Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 36 Fox Shadow

Qin Zhong still had time to watch his antique dagger at this time: "I really don't know how much it is worth, but there is always a feeling that I can't put it down."

Just thinking, a man suddenly rushed out of the yard. As soon as he went out, he touched him left and right. After seeing Qin Zhong, he seemed to be crazy and waved his hands in the air.

The antique short dagger in Qin Zhong's hand suddenly pierced the person, and a knife scratched the neck of the person. When he turned around, it was another knife and scratched the shoulder of the person.

"Hirth!" The person seemed to be in pain and squatted down.

The person who came was Uncle Da. The two tooth marks on his shoulder, coupled with the rotten pile of intuitive meat, were cut off by Qin Zhong. At the time of the last knife, the pile of rotten meat was picked away by Qin Zhong's short dagger.

Qin Zhong's move is called picking poison meat, which is in the ghost doctor manual given to him by the Korean army, but this requires the caster's knife to be extremely accurate and fast, but Qin Zhong did it.

After Qin Zhong solved these, he saw that Uncle Da fainted in pain. He bandaged Uncle Da's wound and then put it in the corner of the wall and fell into a coma first.

Before long, the backyard of the ancestral hall began to show fire. Gradually, the firelight rose to the sky. Only people outside shouted and shouted: "Ancestors, it's time for you to change places. Everything will depend on you in the future. You can't count on our juniors."

As soon as Qin Zhong heard this, he suddenly remembered that the old Geng hadn't come back for so long. This was very strange. His head would not be kicked so far by himself. Besides, it had been dozens of minutes, and the old Geng had not come back yet, which made Qin Zhong suspicious.

He immediately got up and checked the place where Lao Geng jumped over, but he turned around and didn't find any of Lao Geng. This is broken. If he can't burn Lao Geng's body and the watery shaman cemetery, he can't solve some secrets on Lao Geng's body, so it's important to create Lao Geng's body as soon as possible. The most important.

Just as Qin Zhong was looking for the old man, he suddenly found a shadow in the back of the woods through the moonlight. This shadow looked thinly with a pointed mouth, two triangular ears, long tail, and waves of fox coquettishness from time to time.

"Fox Shadow?" Qin Zhong was stunned. Just as he looked at the fox shadow, a huge hand shadow appeared behind the fox shadow. The hand shadow had long nails, like a sharp blade. Suddenly, the sharp blade waved crazily, and from time to time, the muffled sound came to Qin Zhong's ears.

Qin Zhong looked at the sound. It turned out to be the old Geng. His hands were straight, as if he were eating something. The eating posture seemed to be driven crazy by hunger. After a while, an object was suddenly skimmed out by him.

But the strange thing is that this time Lao Geng's body jumped backwards and jumped to himself. Qin Zhong's eyes widened and saw Lao Geng's appearance clearly. It turned out that he had just split Lao Geng's head. When he took it back, he was picked up by Lao Geng himself, so he could only jump backwards, and his hands could only stretch backwards.

If a normal person stretches his arm backwards, his flexibility will be extremely good, but the zombie's arm seems to be very normal in turn.

Qin Zhong waited for Lao Geng to come to himself. He pulled out the antique dagger just now and shouted at Lao Geng, "Lao Geng, your nest has been burned dry. If you don't go back to see you, you will never see it."

The old Geng seemed to understand Qin Zhong's words. He looked into the fire, and there seemed to be an angry emotion on his stiff face. Qin Zhong couldn't see it well. The zombie jumped too far. If he didn't run first, I'm afraid that guy could catch up with him twice at once.

Qin Zhongjian walks like flying. In fact, his kung fu is still good. Because his memory is good, the history major is simply a pediatric for him. He can memorize ten lines at a glance, so he spends the rest of his time on sports and exercise.

Qin Zhong rushed to the burning courtyard. He didn't dare to open the door because he was afraid that something else in the ancestral hall would rush out.

He stared at Lao Geng closely. Seeing that Lao Geng was getting closer and closer to him, he suddenly stopped. Lao Geng's eyes hung on his chin because of violent beating, while the other eye was solemn and staring straight at Qin Zhong. He saw Qin Zhong's body leaning against the door that seemed to be hot. , his face is a little proud.

Qin Zhong has no other choice at this moment. If he wants this guy to jump into the sea of fire, he can only jump into the yard as bait. Otherwise, Lao Geng will never jump in.

He suddenly came to his uncle. Uncle Da leaned against the wall and gasped, as if he had woken up.

"Uncle Da, lend me your shoulder." With that, Qin Zhong was about to climb over the wall.

But at this time, Qin Zhong suddenly felt that his ankle seemed to be suddenly clamped by pliers and could not move.

Uncle Nada has begun to speak: "Young man, you are still young. I have not been born soon. Besides, I am a spirit guard when the ancestral hall is on fire. If I don't go back, I will be too conscientious. Come on, I'd better take Lao Geng in."

"You? You can't. If you go in, you will die."

"Hey, live one more day and live less. Get out of the way." Uncle Da gritted his teeth and didn't know where the force came from. The blood on his arm was flowing, and he just waved his arm twice in the air.

The old Geng's nose moved up and down twice, and began to go crazy again. He strode into small steps, and the frequency was extremely fast. He suddenly rushed to Uncle Da. He didn't mean to pay attention to Qin Zhong at all.

Sure enough, he is a zombie, and he only has incomparable worship and super luxury for blood.

Uncle Da looked at Qin Zhong, with a smile on his face, suddenly rushed up, put his hands on the wall, and turned into the courtyard without any effort. He went straight to the sea of fire.

When Qin Zhong saw this situation, he couldn't help sighing. It seems that Uncle Da knew that he could not be saved at all. After all, he was too poisoned, so it was better to introduce Lao Geng into the fire and burn it together.

Qin Zhong flashed out and thought of testing the old Geng on the wall, but he never thought that just as he took off, the old Geng's body also flew over his head. This time, Lao Geng's bounce resumed the fierceness at the beginning, and suddenly jumped into the yard and jumped in again. In the sea of fire, Uncle Nada did not enter the sea of fire, but he did not know what kind of dark force was fixed in place.

Qin Zhong could see ghosts in his eyes. What he saw were those aunts and grandmothers in the room. Because they were afraid of fire, they all hid beside Uncle Da, eager for Uncle Da to kill them.

But these ghosts have made a mistake. They not only can't protect themselves, but also harm Uncle Da. But Uncle Da seemed to feel the entanglement of these guys. He exposed the two tender fangs. At this moment, his fangs had become longer. He tried to eat those aunts with these two fangs, but he failed.

Qin Zhong lay on the wall and looked at it. He was always unhappy. For nothing else, it was Uncle Nada. Uncle Da, who could have been saved, took the initiative to give up his life.

After a while, the Korean army ran over from the back of the courtyard: "How about Xiao Zhong, what about Uncle Da?"

Qin Zhong didn't speak but just pointed to the courtyard with his hand, and then he jumped down the wall, patted the dust on his body, and sighed with his hands on his waist.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Uncle Da jumped into the sea of fire. We saved him in vain. In order to attract Lao Geng's attention, he jumped in by himself. Now Lao Geng is powerless. I don't think he can survive at all." Qin Zhong said and sighed for the forest just now. In fact, the fact has happened. He put it down quickly and thought that there was still a fox in the forest. He wanted to see if the fox had also turned into a zombie, which was terrible.

Han Jun didn't know what Qin Zhong was going to do. The panic on Lao Geng's son's face seemed to have just dissipated, followed by Han Jun.

Qin Zhong clenched the antique dagger in his hand and walked out of the village along the forest path.

But just as Lao Geng's son was about to speak, a strong smell came out of the grass. In an instant, Lao Geng's son's face turned white as snow and frosted with sweat.