Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 40 Out

Qin Zhong and others returned to the archives along the array. After they returned to the archives, Qin Zhong was in a cold sweat, Guo Dafu's face was full of frost, and white frost grew on his beard. Only Mona was safe and sound and woke up first.

"Wow! Finally back!" Mona said it first.

Han Jun ignored him, but just read something in the corner of the formation. Na Yingzi was also helping to read it. Guo Dafu woke up again. When he woke up, he spit out a mouthful of black water and coughed a few times and said, "Am I woke up?"

"He should be awake. I'm afraid he's thinking about something?"

The old mushroom floated in the air, still the unruly look. He didn't forget to say two words to Guo Dafu: "You said you can go. You can spit out a mouthful of black water when you come back. Have you been injured?"

Guo Dafu knew that the old mushroom knew more, but he didn't want to lose his face in front of so many people: "Oh, I was injured because I did a lot of work, and I'm not like you. I won't feel tired after floating here for so long."

"Bah, can I float here for nothing? Don't I have to help you come in to find trouble in front of Hu Mei Niang!"

"What?" As soon as Qin Zhong heard this, his eyes suddenly opened and said, "Hu Mei Niang? Is he still here?"

"Of course, she won't bother you here. Will she let you beat you up?" The old mushroom is not stingy with his own words.

Qin Chou nodded and said, "We saw a lot of things over there, but Hu Mei Niang is really strange. The soul in that world is very normal, so it's useless for him to come back?"

"You have to ask her about this. Look, it's coming again. Three or four times a day. Today is her last time. Wait for me, the old man will go out and say a few words to him and get out of here." The old mushroom floated away and saw him beating each other in reality outside the door. After a few fights, the old mushroom cursed: "Slut, don't you know how tired you run here all day? Don't be afraid that your dead fox tail will be burned by human yang."

"I can grow my tail when it burns, but the tail in front of you is broken. Can you still grow it?"

"Good fox, it seems that you have had irregular menstruation for hundreds of years, and no one cares about it for 300 years. Have you not tasted being beaten for 500 years?" The old mushroom said, and his hand shot his soul at Hu Mei Niang.

When Hu Meiniang saw that the old mushroom was spewing grass leaves, she scolded this time, "Do you dare to fool me with broken grass?"

"Is this broken grass? You can watch it. What is this? Let you try the new object. Hu Mei Niang raised her hand and sent out two cloth bags, suddenly wrapping the old mushrooms in them.

The old mushroom seemed to be able to shrink bones, and suddenly came out of the rope sleeve: "Okay, collect it. I've been using this trick for three or four days. I'm not bored."

"Get out, dead fox, are you really going to stay for a hundred years?" Qin Zhong held a green bead in his hand and said, "Do you still know this thing?"

As soon as Hu Mei Niang saw what was in Qin Zhong's hand, her expression changed greatly: "Didn't you use him to deal with Lord Huang? Why did it appear again?"

"Well, I also want to know about this matter, so I still remember you dealing with that matter, and the perverted five elements beads in your hands. It seems that you are going to kill them all."

"I don't want you to stay here for more than ten or twenty years. It is said that your promise and resentment in your heart will soon disappear."

Hu Mei Niang listened to Qin Zhong's words and didn't know whether it was true or not, but the ghosts in the whole tower were handled by her. If Hu Mei Niang didn't stop, she would be much more unlucky.

Qin Zhong pondered for a long time, but his eyes never left Hu Mei Niang. All he could do was to look at Hu Mei Niang. He looked back at his people who were safe and his heart was relieved.

At the same time, when he saw Qin Zhong intervene, he threw the knife to Qin Zhong. Qin Zhong put away his knife and said to Hu Mei Niang, "This is not the place where you came from. And remember to come back next time, think about where to go. Don't come in again. Come in again. Be careful not to die."

"Haha, I still have a life. Do you know how much pressure I have to bear in the past 100 years?" Hu Mei Niang seems to have an empty side in her heart.

After Qin Zhong heard about it, two knives arrived, and the five-line beads followed. Hu Mei Niang was not afraid of anything else. What he was afraid of was Qin Zhong's five-line beads.

When the five-line beads were almost close to Hu Mei Niang, the figure of Hu Mei Niang had disappeared.

The next day, the South Korean army packed up the round, and Qin Zhong also rested for a day in file management, and finally felt much more comfortable.

Qin Zhong came to the comfort monument on the third day. He concentrated and turned the five elements of beads in his hand around. Therefore, he decided to go back first. There was nothing he could do about the comfort monument here. He had to wait a hundred years later and talk about it according to the situation.

" boss, why are you still struggling here? I've found the old man you want me to find. Go back and listen to it?" Guo Dafu hurried to talk to Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong nodded and hummed, "Mei Niang, you have to continue to practice well. If there is really no way, then you can choose to practice in the mountain and stop working here."

Qin Zhong's words are a kind of instructions and a kind of hope. He doesn't want to see the place around him, and he always dies when he has nothing to do.

As soon as they were about to go back, Qin Zhong found a familiar figure going to the noisy market. When Qin Zhong saw the man's back, he remembered that this person was the ninja again.

" boss, why don't we chase him and take down that guy? If we split him, we'll end up." Guo Dafu asked.

Qin Zhong waved his hand and said, "In the crowd, it's not easy to chase people. They are ninjas. If we use any means of anger, we still have the advantage. First study and understand the ninja's way to come from is the key."

As soon as Qin Zhong entered the room, there was an old man. After seeing Qin Zhong, he asked softly, "Which paragraph does this want to hear?"

"I don't want to hear it. I just want to know the original taste. Just tell me what you know about the matter from the construction of the monument until later.

When the old man heard about this interval, after all, he was hired for 200 yuan, so the old man would never say anything more.

Qin Zhongxiang said a few words: "I want to know if the body has been harassed after the monument was built, or if there have been any changes since then, such as where the body has gone?"

"Ha ha, it's easy to say. The Taoist priest came up with an idea to build a consolation monument on the original site. After the consolation monument was built, after the bones were claimed, all the remaining bodies were transferred to the nine paths and buried. What else happened later? I I don't think you like it, do you?"

"Listen, is there anything strange and unclear?"

"Well, in the future, there are several developers who want to develop that place, but none of the people who went up to demolish the tower survived. This is very interesting. The police station has checked it many times, but it has not found out the reason, so it can only be over."

When Qin Zhong heard this, he patted his hand and said, "Okay, I heard it here. The story is complete. Take your time. The rich man pays me money. I'm going to take notes."

"Well, I know the boss, but these 200 flowers are a little too wasteful." Guo Dafu muttered while paying the money.

Qin Zhong sneered and said, "Well, it's all about donating to the disaster area, not to mention those useless."

Qin Zhong said and slowly went to the second floor and entered the office. He first recorded the large array of the Korean army and wrote down the table above without missing points.

For three days in a row, Qin Zhong was doing it in the office. Guo Dafu was ready to deliver the meal. Then Yingzi would buy some strange meat every day, but Qin Zhong was at least not used to it.

After waiting for Qin Zhong to stay in the office and remember all the things that went back to the past, he remembered the ninja again. At first, he guessed that a person was the ninja, but later various signs overturned his own ideas, so Qin Zhong had no choice but to recall it from the beginning and carefully Write down all the details he can remember.

At this moment, he heard someone knocking on the door outside his door. Guo Dafu came in and muttered in his ear, and Qin Zhong's face suddenly became much more excited.