Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 20 The Old Man of Yin and Yang

Qin Zhong asked Mark for the fire engine and stared at the wet chair: "Mark, I have to bother you this time. Go to the power room to get some diesel." Then, he pulled out the kitchen knife, flew with two knives, and cut at the devil's military doctor.

As soon as the ghost military doctor saw Qin Zhong's two knives flying, his body suddenly pulled aside, and the big tooth narrowly escaped the needle.

Mark breathlessly brought back a small bucket of diesel. Qin Zhong quickly poured diesel on the table and chair, and then lit it with a fire. The whole office said it was wet, but under the action of diesel, the tables and chairs were quickly cleaned. With the disappearance of the table and chair, the devil military doctor was also in pain. Gradually disappear from the bitter sound.

Qin Zhong took a long breath: "It's really troublesome. This guy still retains energy. Fortunately, it's okay." He looked back at the needle on the shoulder of the big tooth and found that the big tooth seemed to begin to flow thick water out of his shoulder in the past few days.

"Let's go. I just heard a sound in the corridor next door. Let's go and have a look. Maybe there are other people here." Qin Zhong said, but Mark stopped Qin Zhong.

"My curator Qin, do you still think that what happened just now is not enough? Do you know that the voice must be okay?"

Qin Zhong nodded and said, "It should be fine. The ghost doesn't seem to be able to make this sound."

"Is someone coming in?"

"Well, if it's really a human, it's even more terrible. I always feel that there is something wrong here. It seems that someone is playing tricks here." Qin Zhong turned a corner and looked in along the wet corridor. Under the yellow light that was coming to the end, a man lay on the ground and crawled forward with both hands.

Such a vague scene can be seen from such a long distance. Qin Zhong stepped up and ran to the person who crawled all over the ground: "Come here, everyone."

The three people who ran with Qin Zhong saw that the old man lying on the ground was actually half-hearted. The old man's face was dark, and a sense of death permeated around the old man's body.

"Old man, what are you?" Qin Zhong asked in surprise, because he was sure that the decision was a person, because there was a long shadow behind him. If it was a ghost, the shadow would be gone.

The old man lying on the ground, his face is full of mud, the dampness, and the smell of sweat. Looking at the broken section at the root of his thigh, the exposed bone has been dragged on his stomach like this, as if it has worn out sharp corners, and the meat above seems to be a little white because it is wet and rotten.

Qin Zhong squatted down and stared at the old man in front of him. He asked softly, "Old man, what's wrong with you?" His voice was very gentle, as if very polite.

And the old man tried his best to raise his head. He nodded, as if he was full of breath and said, "Young man, you must help me. I'll keep this breath, that is, waiting for someone who can really help me come in. You should be the person I'm looking for. Don't interrupt me. This used to be a place where the devils do experiments, and I It's their experiment. I can live until now because I'm not a ghost. Well, I'm relieved to see you.

The old man only said these words, but was interrupted by Mark's smoke. Originally, Qin Zhong was going to ask him two words about what he knew, but it was strange. As soon as he finished speaking, his face became stiff in an instant, and his mouth clicked and he didn't say anything more, so he broke. Qi.

Qin Zhong was about to reach out to detect the old man's breath, but he found that the old man's head was tilted and fell to the ground with a plop, looking straight at the ground, and then closed his eyes peacefully.

The old man's body turned into a black gas, leaving a long trace in the corridor that the old man had just climbed, while the old man's clothes suddenly softened and fell to the ground.

"My God, why is it gone?" Mona was surprised, followed by his rare gentleness: "Dear old ghost, may you go to heaven, God bless you, Amen!"

"Amen!" Mark is actually a serious Catholic, so this is the only thing he has in common with Mona.

When Qin Zhong lowered his head and saw the broken clothes, he found that there seemed to be something under the black clothes. The clothes should have completely landed, and the old man's bones had melted. What was under the clothes? Was it something left by the old man that could not melt?

He curiously plucked the broken clothes with a kitchen knife, and unexpectedly two yellow photos fell from the clothes. The photos were black and white, but the people in the photo surprised Qin Zhong.

One of them is a group photo of about dozens of people. Sitting in the middle is the Japanese military doctor just now, and the rest are the devil soldiers just now. Because there are many faces, Qin Zhong remembers them clearly. Although he doesn't know them, he knows that these people can indeed remember them clearly.

In another photo, there is also a picture of dozens of people, which is a group of heroic soldiers of the national army, and one of these soldiers was painted in red circles with a pen.

After looking down at the two photos, Qin Zhong put the photo into his pocket and once again looked at the traces dragged out of the old man because he was lying on the ground. He felt that the trace should lead directly to the hole, or the place where the old man walked was definitely a dead end.

"No, the place where the old man walked should be the place leading to the mouth of the cave. Look at this photo, there should also be old men and others, so if this old man can live until now, he must have a good environment for survival." Qin Zhong's analysis is reasonable.

And those guys nodded one by one, especially the big teeth couldn't wait to say, "Well, as long as I can go out, I'll leave if I'm not here. I don't want to die in this damn place."

"Well, you follow closely and help keep an eye on it. The traces dragged out by this old man should be the road. Don't go the wrong way." Qin Zhong said.

Everyone nervously followed the traces dragged by the old man to the end of the corridor.

Just as Qin Zhong and others passed through a hall, the scene here made Qin Zhong couldn't help but raise his hair. He didn't know whether it was fear or sympathy, or anger and sadness: "This is simply more than a dozen evidence of Japanese fighting against Chinese people at will."

Because Qin Zhong saw glass cabinets in this hall, each cabinet has various bacterial names, one in Japanese, and a string of English below.

And the top of each glass tube is filled with thick black and green mold. Qin Zhong's first reaction was to protect this place and wait for all the evidence here to be released to the public in the future, so that those who do not know history will always have hostility to their enemies.

However, Qin Zhong suddenly found a problem. It seems that someone has deliberately cleaned up on each glass cover, because decades of things should become invisible at this time. It can't be like this. He didn't think much about it. He took a glass cover and let Mark hold it. The man hurriedly continued to follow the trace.

At this time, the sound of iron chains pulling the iron gate, and the clattering movement is indeed uncomfortable.

Qin Zhong listened to the sound that seemed to come from the end of the trace. He saw a flash of waiting in the corridor: "No, our diesel has just been used a little too much. The light of the flashlight is not enough for us to get out of here and run with me quickly."

Several people changed from walking to running. The speed of the two was extraordinary and rushed out in a hurry. There was only the sound of their footsteps in the whole corridor, as well as the sound of the chain door. The two sounds were intertwined, making the whole corridor less peaceful. Just after Qin Zhong turned a few corners, he heard that The sound of the iron gate was getting closer and closer. When they turned another corner, suddenly the sound of the iron gate stood up, and a few bright lights shone from the end they could see.

"hole!" Qin Zhong and others were very excited. They seemed to see hope, and then several people approached the entrance of the cave more quickly.