Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 15 Criminal Register

When Qin Zhong saw this figure, he had realized that this time this figure did not come with them, and it was definitely not an illusion. The figure had a low head, short hair, and his arms were tightly attached to the handle of the electric chair, and it seemed that there were more than a dozen scars on his body. .

"Who are you?" After Qin Zhong asked, he suddenly turned around and glanced at the big teeth behind him, which seemed to have not recovered from the electric shock.

But after Qin Zhong finished asking, the big teeth suddenly lowered his head and returned with a long ghost voice: "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that after decades of hard work here, someone has finally come, hehe!"

Qin Zhong looked sideways at the big tooth, and suddenly rushed to the big tooth. He held the chin of the big tooth in one hand and grabbed the jawbone of the big tooth. Then he immediately turned behind the big tooth, and the other hand suddenly patted the neck of the big tooth: "Come out!"

After Qin Zhong finished this series of actions, Mengna pulled out the cross hanging on her chest. As soon as she went to the big tooth to draw with the cross, she saw Qin Zhong turn the big tooth's head behind him, and his eyes released a masculine and fierce gaze and stared at the big tooth's eyes and said, "Okay? "

"Wow, curator, all right!" Big teeth shook his head: "What happened just now?"

"Well, it seems that it's really strange here. There is no normal place since I entered here." When he turned his head and looked at the electric chair, the figure just now had disappeared, and the whole room had returned to calm, but there was a notebook hanging on the back wall of the electric chair. Qin Zhong looked at it in the roar of the generator by the light. The book clearly wrote the words "Register of torture".

He reached out and took off the notebook and looked through a few pages. Although many of the words written above are in Japanese, many of them are still written in Chinese characters. It seems that the Chinese characters were specially translated. This notebook introduces people who have been tortured on the electric chair, and Qin Zhong was surprised by these tortures. The time a person is tortured, the voltage and current are recorded in detail, and there are some chemical symbols behind it, which should be the name of the drug.

"Mona, come here and see if you know these symbols?" Qin Zhong held up the notebook and showed it to Mona.

Mona shook her head: "I don't know. I only know the symbols of a few elements in it."

Chemistry is a very annoying subject for Qin Zhong, which is also why he can choose a history major with only dozens of students in a university. Many reasons are that he really doesn't like these things.

"Curator, doesn't that fake foreign devil know these things?" Daya's sentence reminded Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong snorted coldly, "Well, that boring guy, I don't know whether he has left yet. I guess the light is on this time. He should be at the door."

Qin Zhong and several people went out of the power room with this book. Before leaving, Daya also closed two barrels of diesel into the generator. According to his preliminary estimate, it would not be a problem for the generator to supply power for at least a few days, so he followed Qin Zhong out of the house.

But as soon as several people came out of the house, Mark couldn't even see a shadow, leaving only a few cigarette butts that had been burned out on the ground.

"Strange, where can this guy go, here..." As soon as Qin Zhong went out, he found that the lights of the whole corridor were on, and several fork were separated not far in the corridor. It seemed that each fork would go to a different place, and behind them, there were two fork. At a glance, even if there is a light, you can't see what is at the other end of the fork.

The eldest man under the big teeth, two big teeth trembled up and down: "Curator..."

"Qin Zhong, where is this place?"

"I don't know, but I remember that what the book says is very simple, and it is also said that it is very mysterious here. I guess a lot of unknown things have happened here."

Just as several people were talking about the terrain here, a voice came from a fork: "These guys are really poor. They don't even take advantage of a pendant. Hey, it seems that this trip is for nothing. I really don't know what those guys are going to do!"

As the footsteps approached, a tall figure stopped in front of Qin Zhong.

"Hey, how far have you traveled yourself?" Qin Zhong asked.

Mark came back. He saw several people come out and said with a seemingly entangled expression, "Well, I didn't go far. I saw a few bones, which was really disappointing. The bones here were strange without any accessories, and there was nothing in several rooms."

"Well, I didn't ask you to come here to look for treasure. I asked you to help with the investigation. If you talk more, we will go our separate ways and don't bother us." Qin Zhong really didn't lose face for Mark.

Mark's kind of Western straightforwardness is really enough to say. Qin Zhong said so, but he didn't take it to heart, but said brazenly, "Hey, I'm just saying a few complaints. In fact, I'm still willing to go with you."

"Well, I'll give you a chance to mark all the chemical symbols in this book for me. I'll look at it later." Qin Zhong is waiting for Mark's words, so that it is natural for him to identify chemical symbols, and there is nothing to ask him.

Mark scratched his head and held the notebook in Qin Zhong's hand casually. After going there, he muttered what the chemical symbol represented. When he saw one, he muttered. When he read it until the last page, his expression immediately changed: "My God, there is really this kind of insulation in the world. Drugs?"

"What? Insulating drugs?"

"Yes, after injecting a certain dose of this drug, a person will reach super insulation within a certain period of time. Even tens of thousands of volts of voltage or super current may not be able to shock this person." Mark seems to be very professional.

Qin Zhong also felt very magical, but he looked back on the chemical formulas Mark said before, almost all of which were poisonous gases and so on. At the beginning of the middle and back, he talked about the formulas of those insulating drugs. This is Qin Zhong's memory. He listened to it once. He really couldn't forget what he wanted to remember.

When this definition appeared, an incomparable hatred suddenly appeared in Qin Zhong's heart. He hated the achievements of the Japanese in many technologies, especially chemical synthesis, poisons, medicine and so on, many of which depended on the use of living people for human experiments in China.

At this moment, he was more thinking about these things in broad daylight. He took the brochure in Mark's hand and stuffed it into his pocket with a solemn expression: "This is the hard evidence!"

"Uh!" Mark, a fake foreigner, may never understand Qin Zhong's inner feelings. One is national and the other is family.

"Wo!" A shadow disappeared from a fork, and the shadow disappeared so fast that no one present saw what it was.

Qin Zhong was already alert. From the figure just now to the current shadow, he immediately looked back at everyone present. They were all intact. Then he was relieved: "Let's go. Let's look for it on this floor to see what the devils did here at the beginning. Mark, you lead the way. Just now The place where we passed will lead us again.

"Do you want to go back?"


"Those bones have energy, and it seems that the energy has not been exhausted." After all, Mark knows these things.

The corners of Qin Zhong's mouth were slightly raised: "I haven't run out of energy, that is to say, it is possible to become a ghost?"

"This...of course!" In fact, Mark is not an excited person when he sees ghosts. At the beginning, he took action. It was for Mona. Who didn't want to do anything less, but Qin Zhong just wanted to find something, so Mark really couldn't say more.

Qin Zhong glanced at a fork in the road behind him and found that there seemed to be some footprints on the wet ground. This mark should not normally appear here. This was not tight enough to make him have a special idea. A few steps were like the direction of the shadow flashing just now. When he arrived, his eyes suddenly lit up. , because there is a tragic situation in the passage at this fork in.