Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 44 Wusheng

When Qin Zhong shouted, Guo Dafu's eyes widened, looked at Qin Zhong's face, and said slowly, " boss, where are we?" Is the tiger dead?

"Dead, we have returned to the tribe now. You are fine now. Lie down and have a good rest first. Stay here for two days, and we will set out to go back." Qin Zhong revealed his itinerary in his speech.

Guo Dafu nodded with difficulty and fell asleep again.

Immediately, Qin Zhong arranged for someone to dispose of what Guo Dafu spit out, and then discussed with the old man about going out of the mountain.

Three days later, Guo Dafu recovered quite well, but the long beard on his face was pulled off by himself. When he asked, Qin Zhong only had only one answer: "You pull it yourself, we can't stop you."

When Qin Zhong set out with Yingzi, the whole clan seemed to have some reluctance with a very envious look in their eyes, and they had been sending Yingzi and several people out of the tribe more than ten miles away.

Qin Zhong's group of five people went out of the mountainous area and rested in the town for a night. The next day, they were about to leave. Suddenly, they heard chaos in the streets outside, police cars squeaked, and the onlookers had surrounded the otherwise wide streets.

"Big boss, what's wrong with you?" Guo Dafu is quite good.

Big teeth interrupted and said, "I think it's probably whose husband is having a mistress outside and was caught by the eldest daughter-in-law, so it's impossible to fight."

"Nonsense, go to the next door to wake up the two girl, go down for breakfast and set off."

Several people ignored what was going on outside. After breakfast, they packed their luggage and left the room. But before they left the hotel gate, they only heard a crisp gunshot from the distance of the town. Then the police at the door were immediately alert, and a police car pulled the two people towards the gunshots.

The shooting is not a joke. If it's someone's business, it's definitely not wrong for the police not to be present at the scene as soon as possible.

Wait for Qin Zhong and others to follow the direction of the police car to a suburb. In this empty place, you can't even see a ghost, and you can only see a burst of yellow dust.

"Brother Qin, look at the wheel marks on the ground, huh? What is that triangle?"

"Fox?" Qin Zhong muttered in a low voice. He looked far away along the mark of the wheel, and two police cars crossed the road in the ravine at the opposite corner. Several policemen hid behind the police car, holding guns in their hands and aimed halfway up the mountain.

Although Guo Dafu's body was somewhat weak, the tossing after the evil at least made his body lose dozens of pounds of scales, which shows that he is still willing to come forward to join the fun.

" boss, why don't I go and have a look."

"Wait, look, those two people seem to be very familiar with each other. Where have they met?" Yingzi pointed to the two people hiding behind the tree halfway up the mountain.

The two had guns in their hands and looked like they were also a group of police, but they were wearing casual clothes. Qin Zhong looked at them from afar and suddenly remembered these two people: "Aren't they the two people you saw at the seaside? How could they see him here? Have they found the person they are looking for?

"Go to Dafu, come up with me, and wait here. If the situation is not good, go back to the hotel in the evening to stay for a night." Qin Zhong didn't finish his words and hurried around the path to the mountain with Guo Dafu.

All he could think of was the submarine emerging from the sea and the man captured by the Russians, and these two casual clothes were the two national security policemen he knew before.

Guo Dafu seemed to be excited. Before he could get down the mountain, he had pulled out his * and the bullet had been loaded.

Qin Zhong pressed the pistol in Guo Dafu's hand and said, "Take away the gun first. Let's talk about it later. There are so many policemen over there. Once these policemen are bothering us, they will be broken."

"Oh!" Guo Dafu put the pistol on safety and stuffed it into his waist.

When the two hurried up the woods on the side, almost very close to the two guys from the National Security Bureau, Qin Zhong was suddenly stunned and looked at a man halfway up the mountain.

"Big, that man? Why is he a big play singer? Look at what he wears, isn't he just a martial artist?


A policeman of the National Security Bureau seemed to have hit something. He leaned down and rolled down the mountain. Then, the gun in the hand of another policeman of the National Security Bureau had pulled the trigger, and the fierce gunfight began in an instant.

But the gunshot sounded for less than two minutes and seemed to stop. A proud smile appeared on Wusheng's face halfway up the mountain. A black ball was thrown at the police in his hand. The ball landed, and a burst of white thick fog rose. When the white fog disappeared, there was no Wusheng on the mountainside.

Qin Zhong was still looking for Wusheng halfway up the mountain, and suddenly felt a chill behind him.

"Little bastard, I didn't expect to see you here. Since you sent me to the door, I have to kill you." This hoarse voice poured into Qin Zhong's ears.

Qin Zhong suddenly turned around, and the two knives were put out. Then he asked abruptly, "Who are you?" Is it an old ghost?"

"Hahaha! You boy looks too much about old ghosts. Don't be self-righteous. I'm not. If so, I will also be the nemesis of your life!" Saying this, he cut the ninja knife in Qin Zhong's very familiar hand across Qin Zhong's throat.

Qin Zhong retreated continuously. At this moment, he only heard a gunshot behind Qin Zhong. He didn't know where the bullet hit. Wu Sheng's face changed in an instant. He wiped his face with one hand, and his proud face just now turned into an angry face in an instant. Qin Zhong was very familiar with this method of changing his face.

"Dead ninja, I didn't expect you to follow here!"

"Haha, there are many things you didn't expect. Boy, let's die!" The ninja knife in Wusheng's hand flew to Qin Zhong's choked throat again.

Qin Zhong's body was pulled back, and the two knives blocked in the future, and his body flashed to the side quite neatly.

Wu Sheng's face changed again in an instant, and his anger turned into surprise: "You are quite powerful. You have got the power in these few days. Where did you get so much strength?"

"Hum, when you were on the ice palace, I saw you, so in the next nearly a month, when you encountered danger, you were all in front of you, specializing in how to deal with you. This time, it seems that you have to get away." Qin Zhong was more rude. The two knives did not stop and cut at the Wusheng one after another.

Wu Sheng blocked Qin Zhong's two attacks with the knife in his hand: "Hmm, you are so crazy." Wusheng pulled it with one hand, took off his suit, replaced it with a night coat, and a dart flew out.

Qin Zhong suddenly dodged the darts, but at this moment, the police gathered around, and the black muzzles had been aimed at the ninja's head. The guy from the National Security Bureau in the woods fired a pistol and banged two shots at the ninja's feet.

Seeing that something was wrong, the ninja immediately jumped out of the circle and nodded Qin Zhong with his hand and said, "Wait, you guys. There are not many of you today. I have to fight with you to the end."

Qin Zhong knew that this guy was going to run, so he pulled out a pistol from his back and was ready to shoot. But what he never expected was that the ninja jumped suddenly, a black bead in his hand scattered on the ground, and a thick white fog rose high, covering the sight of everyone.

Once again, the white fog was born, and the ninja's figure had disappeared. Qin Zhong really regretted that he couldn't pull out the pistol quickly. It was a little late.

Guo Dafu's gun in his hand has been shot, but he clearly aimed at the ninja, but he doesn't know why the shot actually hit the tree next to Qin Zhong. The reason why the ninja changed his face was that he saw Guo Dafu firing a black gun.

"Let him run away again. I really don't know if I can find him in the upper place next time." Qin Zhong sighed and said to Guo Dafu.

Guo Dafu blinked and said, "Then go after him?"

"This guy's feet are quite good. In addition, there are forests up there. When I enter the forest, I can't find him."