically only a little higher than ordinary club members, and they can only play with the team for almost four years of college career and have no chance to play.

These three levels are not fixed, they are determined by the advanced board. Before the start of the league, the captain will put the names of the 21 people he selected on the advanced board, and then play three qualifying matches a week. For each win, 10 points will be added to the board. Accumulating 100 points can challenge people who are higher than themselves. The challenge will be played in three rounds, as long as they can win. Two games can replace its position.

This system is also applicable to club captains and vice captains. Of course, it does not replace their status in the club, but their qualification. After all, the captains and vice captains of the school league club are actually responsible for the management of the club and do not necessarily appear on the field.

After explaining the rules of the advanced board and qualifying, the eldest brother took out the high plastic brand and began to announce the list.

First of all, the reserve team members. The seven of them are mostly sophomores or juniors. The little madmen who fought against Ren Jingcheng last time were also on the list. Unexpectedly, most people who knew anything about the Flying Tiger Club guessed that these people would become reserve players.

The second is his substitute. This list has caused a little discussion, because there are seven people on this list, four of whom are freshmen, and no one knows them at all. These four people are: Zhou Ting, Huo Siyang, Qin Zhengshi and the handsome boy who is very conflicting with Ren Jingcheng, Luo Autumn morning.

Of course, such a list must be dissatisfied with those sophomores and juniors who expect to participate in the league, but in the end, the big brother said, "Anyway, there is an advanced board. If you don't like it, you can challenge him with points."