Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 13 Illusion

Qin Zhong said and wanted to ask the old mushroom in the steel knife to come out, but no matter how he slapped the steel knife, the old mushroom did not move. It was not until he turned around and found that the old mushroom actually stood at the door of the Korean army's house melancholy.

"Is there anyone outside the door?"

Qin Zhong nodded and said, "Of course there is, but he is not a human!"


"Hmm." Qin Zhong turned out of Han Jun's yard and leaned against the old mushroom and whispered, "I don't know what the old mushroom is thinking? Isn't it?"

The old mushroom frowned: "It's okay for you to enter this place, and I, a ghost, can't get in. At least you have to give me a place to stand, right?"

"Where to stand?" Qin Zhong said and laughed coldly. He remembered the formation of the Han army's family. It turned out that such a cultivated person as the old mushroom was also afraid of the ghost beads in the Korean army's yard. In this way, it seemed that his ghost beads did not seem to have any effect on the comfort monument. Does the ghosts there really have antibodies to the ghost beads?

Han Jun followed Qin Zhong out of the yard and looked at the old mushroom and smiled, "It seems that he is also a master. You can see that the ghost of my array is by no means an ordinary ghost. Don't worry, I will make a safe place for you for the time being. Please come in."

The Korean army seemed very polite. While letting the old mushroom enter the yard, he removed several important flags in the yard. After the old mushrooms entered, he inserted some of the removed flags back to the original position to keep the formation in the yard, but the place where the old mushroom was located was not subject to the array. Bundled.

Qin Zhong came straight to the point and said directly to Han Jun, "You three study, as for why the chuff has this formation, I think this old mushroom will understand that he is an expert in animal research."

"Uh! Is that true?" Han Jun was overjoyed: "I didn't expect that what I wanted to study most in my life would be achieved today?"

"Maybe, I know that the rotation array is not that simple, so I'm looking for two native tribal shamans. Let's see if you can..."

Of course, Han Jun is happy to hear this. He himself is almost similar to Qin Zhong's father. They are all people who like to study. He can be said to forget to eat and sleep on his research projects. In addition, he is even happier to meet these two more professional people.

In view of Qin Zhong's introduction, Na Yingzi and Lao Mushroom also have a considerable understanding of the Korean army and trust the ability of the Korean army. In this way, the three of them have gained trust with each other and began to talk about their opinions for different purposes.

Qin Zhong flashed aside and listened. He remembered every word the three people said without any mistakes. When it came to the final conclusion, he first experimented with a mouse and an old mushroom to control the mouse. Yingzi tried to spell, and the South Korean army began to set up a flag.

The mouse was called by the old mushroom from a kilometer of unexpected farm warehouse with his powerful soul body waves, and then he manipulated the mouse to lie honestly in the array designed by the Korean army.

The spell in Yingzi's mouth has also begun at this moment. When the Korean army rises, Yingzi can fluently make up the second half of the spell, and not a word is bad, and no pronunciation is wrong.

Qin Zhong came to the mouse and stared at the mouse carefully. After a while, the mouse, which had wanted to move twice, did not respond in an instant. It was really quiet. If you listen carefully, the mouse seemed to be snoring a little.

The old mushroom breathed a sigh of relief and said, "My God, it's finally not my turn to control it. The mouse finally landed."

"Landing? Can you tell me how he is now? Or where is his hallucination now? Qin Zhong asked.

Han Jun said, "The time and place sent will not be wrong, but now I don't know if I can find him back in a while, because the control of the old mushroom has disappeared and there is no guarantee that the mouse can stay in place, so I can only hope that it will not run around."

As Han Jun spoke, he shouted to Na Yingzi: "Change the spell and let that guy come back."

"Good!" The spell in Yingzi's mouth did not stop, but the mouse did not mean to come back.

The old mushroom shook his head, saying that he couldn't control the mouse, which means that his mind with the mouse did not come back at all, and he still stayed in the unknown time and space.

Yingzi was puzzled. In desperation, he tied all his tambourine and waist bells to his waist and began to shake constantly. The spell in his mouth was louder and faster.

After about ten minutes, the old mushroom suddenly trembled all over and said, "It came back, but why is it two? One of them is a cat!"

Cat? That's a pair of animals born with enemies. The mouse was sent and the cat came back. It's really strange. Was the mouse chased back by the cat? That means that the mouse ran away to play.

Qin Zhong sneered and said, "If it's true, then I'll go back and bring back some antiques from that era. Anyway, I can make an exhibition of modern collections."

"Wow!" The old mushroom's expression seemed to be very tired. After a few times, he suddenly kicked out, and a strange cat bark disappeared on the ghost beads in Han Jun's yard. A black smoke returned to normal in the yard.

Qin Zhong, the old mushroom and others squatted in front of the mouse and looked carefully at the mouse. The mouse seemed to be exhausted. The mouse hair all over its body was hard, and the mouse's tail had been added to the middle of the two legs, tightly.

"He seems to have been frightened. I'm afraid he has never experienced such a thing. This time he panicked." Qin Zhongyan said.

Na Yingzi has shaken his head and sweated profusely. He came to Qin Zhong and asked, "Is this mouse back? Has it become an idiot?"

"I don't think so. You see, he is just physically weak."

The old mushroom dragged its chin aside and said for a long time, "Well, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the mouse. I can fully control it now. From my understanding of the field of controlling animals, the mouse can return to normal in three days at most."

"So if the rotation produces hallucinations, it is likely to produce unexpected changes." Han Jun also raised his chin and fell into deep thinking.

For a long time, Qin Zhong said bluntly, "Hey, no matter what changes he has, can't he come back? Uncle Jun, transfer the array to my archives. I'm going back immediately. No matter what goes wrong when I come back, isn't it an illusion at most!"

"This! Xiao Zhong, you have to think about it. This time it's a mouse. The three of us can do it. If you go alone, we..."

"Hey, time can't be delayed, and I have to go to three people. Because I feel that I can't do it without any of you three in this formation, including the future vigil, it's still up to you, so I decided to take Guo Dafu with me and come back as soon as the matter is done. I will control it within seven days. ." Qin Zhong has decided.

Everyone present is very admirable for Qin Zhong's hard work, but he is a person, plus one person, the danger of those two people will be more uncertain, and the risk factor of coming back will increase.

Qin Zhong also thought about it for a long time and said, "If you don't go today, when will you go? If you go early, you have to go anyway. No matter how you go, it's a try. Don't worry."

"Forget, I just figured it out. It's still the same sentence. Give me one night. Tomorrow morning, I'll go to you when I prepare things. At that time, your archives will make enough space for me, and we will send you away, but one thing to pay attention to is that you must prepare a few people to stay by your side. Protect your safety."


Yingzi smiled and said, "Then the three of us will stay by your side to ensure that you have nothing."

"That's great, so let's go back first and wait for Uncle Jun to come to your house." Qin Zhongyan said.

The Korean army nodded silently.

Qin Zhong left Han Jun's home with Yingzi and old mushrooms and went straight to the archives.

Three days later, the Korean army arrived at the archives as scheduled and used dozens of minutes to successfully set up the array in the archives. When he wanted to send Qin Zhong into the array, when he started the formation, a person wandered into the door. The man was shocked to see the scene in the room and stayed in place and did not move. Move.