Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 23 With Soul Needle Poison

Seeing the thick yellow water flowing from the mouth of big teeth, Qin Zhong and Han Jun are dumbfounded, because the last warning of this paragraph of the ghost doctor's manual is that if the patient has yellow water after treatment with this method, he must immediately stop the drug, proving that the patient's main lesion is not here.

"What?" Han Jun stared straight.

Qin Zhong whispered, "It's bad. It seems that the cause of big teeth is really not here, is it?" He made a comprehensive judgment based on everything that happened after coming out of the 137 cave. Suddenly, he felt that the problem should be on the syringe. Then he asked, "Where is the syringe on his body just now?"

"Needles? Does he have a needle on his shoulder? Han Jun stared at Qin Zhong with a firm and surprised look.

Qin Zhong was suddenly stunned: "Didn't you see the syringe on his shoulder?"

"No, he didn't have a needle on his shoulder since you went to the hospital. Didn't you also have hallucinations?" Han Jun seems to understand these things.

Qin Zhong felt something was wrong. From the change in the content of the photo and the sudden loss of the needle tube, which added a mystery to the virus on Big Teeth, because he had never seen a similar introduction in any book. Does he need to solve the physical problems of Big Teeth himself this time? He was silent, holding his chin in one hand and muttering, "Dams, I've worked so hard that I'm not good."

"Did you bring something out of the hole?" Han Jun asked, and turned around and said paradoxically, "It's impossible. Even if you bring something back, that unclean thing can't enter my house!"

"If he doesn't enter, what if he just leaves the soul of the big teeth outside?" Qin Zhong thought of it.

Han Jun scratched his head: "Oh, that's right. I'm really confused. It seems that the ghost that follows is not simple!"

"It's not easy." Qin Zhong said that he seemed to stop his words. He suddenly thought of the various situations encountered in the cave, but no matter how he thought about it, he felt that someone in the cave seemed to have done something there, especially the section that came out of the cave. There was obviously someone moving the iron door. Fortunately, the iron gate was old and rusty enough. Only a few people escaped from danger, but at present, this big tooth problem is urgent and must be solved immediately.

Qin Zhong thought of this and simply said, "Let's go out immediately. The guy who came out will not be far away from us. It should be at the gate of your yard."

"Wait, if you want to see them, you have to wait until after midnight. At this time, you can't go out and see them." Han Jun said.

Qin Zhong sneered and said, "My ghost eyes are open. Am I afraid of where he is hiding?" He said that he grabbed a few pieces of powder from the small wooden box, rubbed it on his two kitchen knives, and rushed out with a kitchen knife.

Han Jun immediately took his guy's business, turned around and told Mona and Mark to take care of their big teeth, and immediately rushed out of the yard.

After Qin Zhong left the yard, the two kitchen knives looked particularly dazzling in the sun at dusk. Coupled with the various powder he had just applied on the knife, the light reflected by this can be said to be colorful. He opened his eyes wide and looked around. After all, Qin Zhong's ghost eyes still saw many things that were difficult for ordinary people to find, but after looking around, he did not find anything.

"Qin Zhong, have you found anything?" The Korean army ran out breathlessly.

Qin Zhong shook his head, and his eyes didn't stop and glanced at the place he didn't see just now, but he still didn't see anything: "It's strange that these ghosts really have two things. I can't see them?"

"Don't worry. It seems that the ghost who came this time is a cunning ghost. Since he can come to me, my Han Jun can't let him go happily." Han Jun seemed to have a special hatred for ghosts, but he didn't know where his reason was. Qin Zhong didn't ask much, but just took a step back.

"I feel something is wrong, Uncle Han, are you really so sure about your yard?" Qin Zhong didn't know why he had doubts about the ghost avoidance function of the Korean army's yard.

Although Han Jun was a little dissatisfied with Qin Zhong's words, he still did not show it. He just smiled faintly and said, "To be honest, there is really no ghost in my yard, unless in some gloomy night, such as seven stars."

As soon as Qin Zhong heard this, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky. There seemed to be nothing unusual. He seemed to be a little depressed. The injury of the big tooth seemed to have reached an impasse.

Han Jun also looked up at the sky and pinched, "That's not right. It's reasonable to wait for a month for this year's Tiangou to eat the moon, and it's not today. Where is that ghost?"

"There must be a ghost?" Qin Zhong asked loudly.

"Yes, the soul of the big tooth must be near here, otherwise, if his soul goes away, the big tooth will be dead." Han Jun said.

When Qin Zhong was helpless, he was about to turn around and leave. While pushing the door with his hand, he suddenly found that there was a red shoe outside the wooden wall in the yard. He was stunned, rubbed his eyes, and saw that a foot suddenly stretched out slowly in the red shoes.

As soon as he saw this, he raised his hand and it was a knife. The blade was just on the ankle of the red shoes, and the blade shot out of Mars. When Qin Zhong looked at it again, he suddenly found that the foot just now had disappeared, and a medical needle appeared in the corner. He immediately reached out and picked up the needle.

"Hmm, that's you. Let's see how you run in my hands this time." Qin Zhongyan said.

When the Han army saw Qin Zhong's behavior, he immediately turned out a candle. After lighting it with fire, he stretched the flame of the candle to the needle, and the flame of the candle creaked out a sound like gunpowder.

Then Han Jun smiled proudly and said, "Xiao Zhong, that's right, that's it."

"How do you know that a candle can do it?" Qin Zhong is puzzled.

Han Jun said, "Normal candles will not make the squeaky sound just now. Only those things that can't stand in the flames can try to put out the fire."

"That's good. Don't be late. Take him in quickly."

"What? Go in? You don't want the life of Daya anymore.

Qin Zhong questioned, "Why don't you want his life? Is your yard still guarding against the souls of living people?"

"This is not necessarily the best, but we'd better be careful." The Korean army is very careful.

Qin Zhong lowered his head and meditated for a while and muttered in a low voice, "If you take him in, Big Teeth will have a chance to survive. If you don't take him in, he won't survive at all. What do you think I should choose?"

"Well, you put the needle in my box, so that he can't run away, and he may not want to make trouble." The Korean army is very confident.

Qin Zhong took two kitchen knives in his hand and followed Han Jun into the yard. As soon as he entered the house, he found that Mona and Mark seemed to be eating something.

The Korean army was shocked: "What are you eating?"

The two did not reply. As soon as Qin Zhong saw something wrong, Mark's eyes had lost color, and Mona's face under the explosion turned pale: "You spit it out." As he spoke, the other end rushed in and patted the back of the two people's heads with cinnabar powder on his palms: "Wake up."

"Cough!" Not to mention, two shadows disappeared from the top of Mark and Mona's heads, and dripping sweat suddenly appeared on their foreheads.

"Spit it out, spit it out, look what you eat?" Han Jun immediately grabbed the two people's cheeks, and Mona and Mark protruded some black things from their mouths one after another.

Qin Zhong looked at the big teeth that were still in a coma, which was still the same as before, without any change. He turned around and asked Mona, "Who gave you something to eat?"

"It's the aunt here. A large plate of fruit broke from upstairs for us to eat, and we ate it. That's it after eating!" Mona said with her finger on the table: "Look!" When he said this, he was suddenly shocked: "How could this happen?"

Han Jun looked at the things on the coffee table. There was a pile of black coal on the iron plate on the coffee table. There seemed to be some toad corpses, some flying insects, and maggot-filled animal viscera on the coal. Everyone present was stupid.