Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 27 Ghost Sorrow

The light emitted by the green mother emerald is simply a super developer, showing all the ghosts on the ship. On all the decks, there are dead bodies everywhere, and the ship is full of green souls floating online.

And these ghosts are all kneeling on the ground, and each ghost holds a broken knife in their hands. The half of the broken knife has been inserted into their respective abdomens, and the soul body of each ghost has always maintained its kneeling posture.

" boss, what are these things? The broken knife in the hand and half of the body are so addictive to suicide?" Guo Dafu asked Qin Zhong in surprise.

Qin Zhong blinked his eyes and swung back and forth with the knives in his hand, as if he were playing, but he could never find the answer back to Guo Dafu.

The old ghost interrupted everyone's words at this moment: "None of these people can move. If it's really like that at the beginning, if we meet a person, all people will get up to find us trouble. Not only that, even if we can deal with so many grievances, we may not be able to go to this warship. The lowest level."

"Do you know how big this warship is?" Qin Zhong asked, and his eyes crossed the old mushroom and finally fell on Guo Dafu's face.

Seeing Guo Dafu waving his hands hurriedly, Qin Zhong smiled coldly and said, "If we avoid the interception of this ghost and say it according to normal things, then the ghost you meet below will save a lot of physical strength. If we kill the upper ghost in western Zhejiang, the ghost below will not Are you completely afraid to meet us?"

"This!" The old ghost paused for a moment. He looked into the eyes of the old mushroom. There were bursts of unpleasant feelings in the eyes of the old mushroom, and he threw his eyes to Qin Zhong.

The old mushroom raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "Kid, what are you going to do? Old man, the face I gave you is absolutely. No matter what you think, my old mushroom absolutely supports you. As long as you say a word, all the people present are not to talk about it. My old mushroom is alone.

"Are you a human?" Guo Dafu interrupted: "If you can float in the air, who are you?"

"Then you can kowtow to me, and I will be a master for you and teach you some ways to float all day long."

"Well, don't talk nonsense. Unless you are relieved, the person who can do this to you will have to become an immortal. Don't do this." When Qin Zhong said this, a strong murderous atmosphere gradually appeared on his face. He scanned the ghost in the cabin with his eyes, and each ghost seemed to be like a statue, motionless.

But the two knives in Qin Zhong's hand turned a circle in his hand. He threw the two knives high, caught them with both hands, and shouted, "Well, I'll open the way in front of me and follow them behind. If anyone falls behind, I Qin Zhong, I don't have time to care about him. Remember a word. Those who move, those who don't move will kill, those who move will kill, and those who block the way. Kill."

"Four kills? Kill each?" The old ghost asked.

The old mushroom was sweating: "Kid, you know, if you continue to kill like this, if you kill the ghost king here, the four of us may have to explain here."

"Ghost King? What's the ghost king in the place of the little devil? Moreover, this place is still occupied by the Russian people. Even if we meet the ghost king, do we have to stand to the end? If we don't fight, there is only a dead end. If there is a war, is there still hope for life?

The old ghost nodded and agreed with Qin Zhong's words, and the old mushroom seemed to be a little stunned: "Well, there is a law in the world, and there are ghost examples in the ghost world. If you really kill so many ghosts, I'm afraid it will be on the body of ghosts in the future!"

"Who dares to stop it? I, Qin Zhong, can't let go of them in any of his eyes. Let's put them one by one. Let's go and go!" Qin Zhong said, holding two knives in his hands and rushed down.

From the moment he stepped into the cabin, the broken knife in the hand of the first soldier's ghost was inserted into his abdomen, and the broken knife exposed from his back was broken by Qin Zhong's knife. One foot on the ghost's face, the ghost quickly fell to the ground. The steel knife in Qin Zhong's hand danced, fell vertically from top to bottom, and just inserted into The neck and front heart of the ghost, if this is a normal person, it may seem to have been killed by a pervert. If this is a ghost, Qin Zhong certainly has his reason.

inserted into his front heart made him lose vital signs, and the steel knife inserted into his neck, the wind beads in the steel knife kept rotating, and the green * of the wind beads rotated out, making the soul body of the ghost completely disappear.

The old mushroom's eyes were straight and he didn't dare to do it. After all, he was also a ghost, just living secretly with the help of Qin Zhong's steel knife.

"Old man, what do you mean if you don't take action? You are the only one who can be regarded as a master here. If you don't take action, I'm afraid you can't say it."

The old mushroom laughed dryly, and its hands became dragon claws, speeding like a meteor. In the blink of an eye, the head of a ghost in the cabin was pulled down by the old mushroom, and there seemed to be no blood on the head, but when the old mushroom held the head in his hand, the remaining half of the soul body poof He fell to the ground with a sound, and the whole soul gas slowly dispersed. When the soul gas dissipated, there was only half of the military samurai.

Qin Zhong scratched his head. It turned out that the old mushroom was much more cruel than himself. He was simply a monster. He used a steel knife, but he used his palm.

"Big boss, look at me!" Guo Dafu was reluctant to show weakness when he saw a way. He put away the * in his hand, pulled out the saber made of the spider's chete, held a long knife and rushed into all the souls, waving the long knife.

It's okay for the old ghost to rush in with Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu. Anyway, the power of the saber in his hand and the short dagger are definitely not ordinary.

After Qin Zhong entered the cabin, he tried his best to get to the head, but found that his head had been hit by the low boat board. When he rushed through the group of ghosts, he found that these ghosts were all up, as if they were full of tenacious vitality, but among these ghosts, There seems to be only that kind of hatred for Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong discussed with the old ghost for a long time and quietly agreed to the old ghost's method, and he was the first to open the way with two knives and kill back all the way, at least killing nearly a dozen little ghosts like housekeepers, that is, killing so many housekeepers and commanders, which made Qin Zhong's double knives fly more fiercely. As the saying goes, capture the thief first. If you capture the king and kill the king, you will occupy the king's seat, high and look down.

"What's wrong with these ghosts? What else do they have to do?" Qin Zhong asked.

When Guo Dafu saw Qin Zhong's speed and fierceness, he was also sweating. He really didn't know what Qin Zhong was thinking at this moment, but it was normal and no one was afraid. However, when Qin Zhong killed in the middle, he only saw the old ghost and inserted it into the body of a mummified body. After that, it didn't last more than five seconds. It's good that the normal ghost body was not in a mess, but the ghost he inserted almost became a statue.

Qin Zhong sneered and said, "This ship looks very lively. Sure enough, one person can't stop it, but his premonition is much better than normal people."

The steel knife in Qin Zhong's hand is full of old blackness: "Who else will come? I will accompany him to the end."

Just as Qin Zhong called the number, black ninjas crawled out of the corner of the hull and rushed in at high speed. These people didn't know where they came from, whether it was Qin Zhong's hallucination, or whether it was the ninjas they were looking for.

"Who are you? How can I be here? If I don't talk, I will take action. Qin Zhong deliberately gave up his harsh words, but it was ineffective. At this moment, he knew that these ninjas were also ghosts.

Those ninjas' faces were full of those proud smiles, but they didn't seem to want to reply, but they just wanted to fight with Qin Zhong. The ninja knife in their hands waved up and down, looking very annoying and disgusting.