Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 244 The Idol of Passerby

When the audience saw this scene, they sighed. They didn't expect things to change so suddenly. Zhou Ting, who had the upper hand just now, has now become meat on a chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered by the man with glasses.

However, what no one could think of, a dramatic scene was staged again. The target of the blue side's siege suddenly began to change positions in a small range like a convulsion, so that the blue army could not surround him, and no matter how high the glasses man raised the speed of the blue square, the red cylinder could Take it easy and walk away, and there is no sense of reluctance.

At this time, it would be too stupid if the eye-eyed man didn't know that he had been fooled. Zhou Ting deliberately made herself unable to keep up with his speed and dug a big hole to let him jump in, and he actually jumped in stupidly.

The man with glasses subconsciously glanced at Zhou Ting opposite, and saw that she was standing in front of the console with a smile and pressing her fingers on the keyboard in an orderly manner. She looked relaxed and leisurely, which did not seem to be difficult to deal with.

The man with glasses is so annoyed that he can't wait to insert his eyes at this moment, so that he didn't notice Zhou Ting's strangeness earlier.

Almost in an instant, the situation on the sand table turned around, and the blue team, which had just been aggressive, began to retreat, and a plate of scattered red teams gathered together in the blink of an eye to start a crazy pursuit.

This time, Zhou Ting no longer hid her clumsiness, fully released the speed of her operation, controlled the seven cylinders of the red side to catch up with the blue team, or besieged or killed, and constantly attacked.

The overall speed of the blue team is not as good as that of the red team. Although the glasses man tried his best to make up for this shortcoming, Zhou Ting's operation was always a little faster than him. She intercepted his way in advance and did not give him any chance to escape at all.

When Zhou Ting controlled the red team and cut off the blue team again, everyone understood that the overall situation had been decided, and the glasses man would not have a chance to turn the table even if he was possessed by the god.

When DJ Xiaodai announced Zhou Ting's victory, the surrounding audience immediately responded with warm applause and cheering for the tsunami. After all, Zhou Ting is a beautiful woman, and everyone loves her. In addition, Zhou Ting is still a talented beauty, so she wants these audiences not to be excited after her victory. It's all difficult.

The glasses man was still elegant after losing to Zhou Ting, but sighed disappointedly, nodded lightly to Zhou Ting, and left with the staff with a dark face.


Ren Jingcheng gave a thumbs-up to Zhou Ting, who was walking towards him, and praised with a smile on his face.

Zhou Ting raised her head proudly when she heard Ren Jingcheng's praise and smiled proudly.

"Have you fought on the tactical sand table before?"

Although Ren Jingcheng's sentence is doubtful, his tone reveals an extremely affirmative meaning.

"You found out..." Zhou Ting lowered her head and smiled, paused for a moment, and then said, "We have a tactical sand table at home. When I was a child, I often played sand table battles with my younger brothers and sisters. Later, I began to play real WarGame when I gradually stopped playing it."

Ren Jingcheng nodded gently and was more sure that Zhou Ting's family background was extraordinary. Tactical sand table is not affordable for ordinary people.

And I heard Zhou Ting's meaning that her family had this many years ago, but Ren Jingcheng remembers that the tactical sand table has only been on the market for three or four years. Although there have been in the past, game companies have never sold it publicly, but only for professional clubs or professional The use of WarGame battle programs.

Since Zhou Ting said that she had played sand table battles when she was a child, it proved that it was not a matter of these three or four years, at least seven or eight years ago. If her family had a tactical sand table at that time, not only the family had money to do it, but also had the power.

It was rumored on the Internet that the development company of WarGame gave many gifts to many powerful people in order to open up the relatively strict domestic joints of the card game card, and the tactical sand table was one of them.

The more Ren Jingcheng thought about it, the more he was curious about what Zhou Ting's family did. After thinking about it for a long time, he still didn't ask.

And just at this time, the staff came to inform him that he was ready to break through. Ren Jingcheng took the opportunity to throw away these miscellaneous ideas and try his best to concentrate on dealing with this breakthrough.

As Ren Jingcheng's opponent this time, passer-by A looked quite nervous. He looked up several times and looked at Ren Jingcheng and quickly lowered his head. He seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't say a word and looked very hard.

When the two stood on both sides of the tactical sand table under the arrangement of DJ Xiaodai and were ready to start the battle, passers-by A suddenly walked to the side of DJ Xiaodai and said a few words.

DJ Xiaodai nodded slightly while listening, and looked at Ren Jingcheng from time to time.

After a while, passer-by A finally finished speaking, turned his head and nodded to Ren Jingcheng, and then turned around and walked away far away.

Seeing the behavior of passers-by, the audience around them suddenly made an uproar. They strangely asked the people next to them if they knew why they didn't know why, but everyone shook their heads and didn't understand what was going on.

"Everyone be quiet, let me explain."

DJ Xiaodai raised the microphone to his mouth and raised the volume and said loudly.

"The friend just now has abstained, so this time this friend won without a fight."

DJ Xiaodai looked at Ren Jingcheng and announced.

"Why did he abstain?"

As soon as DJ Xiaodai's words fell, someone in the audience next to him immediately asked loudly.

"The friend said that he didn't want to fight against his idol and didn't have the confidence to win, so he chose to give up."

DJ Xiao Dai explained with a smile.


"What idol?"

"What kind of star is he?"

"He is quite handsome, but I don't remember seeing him on TV..."

"Idiot, he is a star of WarGame, not a movie star. Of course you haven't seen it."


With DJ Xiaodai's explanation, the surrounding audience suddenly discussed and speculated about Ren Jingcheng's identity.

Although many people know him through the exclusive interview of Pioneer Weekly and the publicity of the legendary club, there are more people who don't know him. There are not many young people who can come to the temple fair on the first day of the Chinese New Year. Most of them are middle-aged and elderly people. They just want to see more people here and want to join in the fun. These people are not Naturally, I don't know who Ren Jingcheng is when playing WarGame.

Of course, many of these viewers also know who Ren Jingcheng is, but when it comes to the absolute hand that makes him an idol, after all, he is not a professional player. No matter how famous most players are, they still don't really take him seriously. Like passers-by, they will get The opportunity to win the medal is even more unique to him.