Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 39 Draw the Snake Out of the Hole

Qin Zhong pricked the visitor, and then saw the appearance of the visitor clearly. His beard and two eyes the size of two ox eggs seemed to have been beaten out of the national treasure by Qin Zhong.

"Brother, I will hang out with you in the future!" The guy kept rolling on the ground with his legs in his arms.

Qin Zhong looked at the antique in his hand and didn't seem to have much plunged into it. It seemed that it was nothing more than cutting a small opening, but did this guy have too much blood? With such a knife, the blood seemed to be unable to brake.

He breathed a sigh of relief and snorted coldly: "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts!"

"Hear with it, how to make things happen, how to flatten it back, and figure out the punch in my face first."

After Qin Zhong's words were finished, the beard began to crackle on his face. After a while, black and purple fingerprints were printed behind the guy's black beard. He looked at Qin Zhong's face, but there was no intention of stopping in his hand.

Qin Zhong's mind was full of thoughts. With the punch he had just received, this guy was really fierce enough to do it. He didn't expect to be so powerful to himself. But in order to test this guy's loyalty, Qin Zhong turned his head and went to the house.

This guy really didn't mean to stop. It was not until Qin Zhong and Daya stayed in the house for two hours. When Qin Zhong was about to go to the archives room on the second floor to find information, he found that the guy was still squatting there, weakly hitting himself in the face.

Qin Zhong was shocked first, and then examined the depth of loyalty of the person again. He still didn't say anything. He passed by the beard. When he retrieved a pile of information from the second floor, he found that when the beard began to slap his face with his hand, he seemed to be stroking his cheeks, and his head was already sweaty. There is too much blood on his leg, and this guy looks a little physically exhausted.

Qin Zhong suddenly stopped in front of the guy, stared at the bearded tightly and asked coldly, "What's the old boy called?"

"My name is Guo Dafu, big brother, have you forgive me?" This guy is still out of breath.

Qin Zhong's face was expressionless, but he could see the indifference he showed at this moment: "My punch is a solution, and my brother's punch, please explain it to me clearly."

Hearing this, Daya hurried out of the room and saw that Guo Dafu was almost tortured by Qin Zhong. He rubbed his eyes and said, "Forget it, I don't care about him." When he said this, he still stared at Qin Zhong's attitude.

Qin Zhong glanced coldly: "If you can forgive him, of course I have nothing to say." With that, he turned around and entered the room.

Guo Dafu's eyes looked at Qin Zhong's back with expectation and gratitude, looked at his big teeth, gently patted his big teeth's calf with his hand to show his goodwill, fell down and fainted.

"Big teeth, take him to the hospital. I still have something to do. Two days later, you can find Mona Mark and the others to come here. I have something to arrange." After Qin Zhong said that, Daya followed Guo Dafu to leave.

Qin Zhong closed the door and window on the first floor, closed the curtains, spread a large pile of materials in his hand on the table, and turned out a set of pages to watch.

He took out the files of some people from the archives, as well as some detailed information about Manchu shamans. There are many ethnic minorities in Manchuria, but in each ethnic minority, there is a scarce and strange profession, which is also called this profession among the people. Be a jumping god.

The reason why he wants to see these things is to find people who are suitable for jumping gods, Japanese, baldness, and ninjas in these character materials, because in his mind, people who can understand 137 caves and archives must be people who have worked in archives, at least their descendants. The second is those who know 137 caves.

No 137 caves were found under the archives, including Qin Zhong's grandfather, not to mention outsiders, which proves that this person must have known the existence of 137 caves in some things outside the archives, that is, the descendants of the Japanese troops in the cave. If it is a coincidence to encounter 137 caves Then he lost the motivation for the whole thing, so his target information is certain.

However, Qin Zhong checked and suddenly found that his grandfather's file introduced that his grandfather knew things such as shaman priests, and he was very proficient in yin and yang tombs, Zhou Yi gossip, and terrain and feng shui.

It seems that Qin Zhong's grandfather is also a person with super memory and brainpower, which means that Qin Zhong's fine tradition has a foundation.

"Curator, we have all come here!"

In the lounge on the first floor, there are file bags and character files. Qin Zhong is sleeping on the sofa. He has been reading materials here for a day and two nights. It was only in the morning that Daya ran here to smash the door.

Qin Zhong heard a knock on the door and suddenly woke up to see these files on the ground. He had a headache. After opening the door, Qin Zhong did not open all the doors. He looked at the three people outside and coughed dryly: "Well, your first task today is, would you like to listen to me?"

"Of course!" Big teeth and Mona spoke with one voice, but Mark still looked free.

Qin Zhong sneered, "Since you want, then go into the room and help clean up the files."

"Okay, okay, as long as curator Qin is willing, I will do it."

Mona patted her hands and came to Qin Zhong: "What's the secret in your room, but no matter what the secret is, I will definitely help!"

"Well, please come in and have a look!" Qin Zhong showed the mess on the three people.

Big teeth and Mona were stunned. They really didn't know how to show their good. However, he had promised Qin Zhong, and there was no room for manoeuvre. He had no choice but to enter the room and start to clean up.

Just as the three people were cleaning up the files in full swing, Mark stood in the corridor smoking and limped in from the door: "Brother, I'll help you, just arrange me to do it!"

The person came from Guo Dafu. Only then did Qin Zhong feel that this person belongs to a person with a simple mind and developed limbs, but it is really a good material to use him properly.

After cleaning up the room, Qin Zhong took the file and sent it to the second floor. He returned to the first floor and began to arrange the next step. In the final analysis, his purpose was to lead the snake out of the hole. He was ready to expose the bald man according to the route he had arranged, because he knew the purpose of the Japanese. As the so-called descendants, of course, they were warriors. Taoist spirit is the first to take the brunt.

In the end, Qin Zhong still grabbed the man's heart. He knew that this person would be seduced by his own practice.

But after several people discussed the countermeasures, Uncle Fang and the old ghost came to the archives together. The two people didn't stay long and left in a hurry. I'm afraid that the funds from the above have arrived, so the two people went back here to have a look.

Qin Zhong simply said a few words to the two people and gave up. Two days later, Qin Zhong's plan began to implement. He actually came to the archives from the city's cultural relics witness group and opened 137 caves, highly publicizing the discovery of the site of the Japanese germ research base, and nearly a dozen people have come to the investigation team. And there are at least three or five policemen on the outskirts.

And Qin Zhong and others dispersed according to the scheduled plan.

As soon as I heard that the bacterial relics of the Japanese army were found here, many people gathered here for a while. Most of them came to see the fun, and only a few walked away after a few glances.

The police pulled a cordon outside the archives, and the staff inside were busy. Before long, many Manchurian bones, articles and so on fainted in the 137 caves.

In three days, such a team with rich experience made the investigation of 137 caves clearly and registered all the information in the cave. The main person in charge announced at the press conference that he confirmed the existence of the cave, as well as important historicity and evidence, but this person's last words were strict. It is said that there are still people who undermine social security, that is, Japanese descendants, in the cave, and the evidence has been sealed by the archives.