Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 238 The Trap of Level 2

The glasses man passed the second level, which was undoubtedly an encouragement to other people who broke through the barrier. They mentally swept away the negative emotions brought by the previous losers and began to be eager to try.

However, the tragedy was staged again, and the breakers ended in failure one after another, which made the surrounding audience shake their heads and sigh, which was greatly disappointed. The mood that had just been mobilized by the man with eyes gradually lowered again.

In fact, those breakers don't think about it. The reason why the glasses man can succeed is that he has the ability to win, but they don't have this ability.

With the failure of the breakers one after another, Ren Jingcheng's position is getting higher and higher, and soon it will be his turn.

Ren Jingcheng's mentality at this time was not as nervous as before the first level. Instead, it was replaced by a relaxed state. Ren Jingcheng didn't know why, but suddenly he did not consider the gains and losses of participating in this activity.

The title drawn by Ren Jingcheng is "Battle of Quil Grassland".

This battle is very similar to the question drawn by the girl who broke through the barrier, and it is not a difficult question.

The Battle of Guell Grassland is that the commander of the party who was expected to win made a common sense mistake and successfully reversed the opponent and handed over the fruits of the upcoming victory. To be honest, there is nothing to analyze this battle. As long as you correct the mistakes made by the loser, you can win this battle.

Therefore, Ren Jingcheng is still very confident about the success of this breakthrough. After all, the victory of the defeated party at that time was only at his fingertips. If the commander hadn't made a mistake, their opponents would not have had a chance to reverse anyway. If he didn't even have a way to correct an obvious mistake, Ren Jingcheng would have been a WarGa. I'm a master.

However, in fact, Ren Jingcheng is still too naive. Will the official throw him such a simple question so kindly?

Of course, the answer is impossible, so Ren Jingcheng suffered a big loss at the beginning.

The tactical sand table demonstrated the near-end part of the "Battle of Quill Grassland". At that time, the commander of the defeated party made a mistake and lost the upcoming victory.

Ren Jingcheng began to command according to the information he saw on the Internet and his own ideas.

The previous steps went smoothly, and Ren Jingcheng forced his computer-controlled opponent into a desperate situation without much effort.

However, to everyone's surprise, the computer quickly staged a Jedi counterattack, which not only successfully broke through, but also killed a member of the red side operated by Ren Jingcheng.

This sudden change shocked everyone in an instant. No one can figure out what happened. This is a simple question. As long as you follow the steps on the Internet, there will never be any problems.

Why did such a determined victory suddenly have such a shocking reversal? Will the end of the "Battle of Guell Grassland" be staged again today?

While everyone was still skeptical, Ren Jingcheng figured out what was going on.

They all forgot one thing. This is a tactical sand table, a place that completely ignores realistic rules and objective factors. As long as something is considered reasonable by the computer, it can command its own side to do it without scruples.

But in reality, there is actually a big gap between the strength of the two sides of the "Battle of Quill Grassland". The command of the defeated side adopts the most commonly used oppressive play in this situation. It is absolutely lacking in tactical arrangements, so he will collapse so quickly after he makes mistakes under the opponent's counterattack. Because he underestimated his opponent, he didn't look at it like his opponent, and he didn't arrange any tactics to deal with this situation at all.

Although he tried to command on the spot to save this situation after the accident, the team members had followed his way too far at that time. Without this psychological preparation, they had already messed up under the opponent's sudden counterattack. Even if he commanded properly and did not cooperate with him, he could only get one team member. The end is powerless to return to the sky.

There is no objective factor such as the power gap on the tactical sand table. Whether it is the red side or the blue side, their strength is equal. If they adopt the oppressive method, it will only be a desperate act, and there is no way to rewrite the end of the "Battle of Quil Grassland".

figured this out, and Ren Jingcheng immediately began to command the remaining five cylinders of the red side to retreat towards a coordinate point far away from the blue square position. It was not that he wanted to give up, but that he had to think about what to do next, because in the case of equal strength, the previously planned tactics had been completely lost. It works.

Ren Jingcheng also wanted to understand another thing. In fact, he played a trick at the organizer of the second level of the event. They told everyone that you are facing a reversible battle at the second level, as long as you correct the mistakes made by the losers at that time.

But in fact, all the mistakes made by the commanders in the battle are all caused by objective factors. It is not that they have made any mistakes subjectively. Their tactical arrangements before the battle are very reasonable, and there is no problem with the on-spot response. The real problem is God's will and luck.

As the saying goes, God's will is like a knife. What else can you do after giving you a knife in the back that day?

So failure is irreparable. What these breakers really face is not to correct the mistakes commanded by the failed party, but to have a real and righteous battle with the opponent of the computer after eliminating all objective factors.

The breakers are completely playing video games. The opponent of the game is the computer-controlled blue side. As for the battle scene demonstrated on the sand table, it is just a confusing means. If the breakers really follow the online analysis, ten * will end in failure, because those analyses are also It is simulated and deduced based on objective factors, rather than in an ideal environment where there are no objective factors.

The game official is really like what the players said, there is no limit to cheating! In order to make the confusing means of the second level successful, they even designed the first level to copy the appearance of online battles, so that everyone thought that their level design did come from the Internet, and completely ignored the trap set by the second level.

Ren Jingcheng clasped his fingers, the light in his eyes suddenly bright and darkened, and suddenly there was a faint smile on the corners of his mouth.

In that case, let's have fun!

This idea flashed, and Ren Jingcheng gave an order to the microphone connected to the tactical sand table for voice command.