Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 41 Shaman

Qin Zhong's eyes were hazy and whispered, "It's bald again."

Han Jun whispered, "The police have intervened in the investigation just now, but the speed of people came quite fast. It seems that they have been well trained and rushed out of 137 caves in a few steps!"

"Well, I know, that person is a Japanese ninja. Of course, it takes a lot of effort. It seems that it's really troublesome to catch this person!" Qin Zhongyan said.

Just as Qin Zhong was talking, the appearance of a person made Qin Zhong seem to fall from the cliff, and everything he did seemed to be shattered at this moment.

"Xiao Zhong, what are you doing here?" Uncle Fang was talking, and next to him was the old ghost who had just disappeared. He thought that the old ghost had become Qin Zhong's target, but at this moment, he stood alive in front of him.

Qin Zhong really can't explain what happened in front of him. Even if the person who just ran out of the 137 cave is either of them, he will not appear here at this time, which is impossible.

Qin Zhong was stunned for a long time and replied, "We are going out for dinner in the evening. I don't know if you are interested?"

"Oh, this doesn't work. I have something else to do at night. If there is such a thing, let's do it another day. I will definitely be there then." The old man's smile was full of smile. I don't know whether it was a proud smile or a rampant smile. After he said that, he left Qin Zhong and went in the direction of the side door of the archives. He and Uncle Fang talked and laughed.

Han Jun seemed to see Qin Zhong's thoughts: "Although we haven't found what we are looking for, it's better to rest for a while. Anyway, this place has been controlled by the police. At least it's safe for a while."

" boss, I feel that there must be something wrong with the bald man. This wig must be his. Otherwise, if I chase him and drag it, there must be someone wearing a wig." Guo Dafu is full of enthusiasm.

Qin Zhong snorted coldly, "You know this, I know better. I'll give you a task to keep an eye on the happiest smile. Don't let him find you. If there is any abnormality, you must come back and report it as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, boss." Guo Dafu took the order and left, leaving Han Jun and Qin Zhong. They looked at each other. They looked at Qin Zhong's face with dull teeth and seemed to guess what Qin Zhong was thinking about. However, Qin Zhong thought about it for a long time and still went to the archives together.

Until midnight, Qin Zhong returned to the archives with alcohol. As soon as he arrived at the door, a figure rushed out and grabbed Qin Zhong's shoulder: "Come with me." Without saying a word, he took Qin Zhong and ran away.

Qin Zhong himself was a little drunk and raised his hand to fight, but when he saw Guo Dafu, he still gave up his hand: "Where did you take me?"

"Don't talk. You will know when you arrive. Come on the car with me." It turned out that Guo Dafu himself was a son of a rich family. He just made trouble outside all day long. He was extremely straightforward and his brain would not turn sharply, so his family forced him to find a nominal master, or a big brother, to find something to do, as long as he did not break the law.

After Guo Dafu's family heard that he actually found a glorious thing that he was willing to collect evidence for the country, he was willing to follow Qin Zhong to the end, even if he gave money and goods.

So Guo Dafu spent a lot of time with Qin Zhong all day and listened to Qin Zhong's dispatch. Guo Dafu's car was also specially prepared by the Guo family for Qin Zhong.

Of course, Qin Zhong didn't know anything about this matter. Guo Dafu didn't have the face to tell Qin Zhong about his background. After all, people have self-esteem.

After Qin Zhong went into Guo Dafu's car, he found that it was not Guo Dafu who was driving, but an unknown person.

After finding that Qin Zhong's face was a little suspicious, Guo Dafu hurriedly explained, "This is a good friend of mine. I hired him to be my driver."

In fact, Guo Dafu's driver is such a driver and bodyguard specially sent by the Guo family. On the one is to protect Guo Dafu's safety, and the other is to watch Guo Dafu and not let him go astray.

Qin Zhong looked at the person. Although he couldn't guess the identity of the person, he probably knew one or two. This person is absolutely not simple and murderous, but being able to talk to himself with a smile proves that Guo Dafu, that is, his little brother, is by no means simple.

"Where are we going?" Qin Zhong asked.

Guo Dafu scratched his head, pulled out a razor from his pocket, scratched his face a few times, and said, "The man who just ran out of here has found his whereabouts. This guy is really rich and drives such a good car."

"Did you find him?"

"You will understand when you see it later." Guo Dafu was very sure and didn't know where he was, but when the car had just slowed down, Qin Zhong really saw the stupid jeep, even the license plate number was exactly the same.

Qin Zhong looked at Guo Dafu with a little surprise. Unexpectedly, this guy was really fast enough. After a while, he really found the car.

"Where are the people?"

"I have entered the village. Someone in the village is looking for him to do something. I don't know what else this guy will do. Damn it, he's cheating."

Qin Zhong found his upright side from Guo Dafu's words, but because he was eager to see the situation clearly, he still didn't say much, so he got out of the car and quietly sneaked into the village.

The two people hid in the corner of the village for nearly two hours. Finally, it was nearly 12 o'clock at midnight. They remembered a burst of Manchu speech in the village, which was a prayer, followed by the drum being slowly knocked, three beats, five beats.

Qin Zhong has seen some ritual introductions of the jumping god, that is, the Northeast Shaman, from his grandfather's notes, so he also knows these instruments very well: "It's time to jump. Let's go out."

After waiting for the two people to get out of the corner, they went along the path to the brightly lit altar. Before the altar, they saw that the outside of the brightly lit yard was surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside. Whether they were watching the lively or sincere believers, they were crowded together for a while.

Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu squeezed through the crowd and came to the forefront. They saw a statue on those platforms. There was a reindeer's head under the statue. The deer's head was black. As the shaman danced in the scene, the waist ridge bells rang randomly, the drums kept and the spells kept.

Qin Zhong didn't care when he saw this scene. What he wanted to see was who the shaman was. His eyes scanned around the crowd, and there was no one he was strange to.

Guo Dafu said close to Qin Zhong's ear, "Then the shaman is the person we are looking for. His hair is a wig."

"Oh? Did you see it?"

"Of course, it's okay. My friend has pried the car away. He can find out everything in it. Let's talk to him when this guy has had enough fun."

Qin Zhong stared at Guo Dafu in surprise: "I K, can't you, can you? So fast?"

"Hey, I'll tell you when I have a chance. Let's watch him play first." Guo Dafu seems to take this matter very simply.

Qin Zhong knew that Guo Dafu was stubborn, but in some things, his IQ was still enough, such as tracking the matter, but he didn't look at the dancer like anyone he had seen, let alone the people around him.

Just when he panicked, the man actually threw an inexplicable look between the dance, and there seemed to be a sense of challenge in his eyes.

Suddenly, the shaman began to tremble all over and said a large number of words that people couldn't understand.

At sight, the whole yard suddenly extinguished, leaving only the moonlight in the sky and the bright starlight.

As soon as Qin Zhong saw this, he thought about the man's eyes just now. His eyes seemed to be full of strong murderous intent. With the help of the moonlight, he flew to Qin Zhong with a white light.

Qin Zhongton didn't feel good: "Rich, hide!" Then he pulled Guo Dafu and squatted down and rolled on the ground. When the two people's eyes had adapted to the night light here, he saw the shaman holding a bright hunting knife in his hand and had no intention of leaving alive. He went straight to Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong had no choice but to pull out his two kitchen knives, and the two fought in the shadows.