Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 14 Soul Corpse Fighting

The old mushroom suddenly stuck its head out of the water and shouted breathlessly, "Kids, don't run away. You must kill him, or none of us can survive."

"Old mushroom, isn't that your body? How did you treat your predecessor like this?" Qin Zhong said loudly.

While the two were talking, the body seemed to have fallen to the ground and hurriedly squatted on the ground, picked up the meat dregs and bones that had just been chopped by Qin Zhong, and suddenly stuffed them into his mouth.

Originally, Qin Zhong was not fweiled when he saw this scene, but the mouth of the corpse actually shone in his hair and looked carefully with his eyes. There was no mouth on the face of the corpse. The lips in the hair squirmed back and forth, chewing the meat dregs picked up desperately. Not long after the meat dregs on the ground were eaten up by this guy, but waiting for him After eating it all, it seemed that the face that had practiced Wuxiang magic skills suddenly rose up, as if to express some expression.

This strange expression, combined with the dull ghost cry, made Qin Zhong feel very worried. When he was depressed, he flew out with a knife and slid down from the head of the body with one arm, cutting the mouth that was still chewing his meat residue on the head of the body into three mouths, revealing two golden yellows in his mouth. Big teeth.

"Old mushroom, your own body is still corrupt. You actually thought of two golden plates, and I will take care of it for you first." As Qin Zhong spoke, the steel knife in his hand picked up the upper jaw of the mouth, and the other knife suddenly inserted into the gums and pulled out the two big golden teeth.

Qin Zhong quickly took the knife, jumped out, and clenched the two big golden teeth tightly into the palm of his hand. At this time, he was already ten meters away from the body.

But strangely, the body was cut off from the cross section of both hands, and a new arm suddenly grew out.

Qin Zhong was very surprised that the digestion speed of the corpse was too fast. As soon as he ate it, he could grow new ones. Isn't this not going to kill him?

The old mushroom rushed to the side of the body, grabbed the body's neck, grabbed the body's sticky hair with the other hand, suddenly pulled back, and exposed the body's throat in front of Qin Zhong: "Kid, what are you waiting for? Give me a knife."

"You think I'm killing pigs. If you say kill me, I'll kill you." Although Qin Zhong said so, he also had no bottom in his heart. One was that he had no bottom for the old mushroom, and the other was that he had no bottom for the corpse. Such a corpse ghost basically had no IQ, and there were only destruction and rushing forward.

The old mushroom pulled the body more and more difficult. He opened his mouth and shouted, "Hurry up and cut off his head, and he will have no attack power."

Qin Zhong scratched his head, looked down at the steel knife in his hand, and whispered, "Mom, and this, what is this? But no matter what he thinks, the top priority is to cut off this guy's neck as soon as possible, because on the surface, after the head of the body is separated from the body, the head can be controlled by himself. Then, after his body is cut off, his mouth can't eat it, and it can't be regenerated, which is a good way.

Thinking of this, Qin Zhong didn't think much about it. He carried two knives in his hand and a knife left and right. The head of the body separated from his body with black blood. However, when the head left, the mouth seemed to chew again, but he didn't eat anything. The knot's face seems to have said everything.

"Old mushroom, what else do you want?"

"That's good. Come on, come with me." As the old mushroom said, he flew into the jungle with the head of the body. The headless body seemed to be bumping everywhere and fell into the deep pool.

Qin Zhong did not dare to stay and called Guo Dafu and Yingzi, followed by the old mushroom. He didn't know how far he had run all the way. In short, Qin Zhong and the three had been soaked through sweat. The old mushroom finally stopped, but his hands clenched the head tightly for fear that his head would run away.

The old mushroom finally showed a non-demeaning smile on his face: "Thank you very much. I have to get this head so that I can finish my thing."

"Your business? So I was used by you, right? Qin Zhong questioned.

The old mushroom's face darkened: "What's the use? This is called a transaction. Aren't you going to get out of this sacrificial valley? Follow me and finish my business. I'll send you out. Not only that, I will also send you back to the tribe. Look, you won't lose in such a deal, right?

"Well, don't suffer losses. If that's the case, it makes no sense for me to come here."

Old mushroom sneered: "Well, didn't you put my two golden teeth in your pocket? This is the reward for killing my body. As for the rest, I don't think you need it, do you?

"Don't you need it? I haven't figured out what happened to you about the snow moth just now, so I want it to end like this?"

"It's not over, but you have to do my business first." Old Mushroom said and looked at Qin Zhong and smiled dryly, "I think you can't believe me, but if I really wanted to make you fall to death when you stepped on the ice gate, do I need to explain this to you here now?"

Qin Zhong raised the corners of his mouth slightly and raised his eyebrows, as if to let the old mushroom continue to walk.

This time, the speed of the old mushroom slowed down, and Qin Zhong and others followed up. They finally walked through the forest, and what was displayed in front of them was a residential house. Some of them were even smoking, which should be cooking.

Qin Zhong's stomach couldn't help being hungry and shouted. Guo Dafu recovered this time: " boss, it seems that you are hungry."

"Are you not hungry? Stop talking, go to the front and see if you can find something to eat. It's strange that you haven't been hungry for so long.

Yingzi seems to be a little weak: "Brother Qin, I can't walk."

"There is still some water behind Dafu. You can drink all that water!"

The old mushroom only walked in front of him without saying a word. When he heard Qin Zhong and others say hungry behind him, he suddenly stopped, slowly turned his head and said seriously, "From now on, you should promise not to speak or have hungry thoughts. Also, which of you take off your clothes and wrap this head for me. Otherwise, we will be in trouble."

"Trouble? Isn't there cooking smoke in front of me? What's wrong with me going into the village to eat something? Qin Zhong said, and when he looked at the village again, he looked stunned.

After all, Qin Zhong's eyes can see ghosts. Originally, it was the cooking smoke he had just seen, but now it turned into a thick black smoke, and from time to time, there were bursts of ghost crying and howling from the village.

Yingzi's hair stood up all over her body and asked in a low voice, "So, where is the village in front of you?"

The old mushroom said with a blank expression, "That's the famous dead grave."

"That's obviously a house, how can it be a grave?" Guo Dafu said and looked up at the house.

Qin Zhong pulled Guo Dafu: "Listen to the old mushroom, I can see that it is indeed a barren grave, and there is no grave without dark paper, not even a tombstone. To put it bluntly, these people were buried in a low-key manner when they died."

"That means that the people buried here are all dead in vain?" Guo Dafu was curious. The old mushroom suddenly stretched out the long-mouthed head to Guo Dafu, which made Guo Dafu's face turn pale and took a big step back: "What are you doing?"

The old mushroom said, "Take off your coat and wrap your head. Don't let the body in the grave smell the blood on your head. Also, when you pass there, no matter what you see, smell, or hear, don't do anything abnormally. Just follow me, and nothing will happen, otherwise. I'm afraid we're going to explain."

Guo Dafu looked at Qin Zhong. Qin Zhong nodded, and he reluctantly took off his coat, wrapped his head tightly, and muttered, "My clothes are nearly 10,000 yuan. Is this a dead head?"