Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 29 Familiar Mark

According to Qin Zhong, several people went out of the tomb and walked along the huge wall of the tomb road. After turning right, they saw the fox hole mentioned by Qin Zhong. Coincidentally, this fox hole can walk a fox. How can Qin Zhong and these people easily pass by such a big cave?

Guo Dafu lay in front of the cave, looked inside and said, "Brother, you are my own brother. Can we enter this hole?"

"You don't have hands. Why don't we go in and open a shop?"

"Brother Zhong, something is not right. The fox hole is really not suitable for us to drill. It's hard for a dog to dig in such a cave. When do we have to dig him?"

Qin Zhong looked at Mengna and pushed Guo Dafu away with his hand and said, "Get out of the way. This cave is a fox hole. Although the hole is not big, the fox digs a hole here, which proves that there must be a tomb inside, but we can't find his main door. This is the way they can reach the tomb. I don't think we will How far will it be?"

" boss, are you so sure?"


Guo Dafu pinched his waist, walked back and forth twice at the fox hole, scratched his head and said, "Since the boss said so, I'll go up. You all get away and I'll dig!"

Guo Dafu's hand was fast, but he had so much strength. He said he would do it. He took Qin Zhong's steel knife and the size of the hole that desperately expanded at the mouth of the cave. Before long, Guo Dafu had dug the hole into more than ten meters. But the more he dug, the easier he felt, and the more he felt that the hole was getting bigger.

Qin Zhong and Meng Na followed Guo Dafu. When Guo Dafu ran out of it, they had arrived at a spacious place, which was actually connected in all directions, and the roads on several sides looked very deep.

The soybean-sized sweat on Guo Dafu's forehead crackled down. He breathed and said, "Big boss, you really told me. There is such a mother world here."

"That is, we don't know how to go now. There are several directions here. I feel that these directions may not be right, these foxes, uncle." Qin Zhong really had a super disgust with these foxes.

And Mona pinched her chin with two fingers and looked back and forth in the hole. Every few steps, Mona scratched her head and said, "Brother Zhong, it's really hot here. Look, there are more than four entrances here. Let's look down from here, and there are several fork roads."

Qin Zhong looked in the direction of Mengna's finger and kept shaking his head: "In my opinion, this is not a tomb. I guess this is an old cemetery. The former people buried it deeply, and later generations buried it next to it, so the resentment here is ultimately, and it is also the most suitable. Those foxes running back and forth are not easy to be found.

"Well, haven't we found them? Even their old nest will be dug out."

Guo Dafu returned the steel knife to Qin Zhong and threw stones on the wall of the tomb. Qin Zhong chose a road and walked in. However, when he saw the place where the tomb road passed, it was actually a deep pit. He thought and turned back to another road. It was the same. Four entrances were deep. Big pit.

"Daesn, mother, isn't this making use of us? Why is it all deep pits here?"

Qin Zhong scratched his head and said, "There's something wrong here. It's too strange. The bottom of the pit is so deep. No matter who falls, there is only one dead end. Well, how can we get there?"

"Is there anything else that we haven't found?"

Guo Dafu shook his head: "I think this is a dead end. Those foxes don't know how to get down."

While the three were talking, I don't know when there were bursts of footsteps in the tomb, but the footsteps were very light. If you don't listen carefully, you really can't hear it clearly. Qin Zhong seemed to be very familiar with this sound. He suddenly turned his head to the place where the footsteps came from.

"Dad!" The sound is very thin, very light, and extremely fast. Someone should run again.

But when Qin Zhong really saw this person, he was shocked.

"Your uncle, this has returned to the illusion. Can you still see him?"

"Big boss, isn't that a ninja?" Guo Dafu can see people's appearance at a glance.

Qin Zhong chased directly in the direction of the ninja, but halfway after him, the ninja actually appeared in the lower tomb path of the deep pit. From this point of view, the tomb path is an upper and lower three-dimensional structure, but it seems that other ways are needed to go from Qin Zhong to the lower tomb path.

After Guo Dafu saw the ninja, he instantly took out his pistol, loaded the bullet, and raised his hand to fight.

Qin Zhong stopped him: "The ninja may not have found us yet. Let's go first." As he spoke, he took off his clothes and slid step by step from the wall of Huangni's tomb with his steel knife. This was a desperate method. No one knew how Qin Zhong's move came about.

Qin Zhong laboriously used a steel knife and slowly went down, wasting his old strength. Qin Zhong's feet finally landed. When he landed, he saw that the footprints on the ground were the triangular footprint again. He wanted to chase the direction the ninja ran, but he looked back at Guo Dafu and Mona, and was ready to choose a way to let the two guys down.

The footsteps of the ninja are getting smaller and smaller and gradually disappear.

Qin Zhong walked around a wooden step on the road. After he got up the steps, he was facing a wall. He knocked on the wall with his hand. He pushed the wall hard and made a muffled sound. The wall turned out to be a door.

"My God, boss, you have found it all." Guo Dafu talks a lot of nonsense.

Qin Zhong smiled and said, "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up."

Mengna followed Qin Zhong down a floor. Qin Zhong immediately rushed over with the footprints on the ground. Before he could run a few steps, he only heard two white lights flying out of the cave. Qin Zhong flashed suddenly, and two four-corner darts were inserted into the wall of the loess tomb.

Qin Zhong stared at it and was furious: "Your uncle, you are still playing with me. It seems that you can't be serious with him."

"Big boss, haven't you ever had a deal?"

"We have had a fight, and now we have guns. What are you afraid of him?" Qin Zhong said and hurriedly chased after him, but what Qin Zhong never expected was that when he chased to the end of the tomb, he could not see any figure, and the ninja's figure was gone.

But at the breakpoint of the other half of the tomb, he looked down. There was a deep pit below, and the tomb was actually divided into three layers. In the lower layer, there was a shadow of a big fox walking slowly.

Qin Zhong scratched his head: "Das, why is this fox here again? What on earth is this guy going to do?"

"Damn it, boss, let's break through the wall, and I'll come this time!" Guo Dafu said, and the dirt wall that changed to the deepest part of the tomb road suddenly hit him, but after several collisions, the wall did not respond.

Qin Zhong came to the wall, gently pushed it with his hand, and then pulled behind him, and the earth door was pushed open with a bang.

Mona looked at the speechless Guo Dafu and giggled: "Look at your stupidity, I know you absolutely can't open this door."

"Your mother, what's the matter with you?"

"Okay, stop arguing, let's go." After Qin Zhong got off this tomb again, he saw clearly that the big fox that was swaying just now had stood in the large hall. This hall was actually a tomb. In the middle of the main tomb, there was an agate stone hall. The agate stone was stitched together with small agate, and used in the middle. It is filled with red soil.

And the big fox shook and sat next to the coffin, quietly looking back at Qin Zhong, smiling proudly.

At this moment, the ninja also suddenly appeared in front of Qin Zhong and others. The ninja knife in his hand had been placed in front of Qin Zhong. The ninja had a proud smile and a sharp laugh: "Kid, you can still follow me. It seems that you are really desperate, but this is nothing. The fox fairy here is I need the spirit of a young man like you.