Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 30 Human Fighting

Qin Zhong was talking, and his eyes suddenly turned to the head where the white bone rolled to the ground. He actually found a strange thing in his head. It was round and half the size of a palm, which seemed to be the so-called ghost beads he saw at the beginning. How could there be such a thing in this skull?

"Avoid ghost beads?" Han Jun also saw that kind of thing.

The female ghost was angry: "Where did the ghost beads come from in my bones? It's not who put them in it."

"Oh, you have wronged us. You said that you are a big-minded person. As for what, there is something you can't think about? If it weren't for me, you would have been accepted by others long ago."

"Don't sell the customs there. I don't like you. I just want to know where the ghost beads come from." The woman's unrelent look made Han Jun angry.

Han Jun took out a pair of glasses from his pocket and looked at some information on the mobile phone he carried with him. After hiding for a while, the female ghost said, "You planted ghost beads in our place, and the ghost beads are followed in your soul. This time you have to go back. The soul body has just entered the bones. Of course, the ghost beads will have to find a new owner. Sinking in your white bones."

"What? You said that I put the ghost beads into the bones by myself. Do you want me to throw my bones?

Qin Zhong had no choice but to refute: "Well, when your ashes are buried, you can go back to the urn and deposit them for seven or 49 days, and then you can return to reincarnation normally. I hope you can give birth to a good family in Tuosheng. It's useless to say more. Come back."

"You? If you burn my bones to ashes, I really can't go back!"

"What are you going back to do? Do you still want to make trouble?" Qin Zhong was ready to swear. Later, he thought that they were all ghosts. He was so pitiful that he gave up.

Big teeth looked dumbfounded and asked in a daze, "Curator, he is a ghost!"

"What's wrong with the ghost?"

"Aren't you afraid of her?"

Qin Zhong laughed and said, "We are afraid of what he will do. We will be ghosts in a few decades. Will others be afraid of us at that time?"

The female ghost seems to cry. The sound of ghost crying is really unbearable. As the so-called ghost crying, there is no good movement.

Qin Zhong waved his hand, and then arched his hand and said, "Sister Ghost, it's me, Qin Zhong, please don't cry. Your voice is too annoying. Let's do what we said at the beginning. You have to give me some time so that I can finish what I should do here?"

The female ghost seems to be full of tears. In fact, when a woman cries, she is not so beautiful, but when the female ghost cries, except for the sound that can break people's hearts, at least nothing ugly.

Qin Zhong opened the bag full of his husband's white bones, pointed to the white bones inside and said, "Oh, I'll throw your bones here. Go back."

The female ghost is heartless this time. At least her husband's bones are in front of her, and there is no reason not to approach it. Qin Zhong didn't care about anything else. He stuffed the woman's bones into the white bone bag and secretly took out the ghost beads from the female ghost's skull.

At this moment, the female ghost has flown back into the needle tube. Qin Zhong put away the cardboard box again and took a breath. His breath was not good. As soon as he came out, the light in the room lit up. The four people blinked in surprise and inspected the whole room. This is indeed a place that can be used as evidence, and the walls of the room are still There are gas valves that release poison gas, and several gas masks on a broken wooden cabinet, which looks rotten.

"It seems that this is a poison gas laboratory. These little devils are really perverts." Qin Zhong couldn't help sighing.

The four people collected the information in the house and went to the end of the whole map. When they had almost collected the evidence of the whole underground cave, they found that there was a road underground that led to the outside, but it seemed to be in disrepair and seemed to be of little use.

Qin Zhong followed the direction of the light and the wind: "Follow me, you should find a place to go out."

However, after walking for more than ten minutes, they found a large tightened iron gate, where the iron gate does not seem to have been opened for 180 years, but through the rusty cracks of the iron gate, you can completely feel the wind blowing and grass, and through those rusty holes, you can see the light outside.

"That's it. Come on, help break the iron door." The South Korean army and Daya tried to open the rusty bolt on the iron gate, but they failed.

Qin Zhong picked up an iron bar that was almost rusting from the door and poked the iron bar into the iron plates on the iron door a few times. The door panels were poked out one by one, and then he shouted big teeth: "Come on, remove this piece below and let's climb out."

"Uh! All right!" Daya knew that such a job was inseparable from him.

Mona smiled. Qin Zhong saw that the big tooth was successful and climbed out first. Several people climbed out of the door smoothly. Outside the door, they found that the number of the cave was really written "137" on the door.

Several people walked for a long time. When he came out of the front road of the cave, there was a light outside, but there were several cars at the entrance of the entrance of the road. When they went out, they found that this was actually a parking lot, which was also the end of the northernmost road of Qinglong Mountain. It was normal to set up a parking lot here.

The caretator in the parking lot felt very strange when he saw the people coming out of it. After careful inspection, he called the two people to ask, "Hey, what do you guys do?"

Qin Zhong and others paused and looked at each other: "What do we do? Passing by!"

"Nonsense, I clearly saw you coming out of the hole and said, when did you go in and what did you go in?"

Qin Zhong sighed helplessly: "You don't know when we went in, which means that you have dereliction of duty. If I am your boss, you can be laid off. Since you don't know when we went in, you don't know what we do. Are you rubbish, or do you think I don't know anything?

The two were speechless when Qin Zhong said this. They blinked and stared at Qin Zhong. Qin Zhong sneered, "Don't waste time with us. We don't steal cars. It's over if you don't lose the cars you take care of, but I have one thing to remind you." He lowered his voice and said close to the two people and said in a low voice, "Oh, that cave really doesn't matter. There's a ghost in it!"

When the two people watching the car heard this, their faces turned pale with fear. Coupled with the long voice of Qin Zhong, it made the haunted atmosphere stronger. After saying this, the four people left lightly.

After a long journey, Qin Zhong and others bypassed the mountain road and arrived at the other end of the 137 cave, that is, where someone put down the iron gate that day. This time, this time, this place was repaired by Qin Zhong. When they were in place, a person came out from behind them.

"Curator Qin Zhong, my task has been completed. A guy just went in. Do you think we will lock him in or wait for him to come out?" It was Mark who was talking. When Qin Zhong was about to enter the 137 cave again, he had already informed Mark to come here, find someone to repair the iron gate, and asked Mark to install a camera here to make a record.

Qin Zhong looked at the iron gate: "Well, I think it's better to close the iron gate. I think with these video evidence, I'm not afraid that this person will not show his original shape at that time."

"If it is closed, that person can't come out!" Mark is still worried about this.

Qin Zhong smiled and said, "This is not a problem. I think there should be another way for this guy. If he really dies in it, it should be his life."

Mark was really happy. Hearing Qin Zhong's words, he immediately pressed the button in his hand. The iron door fell down, and in an instant, the iron gate sealed the hole to death. It was estimated that it was very difficult for even for a fly to fly out.

Qin Zhong took off the monitoring DV hanging on the tree. After looking at it a few times, he didn't see anything in the dozens of minutes of the still picture in front of him, but when he saw someone appear, he found a figure, who suddenly reminded him of a person.