Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 12 Spiral Wood Ladder

Big teeth pushed his glasses: "Curator, is there such a place in our library? It's really strange."

"Don't talk. Come and help. This handle is rusty."

Qin Zhong and Daya pushed the handle together, and only heard a rumbling sound, but just as the two were slowly opening the dark green iron door, the rusty iron handle was broken by the two people.

"I said you can't do this. It's all rusty. What are you pushing?" Mark complained.

Qin Zhong didn't pay attention to him. He himself didn't like such a fake foreign devil. Because he studied history, in his mind, the part of learning modern history tells the process of Chinese people experiencing shame in front of foreign devils.

He grinned with big teeth. He was thin and saw the gap exposed by the green iron door. He tried to get in through the gap several times, but after many attempts, he still lacked a little.

Qin Zhong pushed his big teeth away with his hand: "Don't try. I'll go to the construction site to borrow a crowbar. It seems that we are quite lively here."

Qin Zhong said and went out of the door. Mengna watched Qin Zhong go out and hurriedly followed him. There were only two people left on the first floor of the archives. Big teeth and Mark were dumbfounded. Mark touched around the gate, as if he were looking for something. While looking at it, he still said Whistling.

Qin Zhong came out of the archives and couldn't help but be excited and surprised, which may be a genetic gene of the Qin family. In his heart, his blood boiled up in his grandfather's notes, the strange events of Manchuria archives, and the things he saw now. Of course, he knew in his heart that if he really devoted himself to the expedition, then what happened just now would be quite natural.

Qin Zhong asked himself casually, "Hey, are you afraid?" He answered himself, "Don't be afraid!" Such a self-question and self-answer, and then laughed self-deprecatingly.

But just as he hurried forward, a voice came from behind him: "I'm not afraid. Wherever you go, I'll be with you!"

Qin Zhong turned around and smiled, "Okay, then let's go together!" He doesn't know how he feels about Mona, but in general, he doesn't hate this girl.

Soon, Qin Zhong and Meng Na pulled out a few large steel bars from the debris pile at the construction site, and then hurried back to the archives. When they rushed back to the archives, Big Ya and the Mark were still trying to push them open by hand in front of the door, but I don't know if the door has been fixed, and it's so stiff. Staying in this position, no matter how you push it, you can't move the iron gate at all.

After Qin Zhong took back the steel bar, he put the steel bar directly into the gap of the door. He gently pulled the steel bar in the opposite direction, but the iron door still did not respond.

This time, it made Qin Zhong feel that what he had done was not right. This door may be a little strange, because he remembered that some places were said in Grandpa's notes, and there were also many strange phenomena, which were not much different from the door he saw now.

But just as Qin Zhong was about to pull out the steel bar, he suddenly felt that the door seemed to have been pried open and opened very smoothly. Looking in, there was a black hole, and a super airflow gushed out of the door with a strange smell.

"Is this?" Mona asked in surprise.

Qin Zhong stayed quietly. He saw that the cave seemed to be a little strange. Under normal circumstances, there would be such a place in the archives. As the curator, he had to investigate, not to mention the ghost events just now, and he wanted to go in and have a look.

Qin Zhong first put his hand in and felt it. It was so cold that he immediately asked Big Teeth to prepare a flashlight.

Big teeth immediately went into the hairdressing room and took out the flashlight: "Curator, is there a hole in here, ha!"

"Well, I think this should be a warehouse, but I just heard you say that those chains have gone into the hole. If that's true, there must be good goods here. I think it's enough for us to play." Mark is casual and bold, and he can feel from his words that this guy doesn't pay attention to those horrible things at all.

Mona rolled her eyes at Mark: "A little beauty is a little beauty. She is always so fake and elegant. Well, people really don't like you."

"Why do you look down on me like this?"

"Okay, stop talking. Let's go in and see what's inside. I'll come first. You follow me."

Qin Zhong said and threw the light of the flashlight into the hole. At this time, Daya first went to lock the door of the archives, and then followed the tall Mark. He seemed to be very timid to go to such a dark place.

Qin Zhong advanced into the cave, and he stepped on the wooden stairs for the first time, creaking. In this quiet environment, the sound was quite permeate. He quickly shone his flashlight at his feet. It seemed that these wooden stairs were still well preserved.

"At the back, there are wooden stairs here. It seems that the cave will be quite deep." After Qin Zhong's words, the four people calmed down in an instant. After all, there was only one flashlight, and they had to concentrate a little when going down the stairs.

Several people walked for more than 20 minutes in a row. Although the speed of going down the stairs was a little slow, they didn't know how deep the stairs were.

Mona took a long breath: "I'm exhausted. How long will this broken staircase be?"

Qin Zhong looked back at Mona and shone on the spiraling stairs with a flashlight. It seemed that the beam of the flashlight could not shine on the place where they began to come down: "It seems that this staircase is long enough." He took another photo, but didn't see the bottom: "Mom, I can't see the bottom below. How deep the hole is this little Japan going to build? A staircase is so high."

"That's right, who knows, but I don't think we can walk for another half an hour." Mark seems to be saying sarcastic things again.

Mona suddenly turned around and said, "You talk too much. If you can go, just follow if you are curious."

Big teeth nodded and hummed, and didn't dare to say more. After all, he had an impulse to go back in his heart for a long time, but he couldn't see the way back. In addition, he had to have some bad face. Anyway, he couldn't retreat at this time, and he had to stand up with his teeth.

Qin Zhong snorted coldly: "Don't talk. The more you go down, the more the tide gets, so let's be careful. Maybe the stair board will rot. Hurry up and follow me."

Qin Zhong himself was a sportsman when he was in school. Physically, these people are probably not his opponents. He accelerated his feet and went down rapidly.

Mark was really right. Several people walked for another half an hour. Qin Zhong finally stopped. When he looked back, except for Mona and Mark, the big teeth were crooked and walked the slowest: "Wait for me for a while, I can't see your shadow. "

"It's coming to the end. There seems to be water below. It should be very damp. Why don't you go slowly and I'll explore the way." Qin Zhong said that he wanted to turn around and go in another direction.

Because she has been in this dark environment for a long time, her eyes have been used to the environment here, and a little flashlight can see the reflective objects clearly. Mona said, "Go ahead, we can just have a little light."

"Well, it's okay, sister, I'll protect you behind you!" Mark and Mona deliberately showed their love.

But Mona didn't pay attention to him at all and twisted her buttocks and continued to go down.

With the light of the flashlight, Qin Zhong seemed to see the bottom of the cave. He really didn't know how deep it was, and he lit up with a flashlight. In addition to seeing the painful appearance of the grinding teeth, there was a spiral staircase.

Qin Zhong tried to go down the last staircase and seemed to have stepped on the water, but the water flow was not very deep, but it had just passed the sole of the shoe: "Oh, come down, this should be a flat land, a very wide place." As he spoke, he shone his flashlight around and observed everywhere. It was really a big flat land. I don't know how big it is, but it can be judged that at least a lot of things can be hoarded.