Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 10 Rot Fight

Seeing the big teeth like this, when Qin Zhong and Mengna looked into the teapot at the same time, Mengna also sat down behind her.

Qin Zhong took a cold breath: "What's going on?"

Just as several people put their eyes on the teapot, a yellow, fleshless and bloodless hand actually stretched out of the teapot. The hand is still clenching tightly.

"There is a ghost, I'll go back to my father!" Mona wiped one hand to her chest and touched it halfway. She was shocked: "It's broken. I didn't bring the cross today." She got up and ran to the door, but before she reached the door, she suddenly felt that her ankle was entangled by something. She fell down, and the thicker face hit the ground first: "Bastard, whose hand? It's ruined. I've worked hard to dress for an hour.

Qin Zhong's heart trembled. He seemed to remember that his grandfather once said that he had seen such hands in a cave, but at that time, he still disappeared after touching the Buddha beads on his body.

He was stunned and took it. He picked up an ashtray beside him and smashed it like a teapot.

"Bum!" With a sound, the teapot was smashed by Qin Zhong, and the fragments of the teapot were scattered on the ground, but the hand seemed to have long legs, circled desperately on the ground, climbed over Mona's body, opened the door and ran out, and the hand that firmly grasped Mona's ankle also ran out of the door.

At this time, Qin Zhong had a bottom in his heart. He suddenly stood up, rushed to the door, opened the door, and went straight to the hall. However, when he arrived at the hall, he saw that all the lights in the hall were on. The door of the archives was tightly closed by the wind, and the chandelier above the hall was blown back and forth by the wind. In the light, Qin Zhong You can't see anything other than your own shadow.

Suddenly, all the lights in the whole building went out and made the sound of electric sparks at the bottom of the chandelier. A figure passed through the gate and dragged a very heavy leg towards Qin Zhong.

"Oh, my God, my leg fell off!" Big teeth hugged her head and squatted on the ground and cried bitterly. Mona is really a bold girl. If she has no brain, she may be right.

She rushed out and stood beside Qin Zhong, pinching her waist with her hands very capriciously: "Who are you, are you a ghost? What are you fooling about here? Be careful when I go back to move the rescuers.

"Uh!" After a long, desolate sigh, he didn't say much, but at this time, he could hear the sound of chains rubbing the ground echoing in the whole building. The sound was very loud and seemed to be far away, but the corpse-like guy who came in through the door was dropping meat dregs as he walked.

"The rotten corpse!" Qin Zhong shouted out. This was what he learned from the book. When he saw the rotten body clearly, he found that half of the skin of the body's face had fallen off, and the remaining one-third of his face was full of rotten meat. Yellow pus flowed from the white rotten meat, and the whole jaw bone had been completely exposed. From time to time, it emitted bone movement. The sound.

Qin Zhong did not dare to neglect. He knew that if he continued to consume here, it was very likely that no one could escape, which reminded him of the rotten body behind the old Geng's head. If it really attached to someone, maybe he would be the next one to die. He looked back at the big teeth, which really made him angry. He kicked and shouted, "Come on, go find me a knife. We can't be possessed by this guy."

"I won't go, I'm afraid of death!"

"I'm afraid of death. If you don't want to die, you have to do it my way!" Qin Zhong's words reminded the big tooth, so that the big tooth seemed to have found its direction. He clenched his big teeth and looked up at the rotten body. He still stood up trembling all over and hurried to a room at the end of the corridor.

Qin Zhong was quietly waiting for the rotten corpse to come towards him. The sound of the chain was always continuous, and the Mona didn't know where the courage came from. The little mouth kept flying up and down and scolding.

Not long after, the big teeth with glasses with a large ring and a small ring and an inner ring ran to Qin Zhong with five or six knives of different styles in his hand: "Curator, knife, knife!"


Looking at the big tooth, a dog came to gnaw, and only hear a long moan at the place where the big tooth fell. Qin Zhong was attracted by the sound. The front heart of another rotten corpse where the big tooth fell was stabbed into two fruit knives, which scared the big tooth and skimmed the remaining two kitchen knives in his hand with excitement. Get out.

The rotten corpse that was stabbed in the front heart flows out of the mouth of the black **, which looks sticky, and there is a super acidic smell. This acidic smell is pungent to the brain, which makes people who smell it feel uncomfortable all over.

"What is this? The corpse is sour. Oh, my God, this is a poisoned corpse. It seems that we won't live tonight." Qin Zhong subconsciously told himself that this night was a super confused night, perhaps their last night, a night where they had to fight.

Mona is shouting, and the rotten body is getting closer and closer to her and Qin Zhong. At this moment, through the faint light outside the main door, you can see at least hundreds of feet with chains crawling out of the ground outside the archives, walking slowly, dragging the chains with the rattling rotten corpse.

The state of each rotting corpse is by no means ordinary. Some only have half a head, some only have one foot left, crawling with their hands, some walk with only half of their thighs, and some walk in the direction of Qin Zhong with a face of fear.

Just as the atmosphere at the scene was getting more and more tense, suddenly a white figure flashed from the middle of the yard. The man was dressed in white and a little elegant in action. The cross in his hand waved back and forth, with an old-fashioned CD player with external playback behind him, with super loud music.

"Dad is here, haha, we are saved." Mona couldn't help but get excited, but when she shouted this, the rotten body close to her had thrown the chain in her hand in the air and was about to be put on Mona's neck.

At this moment, a white light flashed in front of Mona's eyes, and a kitchen knife crossed in front of Mona.

"Don't hurt my friend. I'm the curator here. Tell me directly if you need anything."


"Your mother, I haven't scolded people for so many years, and I can't be a civilized person today. Son of a bitch, if I don't do something serious with you, you really don't take me as a dish." Qin Zhong was simply a model man in the new century at this time. His behavior was indeed bold, and such a little courage had moved Mona and almost shed tears of excitement.

Qin Zhong just saw the big tooth throw out the knife in his hand. He rushed out, took two kitchen knives, turned around and rushed over two knives without a single mistake. All of them hit the arm of the carrion. The arm that was cut off was incomplete, and immediately became one when it fell to the ground. The pool of pus goes deep into the ground.

And the rest of the rotten corpse continued to rush towards them. The two kitchen knives in Qin Zhong's hand flew up and down. He didn't know where he got so much strength. When there was no dregs left on the body of the rotten corpse, the chain was undamaged, as if he had a soul. Like an earthworm and a snake, it drilled into the gap at the foot of the stairs leading to the second floor on the first floor.

Looking at the big teeth, holding a rolling pin about 1.5 meters long from nowhere, aiming at the rotten corpse on the ground, it has been smashing the rotten meat on the rotten corpse and the black bones into paste, turning it into a thick corpse acid and infiltrating into the ground.

The remaining two eyes were also trampled by the big teeth that lost their minds. And the remaining chain of the rotten corpse, like the remaining chain of the rotten corpse just now, drilled into the gap at the foot of the stairs leading to the second floor.

Qin Zhong's heart thumped when he saw this scene. What's going on? He looked back at the big teeth sitting on the ground with sweaty faces and gasping, and he shook his head.

But at this moment, from outside the gate, hundreds of chains came in through the crack of the door and ran to the gap in the same direction of the two chains just now.