Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 197 Crazy Plan

The news released by Xue Bing excited the media.

Now is a stable period of the professional league. One game after another is going on smoothly. There is no news to do except for the occasional surprise, and the news of the legendary change of generals is just fried rice. There is nothing worthy of their attention, but Xue Bing suddenly announced the name of a legendary newcomer who intends to sign a contract. The media reporters suddenly cheered up.

It's not surprising that the media don't know who Ren Jingcheng is. It's true that no one knows if he doesn't show his face in the news, but his origin alone is enough to make a big article.

"Disciple of world champion Zhou Yingran", listen, what a big name? This is completely a golden mountain for the media. There are too many things that can be dug in it.

And what excites them most is that there are still more than two months left before the newcomer competition during the December winter break. In the history of WarGame, no club has ever announced its favorite rookie list before the rookie competition, because according to league regulations, it is not possible to sign new players during the league. The contract can only be signed when the transfer window opens for a short time during the winter break.

The premature announcement of the rookie list is likely to be "cut off" by other clubs, which is not unprecedented in the past. Every club must find a newcomer that matches the club's style. Anyone who finds someone will definitely feel out of place. Even if it is raised for nothing, it is also a blow to the rival club. After all, newcomers are not so easy to find, especially now that more and more players no longer do it. Professional players daydream more pragmatically go to college or find a stable job.

Now the legendary club's behavior proves that they are confident that the newcomer will not be won by other clubs. I'm afraid it's not only because of Zhou Yingran, but also must have promised some benefits that the newcomer can't refuse.

The reporters at the scene popped out one idea after another, and their hands were also busy. This hand was still typing on the laptop to record, and the other hand had sent a text message back to the unit on their mobile phones, asking colleagues to help find the news about Ren Jingcheng and prepare for the following questioning session.

The scene of the press conference suddenly became busy...

Xue Bing quietly looked at the reporters under the stage and were busy, and his heart was already happy.

In fact, the news about inviting Ren Jingcheng to join is not Xue Bing's intention. Earlier, he just wanted to further strengthen the relationship between the club and Zhou Yingran through this opportunity to help Ren Jingcheng. As for Ren Jingcheng's joining the legend, he has ideas, but he believes that it should be postponed, at least until next season. Bu.

However, Xie Jin, the owner of the Legend Club, rejected his proposal and asked him to put forward it now. The purpose is also obvious. He wants to put pressure on Ren Jingcheng directly to the legendary name through the media.

Xue Bing also felt strange. He didn't think that the teenager was important enough to make the club break the routine of the announcement in advance. However, Xie Jin was the boss. He was not qualified to ask questions about what he said.

After that, the question session of the press conference went smoothly. The reporters relied on the news about Ren Jingcheng found on the Internet to ask questions one after another. At this time, they found that Ren Jingcheng, as a disciple of Zhou Yingran, was really low-key. In addition to participating in a small-scale regional competition in C City , that is, there was a good match in the divisional stage of the Brilliant Cup Challenge, and the rest were gone.

If it hadn't been for his newspaper "Evening News" in C, they would have had nothing to ask questions.

Xue Bing doesn't know much about Ren Jingcheng's information. Fortunately, the reporter knows less than he does. So far, he has more than enough to deal with.

Of course, the news that Ren Jingcheng was recommended to P University has also been found, which also makes reporters feel very interesting. After all, WarGame's professional players have been involved with topics such as low education and no brain. Such a person with such a brilliant resume in school is unique.

"I'm a reporter from I want to ask that Jiantiancheng Club also intended to sign a contract with Ren Jingcheng, but he refused. Why did he suddenly agree to your club's invitation after a short time? Is it because of Coach Zhou's relationship, or has your club always put forward any special conditions?

Xue Bing breathed when he heard this question. He really didn't know that Jiantiancheng belonged to Ren Jingcheng. Xie Jin did not mention the information when he handed over Ren Jingcheng, and what embarrassed him more was that Legend has no contact with Ren Jingcheng at all now. All this is just a self-talk by the club. The trick of media pressure, how did you ask him to answer this question?

"I'll answer this question..."

At this moment, a voice coughed abruptly and opened his mouth.

When the reporters heard the words, they turned their heads and found that it was Xie Jin, the legendary boss who spoke.

I don't know when Xie Jin came here. Sitting in an inconspicuous corner, no one of the more than 100 people at the scene found his arrival. It was not until he took the initiative to open his mouth that everyone was surprised to find that the big boss had always been there!

"Well, everyone knows that due to the regulations of the league, we can't sign a contract with newcomers yet. I just called Jiantiancheng, and they didn't plan to give up, and Xiao Xue also said that we will not formally make a formal invitation next year. Now it is said that Ren Jingcheng must belong to our legend. It's early. The reporter friend just asked the wrong question.

"However, I think our legend has a big win, and we are very confident in signing the contract."

Xie Jin said with a smile and a calm general.

"Is it because of Coach Zhou?"

A reporter asked.

"On the one hand, on the other hand, our legend is already building a new plan to build Ren Jingcheng as the newcomer of the legendary club in the next five years."

Xie Jin still had that expression on his face. When he said this sentence, he didn't change at all, as if he had said a trivial thing that was not worth mentioning.

And a group of reporters didn't know if they didn't hear it clearly. They were surprisingly silent and fell into an abnormal silence.

"I'm a reporter from XXX, Mr. Xie. Did you just say that there will be a newcomer in the next five years?"

After a long time, a reporter stood up and asked uncertainly.

"Yes, our legend has begun to prepare. Once Ren Jingcheng joins our legend, we will use it as the core to rearrange the tactical style of the team. After the current captain Ouyang Ranran retires, he will also serve as the captain of the legend. In addition, we have begun to declare WTP and prepare for Ren Jingcheng to join Let it directly enter the sight of the world professional circle.

"We will create Ren Jingcheng as the supreme Sun Jiayi, Chen Chengyue of Light Angel, Yang Bohai in East Lake, Huang Yin Huang Le in September Flower, Li Xiao in Jiantian City, Wang Tao of Heaven, Lin An of Meteor Tianma."

Xie Jin nodded heavily, and his brilliant eyes revealed a kind of determination to sink the boat.

Xie Jin's plan really stunned everyone. They looked at each other and didn't know how to react or what to say.

Since Zhou Yingran's retirement, the legendary club has not had a star player, which is not even as good as the Meteor Tianma Club, which has always been superior in team combat effectiveness and poor individual strength. At least they have not been vacant since the establishment of the club.

There is no doubt that the legend should have a star player in charge, but what everyone doesn't understand is why to find a newcomer, or even a newcomer whose personal strength is not even clear. This is incredible. It's not a rational club boss can do at all. Ah.

This is the WarGame professional circle, not the entertainment circle. If you want to become famous, you need to rely on strength, not face. Although Ren Jingcheng is really good and fresh, he is absolutely impossible to be confused in the professional circle. Strength, the professional circle only agrees with strength. Now the star players of major clubs One does not rely on one hand and one foot to slowly work before becoming the focus of the public.

And Ren Jingcheng, no matter how promising he is, he is just a new person, a newcomer without any qualifications. Why does the legendary boss look up to him so highly?

Crazy, Xie Jin is absolutely crazy!

This is the same idea for all journalists at this moment.

But behind this idea, there is no denying that it has great news value. Think about it, when they publish this crazy news through the Internet, newspapers and TV, the public will definitely overreact.

Oh, my God, that picture is so wonderful...

The reporters suddenly burned up. No matter how crazy Xie Jin's plan is, whether his newcomer's future is dead or alive, the countless topics behind this are what they really care about. Imagine the huge shock that these news is about to bring, and they can't help but want to go back to the manuscript.

It was really fast. An hour after the press conference, a two-or-minute edited video was online and fell into the eyes of Li Cuiyun, the manager of the Flying Tiger Club.

Li Cuiyun contacted the eldest brother. Unfortunately, the worried eldest brother forgot to bring her mobile phone and never answered the phone, so she had to find Da Ming, who lived in a dormitory building with the eldest brother.

After several twists and turns, the eldest brother finally watched this short video.

Of course, the two-minute video will not bring much news, but the content is enough to let people know what they should know.

It's just that this news is not good for Flying Tiger, and it can even be said that it's terrible!

So, after watching the video, the eldest brother's eyebrows, which should have been stretched, frowned more tightly.