Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 181 Enter the seventh inning

Q often says that watching the continuous moves of flying sparrow Qingling is a kind of sensory enjoyment. The refreshing action, sharp and rapid operation, the continuous movement of flying up and down, and the rhythm with a strong sense of attack are indeed extremely attractive. Whether it is the audience in the stands or the members of the two clubs, they all praise " OK.

However, behind the gorgeous combo, it was a tearful injury.

Flyingque Qingling was busy around the big brother for nearly a minute before he knocked out the big brother's OP value of less than 20% and failed to pull the game into the middle stage.

The damage is so low that the flying sparrow Qingling is also helpless.

It's not that he doesn't work hard, and objective conditions limit his performance. After all, he is not a professional player. He doesn't have that kind of weapon with a DP value of tens of thousands, and in the absence of good weapons, the natural damage short board of speed characters is really indescribable in the face of power characters, not to mention that he just threw a dagger to destroy the big brother's combo. Now he only has one weapon in his hand, injury It will have to be discounted again.

Is the flying sparrow Qingling with only a dagger only reduced the damage?

If only it were so simple. Flying sparrow Qingling's weapon is a double dagger. His attack mode is implemented on this basis. Now with one less, it is inevitable that there will be loopholes in the attack. Although he can repair it with operations faster than the eldest brother, what happens when there are more loopholes that are too late to be repaired?

In fact, the whole game entered the countdown to the end at the moment the eldest brother got out. The loophole between the flying sparrow green moves finally reached an unrepairable point, and the eldest brother took advantage of the gap to get out.

Flying Sparrow Qingling also knew that it was difficult for him to defeat the eldest brother when the weapons were not complete, and the eldest brother also understood this. Looking at the dagger inserted on the ground, the two moved almost at the same time and quickly rushed towards the dagger.

In the end, the eldest brother took the lead by the advantage of distance. He could not pick up the opponent's weapon, but this did not prevent the eldest brother from holding the sword as solid as an iron barrel within a three-meter radius, and did not give the flying sparrow Qingling any chance to approach.

This seemingly inconspicuous dagger became a well-deserved VIP in this game, and two twists appeared on it. The first time, the flying sparrow Qingling used it to break the big brother's combo and successfully reversed the disadvantage and occupied the initiative of the game; the second time, the big brother took advantage of the power role. The force of its defense is impenetrable, and it has successfully turned the flying sparrow green spirit from advantage to disadvantage again.

So far, the game has almost entered the garbage time. Flying Sparrow Qingling has no way to get back its weapons, and the damage caused to the eldest brother is almost negligible. Although he still jumps happily, to be honest, everyone present knows that there is no hope to win this game.

It took 5 minutes and 25 seconds, and this game, which looked a bit like a farce, was over. The eldest brother firmly guarded the short sword and slowly erased the OP value of the flying sparrow green spirit. When there was 30% of its OP value remaining, he successfully killed the flying sparrow green spirit with a set of consecutive moves, guarding this most critical 1 point.

After the game, the flying sparrow Qingling felt quite uncomfortable. It was really Xiao He's defeat. The dagger he threw gave him a chance to escape and successfully reversed the form of the game. But at the moment he threw it out, he also lost the opportunity to win the game forever.

Seeing that the big brother won the game, the Q big audience was naturally disappointed. The Flying Tiger Club, which had thought was about to die, suddenly came to fight back and continued to survive. The audience of P seemed to see hope again, cheered, and the mood that had just fallen down rose again.

This time, the eldest brother did kill the tiger by surprise in the penultimate appearance, which made them mutter in their hearts. They were afraid that this time the ship would overturn in the ** ditch and make a big reversal of the flying tiger. However, when the captain of the tiger saw that there was a freshman among the two people who had not yet played the flying tiger on the game on the data, this doubt He disappeared again. He didn't believe that the freshman who seemed to make up the numbers could win the next competition.

After a short rest, the sixth inning of the individual game began. The Flying Tiger Club played one of the big brother's left and right-handers, vice captain Zhu Xin, and their captain, Gong Chaohua, played on the side of the Tiger Club.

Gong Chaohua's appearance made everyone on P's side very happy. Everyone knows that the strength of the captains of three clubs in the 22 teams in the school league is not very good. Although Gong Chaohua is not the most unbearable one, he is inferior to Zhu Xin.

Gong Chaohua was even more relieved to see that Zhu Xin was playing. They were defeated by the club's first master. It doesn't matter if he loses this game. Anyway, compared with Zhu Xin, his personal strength can only be regarded as a middle-aged man, and it is really difficult to win.

Although he knew that he would lose, Gong Chaohua did not mean to give up, and the whole game was also remarkable, showing the style of a club captain.

Gong Chaohua used his smart mind to cause a lot of trouble for Zhu Xin, and even had several opportunities to turn over. If it hadn't been for his lack of personal strength, I'm afraid he would have won a victory in this game and get the fourth point in the individual competition.

Unfortunately, there is no hypothesis in the world. Gong Chaohua's lack of strength is obvious to all, so it is not surprising that he lost to Zhu Xin.

After Zhu Xin won this game, the game became a three-three draw, and the victory or defeat of the individual game depended on the last game.

Although Zhu Xin won this game, there was no happy expression on the face of the big audience. Flying Tiger was a freshman who finally played. Although age is not the standard to judge a person's strength, he is the first master of their club. In any case, a freshman rookie It can't be reassuring to put such a heavy burden on his shoulders.

Compared with P's general pessimism, Q is happy, as if he has won the game, laughing loudly, and from time to time saying some very exciting words to P.

No matter what others think, the seventh game has started.

Ren Jingcheng took out the data card and silently entered it into the card reader, and went down to prepare, quietly as if there was no such person.

The players from Q's side were extremely high-profile. They waved and bowed on the sidelines and came and went for a long time. They enjoyed enough of the cheers of the audience before taking out the information card and preparing for the game.

Q player's name is Lu Zhe, a junior student. When he joined the Zhanhu Club, his situation was similar to Ren Jingcheng. He was also selected as a freshman, which did cause great controversy and distrust in the club at that time.

Unlike Ren Jingcheng's silence, Lu Zhe is outgoing and likes to act in a high profile. People like him naturally like to make things bigger and bigger, so as to highlight his extraordinaryness.

In the face of everyone's doubts, Lu Zhe posted a notice on the club's advanced board, saying that he would challenge the top 100 members of the club, and each game would never exceed three minutes.

This arrogant performance naturally attracted the attention of the whole Q. Both students and teachers knew in just one day that there was a crazy student named Lu Zhe in their freshman.

And the Zhanhu Club also became the focus of the whole Q in an instant. I don't know how many pairs of curious and sarcastic eyes were staring at them. Zhanhu couldn't resist the pressure of the whole school, and finally agreed to the challenge put forward by Lu Zhe.

The result of the challenge is naturally that Lu Zhe successfully became the first master of the Killing Tiger Club and retains this title to this day, but at the same time, his relationship with the rest of the club has also become similar, full of irreconcilable fierce contradictions and conflicts and conflicts, which directly led to the Cut Tiger Club at that time. The captain resigned.

After the resignation of the old captain of Zhanhu, Lu Zhe carried a lot of curses, because the reason why he was able to be selected as a freshman was that the old captain of Zhanhu ruled out public criticism and tried his best to protect him, but now he forced the old captain to resign is really an ungrateful performance.

Lu Zhe dealt with the words of the people around him indifferently. He still went his own way and was completely individual-centered, but because of his outstanding strength, he still left him in the club, which did not affect his status as the first master at all.

Such a person is actually not popular in Q, but the audience will certainly cheer and applaud for his victory in the face of killing the tiger.

Lu Zhe doesn't care about whether others Hans is hypocritical or honest. He only cares about whether he can become the focus of the audience. Originally, he was very dissatisfied with Gong Chaohua arranging him to make his last appearance. He thought that others could not appreciate his heroic posture, but he didn't expect Feihu to be calculated by others. He can also drag the game to the seventh inning, and he really wants to thank the Flying Tiger Club for this!

It will be nine o'clock, and the seventh game of the individual game will start. The map randomly passed through the system and selected the rotten swamp.

This map is a 3VS3 map, which is relatively large for 1VS1 games, and such a map will not appear in orthodox games anyway.

The whole map of the rotten swamp is a large area of swamp, which is abnormally soft. There are not many hard ground that can pass normal battles, and it can't be seen under rotten and black plants. This map still has a wide view, but because of the deep or shallow swamps, the map looks clear at a glance. The inner bottom is several times more complicated than the maze.

Such a map is still beneficial to long-range attackers. After all, they don't have to go around the swamp several times to get close to their opponents, and they have to pay attention to their feet while making a circle and can't fall into the quagmire. This is an ordinary game. When my family came across this picture, I was dizzy before I started hitting people.