Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 4 Women, Forced Demolition

Qin Zhong sat in a chair and seemed to feel his grandfather sitting here with his father. He didn't know whether he should continue his grandfather's career with his father, but when he saw his grandfather's notes, he stopped writing in the middle.

But from the notes in front of Grandpa, it can be seen that Grandpa himself has experienced it from Manchukuo, but in order to find some evidence of Manchukuo history, he was not afraid of strange events, was not afraid of danger, and always insisted on investigating, but failed. He just started.

Qin Zhong looked at the last few sentences of his note: "I am too heavy, and strange events may not be dealt with. I hope that those with less than eight characters can fulfill their old wishes in the future."

In order to find the difference between the weight of the eight characters, Qin Zhong searched in his grandfather's bookcase and finally found his grandfather's record in one of his books. Those who are light with eight characters can be ghosts and can encounter strange things.

Qin Zhong's forehead oozed with sweat: "Oh, my God, you don't have to be so unlucky. How can you go to hell?"

"Hm?" Qin Zhong suddenly felt someone behind him. At the door, he suddenly turned around, but there was nothing in the room, just like when he first came, only a wisp of weak sunlight shining from the window of the corridor.

Qin Zhong has doubts. What's going on? Why has it been so long? Is it time to get off work? He lowered his head and began to clean up the things in the bookcase, but he took his grandfather's notes in his arms, because at this moment he decided to complete all the unfinished records in his notes.

But as soon as he went out and was about to lock the door, he found that a shadow suddenly appeared beside him. It was a woman. The woman wore long scattered hair and seemed to be unable to see her face. There seemed to be a little blood on her long white skirt and two different slippers on her feet.

Qin Zhong took a deep breath. No way, he just knew that he could see ghosts easily. Did he see it? It's not dark yet. I can't. I haven't seen a ghost yet. If the other party is really a ghost, I really have to compete with the ghost.

The woman stretched out her hand, and her seemingly immature hands were also stained with blood.

Qin Zhong raised his mind and carefully paid attention to the other party's every move, but his hand reached into his grandfather's drawer.

The woman's outstretched hand slowly called Qin Zhong. Finally, the woman said something. The ghost sound was gloomy and crying, "Come here!"

The old man with a loud voice, Qin Zhong scratched his head reflexively. Even after reading his grandfather's notes and knowing some characteristics of the ghost, he felt that the one in front of him was like a ghost. He clenched the antique knife in the drawer and used an antique to cut people, which was really luxurious.

But at this time, some thoughts came to Qin Zhong. If the one in front of him is really a ghost, he really has to deal with her: "Hey, what do you want?"

"Oh!" It was still a long voice. Suddenly, the woman's voice changed, as if it was very painful. What's more, the woman suddenly squatted down and held the blood stains on the white group in her hands: "Brother, please give me a Band-Aid!"

As soon as Qin Zhong heard this, the ghost asked him for something. He didn't have a Band-Aid, huh? No, the ghost wants a Band-Aid. The corners of his mouth tilted slightly and looked carefully. The blood stains on the woman's hands seemed to be real blood, which seemed to be very fresh. Because the sunshine in the corridor just shone, the woman's shadow pulled by the elder.

What the hell is this woman? Isn't she just a person? Qin Zhong sneered, loosened the knife in his hand, and said disdainfully, "Hey, your acting skills are too bad. The ghost sound is too long and not professional enough."

The woman lifted her hair, revealing his true face, and limped into Grandpa's office: "Oh, what are you talking about? Just ask if you have a Band-Aid. My leg is broken."

"What kind of woman are you? How can you go into someone else's room, casually, and rummage in the office? Doesn't anyone teach you what politeness is?" Qin Zhong seems to be educating this woman.

"What a broken place is this? You don't even have a Band-Aid. It's useless if you have a nosebleed one day."

Qin Zhong scratched his head and said in surprise, "Do you want to use Band-Aid for noseble?" When he said this, he really saw the woman's appearance. She was really a beautiful woman, with curvature eyebrows, round face, slightly natural blush, Yuanbao nose and apricot red mouth.

However, Qin Zhong didn't like this kind of temperamental woman. He looked at this woman wearing a pair of slippers that didn't match at all. He was a little painful. If anyone marries such a daughter-in-law and goes home, he will be worried to death.

"Huh? You also know that you don't need a Band-aid for nosebleeds. I thought you were just like those stupid birds. The woman said.

Qin Zhong's expression was serious, as if to take advantage of her: "What? Uncle, do you want me to check your body for you?

The woman was suddenly stunned. She didn't expect that Qin Zhong would come to this, which made her unexpected, but this kind of woman refused to give up. She straightened her chest forward: "What's the matter? If you dare to do it, come and check it!"

After seeing the woman's up and down breasts, Qin Zhong suddenly felt that it was hot and seemed to stand up. He easily suppressed the hormone secreted by the prostate and coughed softly: "Cough, don't you wear underwear every time you go out? Forget it, I'll convince you. I'll go out and find a Band-aid for you. I'm going to lock the door.

The woman's face was already a little blushing, but this time she turned completely red. She suddenly put her arms around the two bright spots in front of her body, immediately turned her head to Qin Zhong, stood facing the window, and said to herself, "What a shame." He then shouted, "I can't get out. I can't let go of my hands, and my leg has been cut by you. You have to find a way to send it back to me."

Qin Zhong scratched his head. Isn't he playing unreasonable with himself? Where did such a wild girl come from?

Just when the two seemed to flirt, the woman's expression suddenly changed. He looked out of the window, and the expression on his face gradually turned into a very angry look: "You bastards have been chased here from my house, and I'm fighting with you." She raised her voice and pointed to a group of people outside the window and shouted, "Do you still have a royal law? This is the territory of the country and our historical relics. Do you also want to tear it down?"

Qin Zhong's voice changed, and there was a burst of mechanical roar outside. It should be the sound of the trencher. It seemed that it was really to forcibly dismantle it. He took the knife in the table into his pocket.

He came to the bedside and his head sank slightly. Fortunately, the woman took good care of him and didn't see anything, but the pile of white meat piled up on it was also quite seductive: "Oh, who is it outside?"

"Forcive demolition, a few bastards found by developers from the underworld have bullied others all day long." The woman said and took Qin Zhong's hand: "Let's go. They are here to demolish your old building this time. Why don't you go and have a look?"

"Look? See if it can solve the problem?"

"If you don't even see that your job will be gone, you will hesitate." The woman did things cleanly and neatly. He put down his chest and limped out happily.

Qin Zhong looked at it and wanted to laugh, but he was embarrassed. He took out a bag of wet wipes from his head: "Give it, wipe the blood first."

The woman was rude. She pulled over the bag of wet wipes and turned her head downstairs.

Qin Zhong locked the door and followed downstairs. Normally, Uncle Fang, the curator, should be in charge of such things, but now he is left in the museum. I don't know where Uncle Fang has gone at this time. He should also get off work at this time, and there is only an old man left at the door.

The woman bent down and didn't know what to do. She straightened her chest and pinched her waist with her hands. The shrew stood at the door of the archives and looked angrily at the dozens of people who came to forcibly demolish it: "Come on, you demolish it. I don't believe it. My father can't do you with tens of thousands of followers in Andong City. A few bastards."

The woman's words stunned the gangsters at the door.