Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 25 Green Mother Emerald

A gray stone statue was displayed in front of Qin Zhong and the three, but when the stone statue approached the piano, the big black cat seemed to be ready to knock back and forth on the piano, but Qin Zhong still rushed over, drove the big black cat aside, and ran out with a meow, which allowed Qin Zhong to calm down. Come and take a closer look at the stone statue that came out.

"This stone statue is so familiar that it seems to have been seen somewhere." Qin Zhong said.

The old ghost whispered, "I like the word, Kirov!"

"Huh? Isn't that the airship in the Red Alert? Guo Dafu is still familiar with games.

Qin Zhong turned around and took a fierce look at Guo Dafu: "Are there any patriots*, or American soldiers or something?"

"Yes, as soon as the soldiers sit down, they are simply no match for several tanks." Guo Dafu said with a gesture, and his mouth kept making noise.

Qin Zhong stretched out his hand and slapped Guo Dafu on the back of the head: "Uncle Ghost said that Kirov is the name of this stone statue. What do you think he is talking about?"


The old ghost came to the front of him, staring at a string of words under the stone statue and muttering.

"Does Uncle Ghost know Russian?" Qin Zhong asked.

There was a smile on the old man's face: "There is no one in our industry who doesn't understand the predictions of several countries. Besides, if you don't know anything else, you have to know Russian. We are so close to Russia."

"That's right. If you go to Russia on a mission, if you don't know Russian, many times, many things will be hindered accordingly. What is it said above?" Qin Zhong also came to the old ghost.

Old ghost translation: "The owner of the Far East Volga Manor used to be a dark horse knight in Tsar Russia."

"Dark Horse Knight?" Although Qin Zhong studied history, he really had never heard of any Volga Manor, let alone any dark horse knight: "Uncle Ghost, what is this dark horse knight?"

"That's him!" The old ghost pointed to the stone statue and said, "The Dark Horse Knight was a quite glorious profession at that time, because they were in war for a long time, and the Dark Horse Knight could only get the title after killing hundreds of enemies on the battlefield."

Qin Zhong nodded and seemed to understand the Russian respect for the black knights in the war at that time, at least to build a stone statue for those black knights.

" boss, look behind the stone statue." Guo Dafu seemed to see a hole behind the stone statue.

Qin Zhong was attracted by the stone statue at this moment and did not pay attention to what was behind the stone statue. Guo Dafu said so. He stretched out his head behind the stone statue and saw that it was indeed a black hole in the back. The old ghost used his flashlight to see a long hole in the channel.

In the hole, when the light of the flashlight shines in, it seems to be reflected back by a strange force.

Qin Zhong looked at the light that was bounced back and seemed to have been ejected back by the mirror, but when he saw that the flashlight had no effect in the cave, he suddenly remembered that there was a green stone on the stone statue, which could actually shine by itself, which reminded Qin Zhong.

"Let's go in and have a look. I guess this is the place the old man said. The green light seems to bring us the light in the cave." Qin Zhong said and took down the green gem on the stone statue. When he held the gem again, an incomparable coolness flowed into his body from his palm, and a calm fragrance began to permeate around Qin Zhong.

Guo Dafu was dumbfounded and wanted to reach in front of Qin Zhong to try the green gem, and Qin Zhong went into the hole with the gem in his hand. When the gem entered the dark environment in the hole, the green halo seemed to condense an image, which seemed to be so harmonious and gentle.

The old ghost was shocked and said very excitedly, "Isn't this green mother jade?"

"Green mother emerald? What is that?" Qin Zhong said.

The old man's mouth was so rare that he said repeatedly, "This thing is a peerless treasure, a royal decoration of Tsarist Russia."

"Royal decoration?" Qin Zhong looked at the gem in his hand, and he couldn't help but feel a burst of joy and love after getting the treasure.

"Big boss, let's go in. There may be something we are looking for here. Isn't it also mentioned here in the secret history of Ghost Mountain mentioned at the beginning?" Guo Dafu asked.

Qin Zhong nodded and said, "Yes, he mentioned here. The ghost lying on the old man's body should be here. I'm afraid the danger here may not be ruled out."

"Since we are here, let's break through here. The whereabouts of the ninja can't be traced for the time being. Why don't we go in and have a look?"

Suddenly, Qin Zhong's face suddenly changed: "No, look at the hole, there seems to be footprints in that hole."

"Fjiao yin?" The old ghost approached and looked down. The footprints on the ground were the triangular footprints: "Ninja?"

"Did the ninja come here before us?" Qin Zhong was surprised: "So everything that happened outside is behind the ninja?"

The old ghost squatted down and touched the footprint with his hand. It seemed that the footprint had dried in the hole, and the dry mud seemed to have been there for a long time.

Guo Dafu swaggered into the cave. Qin Zhong grabbed him: "This footprint should not be left now. It should be a footprint left a long time ago. Has this ninja been here for a long time?"

"Well, indeed, our information has shown that these ninjas seem to have traces of coming here in the past. Their purpose is not known for the time being, but I think they should have some unspeakable secrets or things that are very important to them. Only we have downloaded these things. You won't know until the cave." The old ghost introduced some information held by the National Security Bureau.

Qin Zhong scratched his head and went to the cave with the green mother emerald in his hand. After entering the cave, the light of the green mother jadeite spread wider and wider.

The three people walked slowly in the cave. After all, it is absolutely not easy to get to the bottom of the cave normally and smoothly in the deep hole with poor light.

" boss, how long will we go here?" Guo Dafu followed Qin Zhong closely and asked.

Qin Zhong said, "You asked me, who should I ask?"

"Didn't you have a map?"

"Yes." But when Qin Zhong reached out and touched the map, he suddenly found that the map he brought seemed to be missing. Qin Zhong searched many times but couldn't find the map: "Where is the map?"

"I saw you just now!"

"But?" Qin Zhong touched it with his hand. There was really no map on his body, but the light of the green mother emerald became brighter and brighter, flashing back and forth.

After Qin Zhong saw the light from the green mother emerald again, he was shocked and stayed there.

Following Qin Zhong's sight, the old ghost also fixed his eyes on the green shadow on the wall, which was the map that Qin Zhong had just lost. The map was gone, but it was absorbed by the green mother emerald, and then reflected on the wall.

Qin Zhong was so puzzled that he couldn't even believe that all this was true. He pinched his leg with his hand and felt the pain before saying, "My God, is that map eaten by the green emerald?"

"No, I haven't heard of a stone that can eat maps. Even if this is a royal treasure, I can't say what I eat?" The old ghost said.

Guo Dafu finally touched the smooth surface of the green mother emerald with his hand and sighed, "What a baby. How much do you think we can sell a stone when I go back?"

"Are you short of money?" Qin Zhong asked.

Guo Dafu said, "There is no shortage, but I lack the money I earned myself. I want a face."

"Ha, your face is quite valuable?"

"Well, if you don't make some fame, you really can't go back to see your father." Guo Dafu said and stood in front of the map and looked at it.

Qin Zhong grasped the stone, and the shadow of the map was blocked.

"Let's continue. It shouldn't be that simple here. It's only been a long time." As they walked, they suddenly felt the sound under their feet, which turned into the sound of wood.