Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 225 Ren Jingcheng Call

"I want to compete with more world-class professional players!"

When Zhou Ting asked Ren Jingcheng why he suddenly decided to join the legendary club, Ren Jingcheng answered like this.

When Zhou Ting heard this, she felt that her guess was not wrong. Ren Jingcheng was definitely stimulated by Peter Stella.

Ren Jingcheng was indeed stimulated, but the direction of the stimulation was not affected by the whipping corpse as Zhou Ting guessed, but Ren Jingcheng suddenly found a new world, a world worth pursuing.

Before seeing Pete Stra, Ren Jingcheng was like a frog sitting in the well and watching the sky, sticking to the world in front of him. Although he has seen a lot of videos and also knows the level of professional players, he can see it through the screen, which is completely different from the real feeling.

As a third party, he will have an extremely relaxed mentality. This mentality always makes Ren Jingcheng feel that there seems to be no big difference between professional circles and amateur circles. It's just that professional players operate and walk, and their consciousness is stronger than amateurs and ordinary players.

But in this fight with Pete Stra, Ren Jingcheng had another feeling. The tension and the stimulation grasped his heart all the time, making him feel that it was extremely difficult to breathe, but this seemingly uncomfortable feeling made his mind feel unprecedented excitement, which made him suddenly With an addictive pleasure, I really want to feel it again, even if it's just close to that feeling again.

And Ren Jingcheng also understands that if he really wants to feel all this again, he can't find it in the amateur circle. Even if it is the highest level of school league in the amateur circle, he must pursue a higher level, even the highest level, but to reach that level, it is a way to become a professional player.

Ren Jingcheng also tried to resist the addictive feeling this week, but the more he resisted, the deeper this feeling was to his **. Only then did Ren Jingcheng realize that he was just an ordinary person, and the pursuit of eternal victory was an instinct engraved in his bones.

For the first time in his life, Ren Jingcheng made a decision that had nothing to do with learning.

If you want to become a professional player, Ren Jingcheng needs to be suspended from school, and may even drop out of school.

If he really wants to do this, Ren Jingcheng is a little hesitant, and he still can't let go of his study. Therefore, he also consulted his parents. His father, Ren Guozhu, was surprisingly talkative and only supported all his decisions; Ren's mother expressed concern, but did not say anything against it.

Although he won the consent of his parents, Ren Jingcheng was not in a hurry to submit an application for suspension, because he could not participate in the professional league competition before the end of this season. It's better to wait until the end of this season and the end of the school year.

Since the matter was not in a hurry, Ren Jingcheng did not intend to tell anyone. If it hadn't been for the purpose of changing the topic this time, he would not have told Zhou Ting recklessly.

After listening to Ren Jingcheng's plan, Zhou Ting left without expressing too many opinions, because she thought it would be better to tell the eldest brother first.

After listening to Zhou Ting's report, the eldest brother just nodded and said that he knew.

A few days after

, it seems that everything has returned to normal.

It's just that more people come to visit the Flying Tiger Club.

Some of these people are journalists, some are agents, and some are rookie scouts in professional clubs.

Ren Jingcheng is still a member of Flying Tiger. Although Flying Tiger is only an inconspicuous school-level league club and has not signed any contract with Ren Jingcheng, according to the regulations, all affairs of Ren Jingcheng still need to be represented by Flying Tiger. This league is also a national regulation, and no one can do.

Big brother has never come forward, just let Li Cuiyun come forward to deal with all this.

Li Cuiyun suddenly became busy during this period, and his status seemed to have suddenly changed. He answered the phone, made records, and helped Ren Jingcheng refuse all interview requests. He became Ren Jingcheng's personal secretary. He was so tired that he lost more than a circle. If it hadn't been for the big brother's order, Li Cuiyun would have almost picked him up. Zi quit.

The only thing that made Li Cuiyun happy was that due to Ren Jingcheng, she also took the opportunity to appear frequently in the media, and the Flying Tiger Club also attracted the attention of the public. If it hadn't been for the school league's stipulation that school league clubs could not be sponsored in any commercial form, Li Cuiyun would have wanted the club to take the opportunity to pick up several commercial activities and attract hundreds of thousands of yuan.

A month passed inadvertently. It seems that the public's attention has made the Flying Tigers players follow High. The Flying Tiger Club sang the triumphant song all the way in the school league and won one game after another. Even the Q-big Tiger Club, which used to be a sworn match, was also by him. They stepped on their feet easily.

By this time, the students of P University have changed into winter clothes. As the weather gets colder, the final exam is gradually approaching.

In order to prepare for the final exam, the school league is suspended for two weeks, and there will be a two-week game after the exam, and then it will enter the winter break one month earlier than the professional league.

Taking this opportunity, Ren Jingcheng called Xie Jin, the owner of the legendary club.

At that time, Xie Jin was having a meeting with Xiao Ou, Yu Dahua and captain Ouyang Ranran to discuss the legendary tactical arrangements for the second half of next year.

In the first half of the season, Legend's early performance was not good, and once fell to 18th place in the league. Fortunately, after Dahua took over, he stabilized this decline and brought the club into the top ten all the way. After that, Xiao Ou became the head coach, and the legend returned to its previous glory and stabilized in the fourth place in the league.

However, as the winter break approached, the players' minds were a little lax. Legend tasted three consecutive defeats for the first time this season, and the result slipped all the way to the seventh in the league.

The club's poor performance gave the legendary shareholders another excuse to join hands to push Xie Jin down, which made Xie Jin miserable and unhappy.

At this time, he misses Ren Jingcheng very much.

Xie Jin's seat is unstable. Speaking of the root, there is still a lack of a popular star player who can stay in the league. Without such a cash cow, we can only watch a lot of * stuffed into the pockets of other clubs. The eyes of those shareholders who are waiting for dividends must have been red. How can they be satisfied with Xie Jin's work?

And after the last battle with Peter Stella, Ren Jingcheng's popularity has exploded without any publicity. If the legendary professional publicity operation, the money brought by Ren Jingcheng is estimated to accumulate into a golden mountain in a short time.

Although Xie Jin relies on absolute equity to gain the upper hand every time, it is not a good thing for the club to make trouble once every three days and once every five days. The so-called internal security must first be settled, and the internal instability, how can the external be...


Hearing the sound of the mobile phone, Xie Jin was still very strange. In order to have a meeting, he had turned off his mobile phone and told the secretary that he would not answer any external phone calls. How could there be a ringing phone?

Following the ringtone, Xie Jin finally found a noisy mobile phone from a pile of documents.

Seeing this mobile phone, Xie Jin couldn't help but be stunned. This mobile phone is his private mobile phone. Except for his best friends, only three or five friends in the family know it, but they are also used to call his mobile phone at work. This mobile phone has not been ringed for a long time, and he almost forgot it.

Is there something wrong with your family?

Thinking of this, Xie Jin suddenly frowned. After all, he didn't turn on his mobile phone at work, and his family usually knew that it meant that he had something important. Now it is difficult for him to call this mobile phone. It is difficult for him to wonder if there was something urgent at home.

But when he picked up his mobile phone and saw the caller ID above, he was stunned again.

Although there is no name on it, Xie Jin still recognizes who called from the number. After all, in the past three months, he has called this number almost twice a week to contact him. It's hard to remember it or not.

"Hello, Jingcheng?"

Press the answer button, and Xie Jinyu said with a smile.

He has a feeling that Ren Jingcheng must have brought him the long-awaited good news this time. After all, Ren Jingcheng has never taken the initiative to call him, and with the relationship between the two, if it weren't for joining the legendary club, Ren Jingcheng would never have called him.


Waited for a moment before Ren Jingcheng's voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

When the event came, Ren Jingcheng suddenly had a trace of hesitation, and his mouth inevitably slowed down by half a beat.

Xie Jin** sensed this strangeness from Ren Jingcheng's tone, so he did not say anything. At this time, the only thing he had to do was to wait for Ren Jingcheng on the other end of the phone to calm down and then say what he wanted to hear.

Yes, Xie Jin has been sure that the purpose of Ren Jingcheng's call was to tell him that he wanted to join the Legend Club!

"Boss Xie, I've thought about it..."

After waiting for more than a minute, Ren Jingcheng finally opened his mouth again and paused halfway through.

"I have decided to accept your hearty invitation to join the Legend Club!"

took a deep breath, Ren Jingcheng said this sentence quickly, and then hung up the phone quickly.

Listening to the busy sound on the other end of the phone, Xie Jin's mouth almost cracked to the edge of his ear, and he didn't put the phone down for a long time.

Looking at Xie Jin's expression as if he had Alzheimer's disease, Xiao Ou, Yu Dahua and Ouyang Ranran looked at each other in con's eyes, and suddenly had an epiphany.

"We got him?"

Yu Dahua coughed softly and asked cautiously.

"We got him!"

Looking at the three people, Xie Jin slowly pressed the red receiver button on the mobile phone, nodded hard, and said with an uncontrollable smile.

"That's great!"

Xiao Ou suddenly jumped up from the chair and raised his arms and shouted loudly.

This sudden roar startled the secretary outside the door.