Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 2 Housewarming

When Qin Zhong heard Zhu Laoliu say this, he really hated that this old guy would be so tricky, but no one recognized the five elements of pearls in the market. If he was sold as a yin and yang pearl, he must be worth more than his own value. For this reason, Qin Zhong was also a coward, but he still wanted to show it. The intensity of my inner indignation.

"I think your sixth brother is really a person who cherishes money, but I Qin Zhong doesn't like to argue with you. Even if you don't ask me for those action expenses, I have to pay you back. As I don't want to owe you anything. Since you have said so, what else can I Qin Zhong have to say, just follow our previous agreement. , bring it here!" Qin Zhong stretched out his hand in front of Zhu Laoliu.

As soon as Zhu Laoliu saw Qin Zhong like this, he felt that he had been cheap, and on the other hand, he doubted whether there was a ghost in Qin Zhong's heart. However, since the matter had been said here, he had to write the check to Qin Zhong first: "This is the agreed amount. Look, your travel expenses have been deducted."

Qin Zhong took a rough look and found that there was still some change on the check. He secretly scolded his uncle in his heart. This generous guy was really good at the moment, so he felt that the current wine was meaningless, and then he got up and left.

"Since our business is over, I don't need to stay here for a long time, but even if our cooperation is successful, I, Qin Zhong, don't want us to have any contact in the future. I really don't like to deal with stingy people like you." Qin Zhong's words were really rude, but Zhu Laoliu didn't seem to care, and still politely sent Qin Zhong out of the yard.

As soon as Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu came out of the yard, he told Guo Dafu to be ready to take action at any time, because no one here should believe that these scorpions will not give up if they dry our blood.

"The boss is fine. If those guys dare to chase them out, I will go back to flatten their village. Anyway, when we come back, I think the Guo family can still make them bow down." Guo Dafu began to show off his family again.

Qin Zhong sneered and said, "What's the point of flattening them? Whoever comes to trouble us later must be ruthless. Anyway, it's nothing to die here. Let's go!"

After a brief conversation, the two of them strode out of the town, but as Qin Zhong expected, just as they walked to the dark shadow outside the town, suddenly several figures appeared in front of them and soon surrounded them.

"Have a good time, you two. Our boss saw you come out of Lao Zhu. It seems that you made a lot of transactions today?" People came to say.

Qin Zhong snorted coldly, "Yes, it's really a good business today. Unfortunately, I met a stingy buyer."

"Stop talking, take out the money!" As the man said, the knife in his hand cut off Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu's shoulders.

But without waiting for those people's machetes to be in place, they only saw that Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu's two pistols were already in front of the rushing people: "Let me see if your knife is fast, or I have to bullets fast."

All the people were stunned, and the blades in their hands were sweating, staring at Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu.

"What are you looking at? Get back. We are good citizens who abide by the law, or I will shoot!" Guo Dafu didn't know when he learned Qin Zhong's words. The bullet of the pistol had been fired and waited for it to be fired.

They are all living people. Who is not afraid of death? Qin Zhong shouted like this, and the guys who chased him ran back in a hurry. After this incident, he took Guo Dafu around a big circle and returned to the city. He directly found a hotel at the gate of the bank in the city. He waited for the bank to go to work the next day and immediately transferred the check to himself. The account, so that Zhu Laoliu won't come out again to make trouble.

My two beads have come out. Yingzi has also lived in Qin Zhong's archives for nearly half a month. Speaking of which, she is still quite homesick. There is nothing else she thinks about, that is, those familiar environments, people and things.

But within half a month, Mona also came back to the archives every day to offer her full attention to Qin Zhong. Daya has rested these days and went home according to his mother's arrangement and went out on a blind date. He almost met more than a dozen girls, which seemed to have no effect, so he returned without success on this day.

In the past half month, Qin Zhong has added all the things he saw on this trip to his grandfather's notes one by one.

On this day, as soon as Qin Zhong opened his grandfather's notes, a white van drove in from outside the archives and came down from the car with several sweats in suits. However, he was still a literati from a close look. Really, Qin Zhong felt that there was something wrong with his eyes.

Seeing these people drawing in front of the archives, after a while, a man who looked like a little brother led the man walking in the middle to the archives and entered the archives, and those people went straight to Qin Zhong's office.

"Hello, Director Qin, this is our Director Chen. We are here to tell you something." The little brother-like guy opened his mouth as soon as he entered the room without introducing his identity.

Qin Zhong looked at the man with a surprised face and said, "So what do you do?"

"Oh, we are from the National Cultural Relics Protection Office." People came to say.

Qin Zhong stretched out his big hand: "Certificate!"

After receiving the ID card of the person, Qin Zhong got up and smiled and said, "Since there are guests, please go to the conference room. This is relatively small, and it should not be able to seat so many people."

"Oh, we won't do it. We are here to announce a message to you and your librarians."

Strange, Qin Zhong felt very strange. Originally, his superiors should have been the superior archives. Why did another cultural relics protection office come? What do they do?

"Then tell me, what are you doing here?"

Some people asked their boss to sit down, and Qin Zhong also achieved the position of director.

The person known as the director said, "Director Qin, I'm here to discuss something with you. The place where you are now is a historic building, so we decided after discussion that there can no longer be inhabited here and should be protected immediately."

"What? So you mean that our office building is gone? You might as well drive me home directly. If I'm laid off, I can't control it here!" Qin Zhong said bluntly, which made the visitor's face feel helpless.

Then the director said, "Director Qin, since I can find you today, it proves that we have come here with sincerity. We have prepared a place not far from here for you to recover the compensation given to you here."

"Well, why don't I see what the place you prepared for me first?"

The younger brother-like man took out a few photos from his arms and handed them to Qin Zhong.

But after watching it, Qin Zhong immediately scratched his head: "What do you mean? I have a building and a basement here. It's useless for you to give me an open space. Where can I drink the wind?

"Oh. This is just to tell you the size of that place. We will build a two-story building within two months, which is estimated to be much more spacious than here. Anyway, your archives still exist, don't they?

"Well, it's not almost the same. Then wait until you cover it and come to me. At that time, I'll move everything in one go, which is also a housewarming." Qin Zhong thought that it may not be a bad thing if he really changes places. Anyway, no one comes here all day long. It's better to report to some cultural relics protection. It's not bad to find a clean place to make a stronghold.

Time passed quickly. Qin Zhong exchanged shaman's technology with Yingzi all day long in the archives and discussed the sanctity of Jesus Christ with Mona. Two months passed unconsciously. On this day, nearly five moving trucks were parked at the gate of the archives, loaded with three cars of archives, and most of the rest were left. Paper and furniture have all been moved away.

The sign of the once messy Manchurian Historical Archives was also loaded into the car and moved away.