Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 16 Cemetery

After hearing the gunfire behind him, Qin Zhong immediately felt that something had happened. He did not dare to make a sound or look back. He knew that the road in the cemetery was called Mo Huitou. There is a folk saying, especially when burying the elderly in the family, if anyone in the family turns back, the dead will not like to leave and leave. The same is true of these dead graves. If you turn back, you don't know how many ghosts are chasing you in the graves behind them.

This is the reason why the old mushroom didn't let Qin Zhong and others turn around and talk to them.

But at this moment, Guo Dafu seemed to have something wrong. Qin Zhong had no choice but to raise his hand and wave forward, hoping that Guo Dafu could understand his intention.

And the old mushroom didn't seem to respond to all this, just a simple pause and made a simple draw on the ground with its feet.

What Qin Zhong saw was that the old mushroom once again told him not to look back. At this moment, Yingzi was close to Qin Zhong and had hugged Qin Zhong's waist with one hand.

But after Guo Dafu saw the woman's real appearance, he didn't know where the strength came from. His feet were windy, and his heart scolded secretly. He really met a ghost. It seems that he doesn't know how many of his own things will come to ** in this beautiful village. Just now, the tall people have also shrank into a chrysalis that want to fly, and his muscles are tight. It shrank into an iron ball.

For a long time, the cold sweat on Guo Dafu's face seemed to make him wake up from nervousness and fear, and rushed to the team with a dead head with a gun.

When Guo Dafu approached Qin Zhong, Qin Zhong already felt that there was more than a ghost behind Guo Dafu. He immediately became energetic. In the face of this tomb bag, he didn't know how many difficulties there were in front of him. He had no choice but to hold two steel knives in his hand and tied a ghost-aper beads to the handle of the knife from his hand to step up. Zi, keep up with the old mushrooms.

Guo Dafu felt that the yin behind him was really aggressive as he walked, but he didn't seem to have the intention to attack him. Even so, the first glance just now made his beard not return to its original state.

Qin Zhong secretly scolded Guo Dafu in his heart that he was really disappointing. All he could think of was that Guo Dafu must have met **.

He wanted to look back at the situation, but subconsciously told him that he could not look back. Although the old mushroom in front of him paused, it seemed to have some concerns, but Qin Zhong continued to move forward and made the old mushroom move forward again.

But at this moment, there seem to be many strange voices in Qin Zhong's ears, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying, sometimes crying, sometimes singing. But in any case, Qin Zhongqiang endured and couldn't hear it.

However, at this moment, Guo Dafu seemed to have a weight tied to his legs, coupled with the extremely strong ghosts behind him, which made him feel super painful.

Qin Zhong secretly prayed that Guo Dafu would never leave the team. If he really left the team, it would bring unimaginable results to their group. The already empty abdominal cavity, if there was another fierce fight, he would probably lose.

The old mushroom took the lead and walked all the way. Qin Zhong saw the exit of the cemetery from afar, and there was still a bottomless jungle outside the cemetery. The old mushroom rushed out first. Qin Zhong and Yingzi Guo Dafu followed closely. One, two, three, several people left the cemetery in turn. Just as Guo Dafu was about to step out of the village, his feet suddenly slipped and his body shook left and right, intending to fall.

But just before he was about to stand firm, the entrance of the village was displayed in his retina, and a bronze sign with a gold background was displayed in front of him.

And the two words "grave village" were written on the building sign. When Guo Dafu looked at it, the stone carving pillars under the building were wrapped in circles of underworld paper, which seemed to be dancing without rhythm at the mouth of the village with a gust of gloomy wind.

And there was a figure under the sign. Guo Dafu rubbed his eyes to see who was standing under the sign, but when he looked at it, under the sign was actually the female ghost who seemed to be broken just now. At this moment, the female ghost had a big mouth, and thick black blood flowed out from under her eyelids and a row of sharp teeth. With a sudden big mouth, he rushed to Guo Dafu like a phantom.

At this moment, Guo Dafu suddenly retreated in shock by the grimace. It didn't matter. In order not to see the woman's appearance again, he suddenly turned around.

That is, this turn, the whole village turned into a messy grave in Guo Dafu's eyes, but the two words of the grave village turned into a shabby stone plate buried by the loess on the ground. The red paint on the exposed font seemed to have faded. When Guo Dafu looked up again, he saw In front of him was the dark grave.

"Oh, my God!" Guo Dafu muttered in a low voice.

This sentence provoked Qin Zhong's anger: "Bastard, who asked you to talk back? Come on, we have work to do this time."

The old mushroom sighed and said, "There are at least 800 dead graves here. Even if some have been reincarnated, there are at least 400 or 500 left, which is really enough for us to drink a pot."

Yingzi slowly opened his eyes and put down the palm of his hand: "Brother Qin, have we failed?"

"Yes, look, the location we are in. We have already passed through the cemetery, but now we have to go again. The whole cemetery seems to have changed, and all the graves have begun to smoke. Damn, I really don't know what the descendants of these families are going to become." Qin Zhong still has research on the yin house, so he can see it clearly at a glance.

Guo Dafu couldn't move forward and retreat. He was blocked by a female ghost and chased by dozens of ghosts.

"Ready to do it, beat the grave. We must tear it down for Grandpa before they climb out of the grave, otherwise no one will want to rush out of here tonight." Qin Zhong shouted angrily.

This time, he did not dare to neglect, because Guo Dafu provoked dense ghosts. There are all kinds of ghosts. After all, for ghosts, ghosts are afraid of people. That's right, because they are afraid, so as ghosts, they have a strong rejection of living people and have a strong confrontation.

After these ghosts caught up, they approached Guo Dafu step by step with nervous faces.

Qin Zhong saw too much, and there was really no better way to get rid of them. It took him a long time to decide: "Go quickly and follow the old mushroom."

The old mushroom didn't think much about it at all. He rushed to the group of ghosts like flying. Several shriveled hands grabbed his shoulder, but he cleverly dodged, and someone chased him crazily.

Yingzi followed Qin Zhong and did not hide, while Qin Zhong rushed to Guo Dafu, pulled up Guo Dafu, and quickly followed the old mushroom.

On the grave bag farther away, there seemed to be green ghost fires. The ghost fire swayed up and down, and the light and shadow gradually became bigger, turning into dark shadows in a blink of an eye.

"It's broken. I guess it's wrong. It seems that there is no reincarnation here. There are dead ghosts in his mother's grave bag."

"What about the boss?" Guo Dafu really panicked.

Qin Zhong gritted his teeth and said, "What should I do? What can I do? Follow the old mushroom. If there is pestering you, you will immediately get rid of it, but you can't run away. Follow closely and be careful behind."

But in the process of Qin Zhong's speech, the dark shadows behind Guo Dafu seemed to be hungry and thirsty, and Guo Dafu really ran fast, otherwise I'm afraid that the late season would not be guaranteed.

The flag in Yingzi's hand has not been idle, but suddenly the flag in his hand seems to instill her own will. These flags have many uses, but they are a little wasteful, at least that's what Yingzi thinks.

Qin Zhong squatted down, competed with one arm, and threw aside the plate archway that had been half buried in the ground.

This time, Qin Zhong called him even more: "Stop, let's go together, or it will be too late if something really happens." As soon as Qin Zhong's voice fell, a dark shadow crawled out of the dense cemetery, like a rocket, rushing to Qin Zhong and others.

Qin Zhong suddenly felt that he could not avoid the shadow, and Guo Dafu behind him just rushed over and met the shadow. Suddenly, Guo Dafu's eyes became straight and stunned.