Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 2 Preparation

After reading his grandfather's introduction, Qin Zhong realized that the so-called Guishan was not good-looking, but because it happened a lot of things in the process of development, and it is said that before the Anti-Japanese War, Russia and the Japanese had a war, that is, that is, in that place.

The more Qin Zhong looked at it, the more addicted he became, and the more interested he became. He has made up his mind to turn this ghost mountain all over.

The old ghost sat down, picked up the tea in his hand, and drank it. Then he asked, "Xiao Zhong, I don't know how strong you are now. Anyway, I knew that your grandfather had been to that place. At that time, it was very dangerous. There were many strange things around you. If you don't turn the strange things around you If the matter is handled cleanly, I'm afraid that even if you go into the mountain, you will inevitably encounter so many big troubles.

"Trouble?" Qin Zhong was surprised by the sudden appearance of the old ghost. Although the two National Security Bureau verified his identity, it can be seen that the National Security Bureau attaches great importance to this matter. Qin Zhong does not care about how important the ninja is to the country. That is to say, patriotic words are very enjoyable, but for him He really wants to catch the ninja as soon as possible, because this ninja is appearing at every critical moment, especially the fox, which makes him feel extremely unhappy.

Qin Zhong read Grandpa's notes for a long time and remembered them. It took him a long time to say, "Uncle Ghost, there must be trouble, but I still believe in the strength of these people around me, but I really don't know much about Guishan. It seems that it really takes some time to figure it out. Do you have anything useful to read for me?

"Well, there is a travel magazine in which an article was written by a person who died in a car accident. He introduced some special things in Guishan, but his death is still a mystery. I've read this story many times. You'd better read it first. I'll go back first and come to you in a couple of days. Let's go together."

"Are you going too?"

"Hmm! The work sent down from above can't be done without it. The old ghost spoke and left without staying with Qin Zhong. He went out and left by car.

Qin Zhong in the room carefully read this article several times, and most of it introduced what happened recently near Ghost Mountain. Most people died, and the cause of death was extremely strange. The death was quite horrible, but a word was mentioned in it, that is, military solution.

When Guo Dafu saw this paragraph, he asked Qin Zhong.

And Qin Zhong thought about it and jokingly said, "You can go to Du Niang. He has a Du Niang encyclopedia, which will explain it to you very clearly, but I can tell you briefly that military interpretation is suicide, and people with faith commit suicide, or Taoist suicide. Of course, soldiers are weapons. Later If a monk or a practitioner is killed by a weapon, they are all called to solve it.

Guo Dafu was confused and didn't seem to understand, but after thinking about it, he still silently went to the computer to find the words * interpretation on Du Niang.

And Qin Zhong turned his head and went to the archives room. He turned through the archives and turned out a book about Manchuria geography on the last shelf. In the second half of the book, there was a small piece of the introduction of the ghost mountain, but the content was not as valuable as the article written by the dead man, so he simply made the book smooth. He stuffed his hand back, and when he stuffed back the book, he suddenly found that a thin oil paper came out of the book. There seemed to be a design drawing on the oil paper. The pen body should be Grandpa's.

He took a closer look at the design drawing. The above should be a knife, inlaid with a strange bead in the middle, but what interests Qin Zhong most is the introduction to the design performance below, which shows that the knife's ability can actually exceed that of ordinary knives. Ten times, because there are beads, when the knife surface attacks, if a person is cut, then the human blood will be filled with beads, and after being filled with beads, it will be connected into a round ball, that is, the cylinder will spray blood out.

Second, if the beads are made of cinnabar, then if they hit the body of the ghost, then this knife is enough to make the attacked ghost suddenly lose their power, and the zombies can move and survive.

When he saw this, he suddenly thought of his two steel knives. Although there were old mushrooms in a steel knife, he could completely inlay two five-element beads on the blade. Isn't this knife also capable of five-element beads? He thought so, so he stuffed his grandfather's drawings into his arms and went out and found a special family. The store, which does hardware work, threw its own steel knife and five-line beads into it, and then threw the drawings to them, asking them to inlay the beads on the blade as they looked on the drawings.

Of course, the merchant saw the money and everything was easy to do. He received Qin Zhong's things, wrote a receipt, and began to process them, saying that it would take three days. It happened that Qin Zhong also had to go back to prepare, and then come back three days to get the knife.

In the archives, Qin Zhong looked at the comfort monument on the Manchurian stage every day. At this moment, he always had some regrets in his heart, but he had no choice but to do so.

Two days later, Yingzi brought another large bowl of dog meat for Qin Zhong to eat. Qin Zhong raised his eyebrows and said, "Yingzi, how can I eat such a large bowl of meat? I think it's better to give it to Guo Dafu and others."

"Guo Dafu has sent two bowls. I bought too much today, but if I can't eat it, won't it be a waste?"

Qin Zhong's head was sweating. What kind of wind is this Yingzi? No one can stand eating so much meat all day long. His eyes turned: "Well, you can give these dog meat to Mona and the others. If Mark comes back, he will be able to eat more."

"All right!" Yingzi hurried out and hitchhiked to Qinglong's church in order to send dog meat, but when she came back, she told Qin Zhongna that Mona went to the provincial capital with Mark and Pastor Yu, and it might take a few days to come back.

This news is good news for Qin Zhong. If you don't bring that Mona, you may be less careful. It would be better if you could leave Yingzi behind. He thought for a long time and said with a smile, "Yingzi, if your brother Zhong has something to ask you, do you want to help?"

"Of course, as long as Brother Zhong opens his mouth."

"Okay, I'm going out to do something tomorrow. Maybe it will take ten days and half a month. There can't be no one person in this archive. Let's see if you're here to take care of it."

"Ah?" As soon as Yingzi heard this, he knew that he had been trapped in. His face darkened: "You might as well tell me not to follow you. Humph, forget it, stay and stay. Anyway, I'm going to study the shaman's formation with Uncle Han Jun. You can go to you."

Qin Zhong was happy when he heard this and got up and said, "Well, leave the rest of the meat for me to go out. You are also tired. Go back and have a rest."

Another day, Qin Zhong spent nothing. On the third day, Qin Zhong took a knife and paid for it. Before he could go upstairs, he saw the old ghost driving an SUV downstairs of the archives. Guo Dafu arrived quickly and was already sitting in the car.

Qin Zhong got on the car: "Ready, let's go!"

The old man looked at Qin Zhong: "Do you take some when you go out?"

"Well, that's basically it. Generally speaking, I don't wear too much."

" boss, I still have the dog meat that Yingzi brought us." Guo Dafu raised a large plastic bag from his side, which looked five or six catties.

Qin Zhong was so distressed that he glanced at the old ghost: "Let's go!"

"Well, we have to travel all day, but I have set the hotel two kilometers away from the Ghost Mountain."

Qin Zhong nodded: "It should be safer there."

The three, a ghost, quickly set out in the direction of Ghost Mountain. The car drove all day. On the way, the old ghost got out of the car and moved his muscles and bones. On the way, Guo Dafu drove for a while. The three of them ate dog meat. In the evening, the car was close to the range of Ghost Mountain. Here, the special hot spring of Ghost Mountain is still quite famous. , was also very popular, but he was not interested in Qin Zhong, so he entered the hotel.