Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 7 Qinling Jumping Body

Qin Zhong faced nearly twice as many people on his side. He didn't seem to care at all, so he stretched out a little finger: "Little boy, come on, let your father educate you well."

"Ouch!" Sun Long himself was narrow-minded and had a very irritable temper. When he heard Qin Zhong insult his personality like this, he broke out and jumped out, and his fists and feet fell on Qin Zhong like rain.

Qin Zhong was also welcome. He dodged left and right. He wanted to kill several times. He wanted to draw a knife to deal with it, but he still stopped his hand. He just raised his hand and fought a few times. Looking at the opportunity was a punch, and looking at the emptiness was a foot. If it was in the ring, Sun Long would definitely be defeated by points, and Qin Zhong was about to hit every time. When it is harmful, the strength of the hand will be relaxed and will not put Sun Long to death.

And Sun Long's move was vicious, and the point was to put Qin Zhong to death.

Qin Zhong had no choice but to kick Sun Long's armpit, and suddenly one of Sun Long's arms lost his ability to fight.

"Are you still fighting? If you hit me again, it will really make you kneel down!" Qin Zhongzheng said, "There are many people here. I don't want you to worry so much."

"Nonsense, if you want me to kneel down, you should have earlier, hum!" While Sun Long spoke, he suddenly felt a pain in his arm, and his face suddenly turned pale, and then stopped.

Qin Zhong immediately came up, grabbed his arm with one hand, grabbed the veins with both hands, and shook up and down. With a click, Sun Long's arm seemed to be much better.

"Do you still want to fight?" Qin Zhong stared at Sun Longdao.

Sun Long really couldn't get off the stage at this time. He saw that Qin Zhong didn't pay attention and pulled out a yellow rune paper from his arms, read a word in his mouth, and threw it into Qin Zhong's clothes. The rune paper was strangely stained on his clothes.

"What is this?" Qin Zhong was surprised.

Sun Long smiled proudly and said, "Hmm, you will know in a moment. Now it's useless for you to take it off, because the charm has penetrated into your clothes and skin, just wait for those evil spirits to come to you."

"What?" Qin Zhong frowned and said, "Well, you sinister grandson, I'll do your uncle." This time, he had no mercy and punched Sun Long's neck fiercely. The punch was so fast that Sun Long no longer had a chance to escape, and he didn't even have the strength to fight.

Qin Zhong stepped on Sun Long's shoulder with one foot and said, "You don't want to give you a chance to bite your master. Well, I will educate you well for your parents. What is virtue and what is strength?"

Sun Long only felt that his body could not move at this moment. He could not break free from Qin Zhong's foot. He was a prince and seemed to have never been so insulted, which was simply killing him.

Qin Zhong grabbed Sun Long's head and said, "You forced me to do all this. I don't want to fight with you from the beginning, so you will bear all the consequences."

"Hum, whatever you are, anyway, you are about to become a yin and yang person. What am I afraid of? At worst, I will go back to live in the hospital for two days. When I come out, I am still me, but you, hum, that ghost will follow you for a lifetime."

Qin Zhong believes Sun Long's words. After all, he is a student of Tianshimen, and it is relatively easy to make such a charm. Qin Zhong waved his hand and slapped Sun Long in a daze. Such a scene was enough to make a fool of this guy.

" boss, are you all right?" Several little brothers who came to join in the fun were almost dumbfounded. It seemed that they had never seen their brother Long beaten like this.

Sun Long staggered up with a trace of blood on the corners of his mouth and sneered, "I won't fight with you today. I'll wait for the next time. I'll deal with you, but let's have fun with a few ghosts today."

Sun Long said, and he didn't know what he muttered. Then he dodged with a few younger brothers.

" boss, did you use a ghost charm?" The thin man asked.

Sun Long snorted coldly, "It's a zombie charm. Let's see how he can escape this time."

"Big boss, your move is really high and awesome. Why don't we watch the fun here? Let's see how this boy died." The thin said.

Sun Long seemed to be a little proud at this moment. Lang Lang smiled and said, "Well, the school said that some zombies ran away recently. If he is sucked dry by zombies, it has nothing to do with us. Instead, we have another experiment. It's good, not bad."

"The boss is wise."

Qin Zhong didn't chase Sun Long again. He didn't want to make a big deal. This was definitely an improvement in his mood. Forbearance, and then forbearance. After letting others go several times, he would no longer pursue it. However, he took down the charm on his body. It seemed that he couldn't understand the words on it, and his attention was all about the charm. At the same time, he suddenly found a figure on the mountain opposite the ancient tomb pool.

From afar, the figure appearing on the low mountain bag behind the ancient tomb pool seems to be about to jump into the pool. Is it suicide?

Although this ancient tomb pool is not as wide as the big river and sea, its depth is at least ten meters. Ordinary people jump down to think that they will definitely die.

Qin Zhong was ready to run up the mountain bag and rescue the diver, but before he could move, the figure on the mountain bag suddenly jumped up.

"Don't look for death, don't jump!" Qin Zhong shouted.

But it didn't help. The figure seemed to be a bat, crossing the water of the ancient tomb pool and went straight to Qin Zhong.

"Boom!" With a sound, a figure of about 1.8 meters fell in front of Qin Zhong, and a mass of dust raised high when the figure fell to the ground.

Qin Zhong quickly retreated more than ten meters, looked at the person who fell down, and stared straight at Qin Zhong.

"Who are you? What?" He was about to ask why he jumped so far, but he suddenly realized that the man opposite was holding his hands flat, a set of clothes of a senior official of the Qing Dynasty, a series of iron blue, with black breath in his mouth and straight eyes.


"Zombie?" The thin monkey also sweated: " boss, it's a zombie. When did you learn to summon such a strong zombie?"

Sun Long also hurriedly wiped the sweat above his head: "Damn it, it's a bad thing. The charm I just threw was a little zombie, but where did this big zombie come from?"

"Isn't that Qinling zombie?"

"What?" Sun Long was stunned and said for a long time, "If it's true, we are not opponents. Our teacher said that the zombie can be subdued unless it is level 10 of the heavenly master. Otherwise, even if it is subdued, it will be instantly disintegrated by the will of the zombie itself."

"Then let's run and call the teacher, so that we can get a big bonus." The thin man said.

Sun Long listened and calculated for a long time before he nodded and said, "Well, just as you said, let's go, let's go quickly, or we will be quickly logged in by that boy, and our reward will be gone."

Sun Long's group of people ran away, leaving Qin Zhong alone. Facing the zombie who could not speak and the cold breath in front of him, he was unhappy. He had never dealt with a zombie with such a reputable zombie. In addition, he was even more uncertain when he had just heard what Sun Long said.

But the zombie will not give Qin Zhong time. It just jumped and directly jumped on Qin Zhong's body. This jump was fast, and it was not Qin Zhong's early preparation. I'm afraid he really couldn't dodge. A jumping corpse fought with Qin Zhong in the ancient tomb pool.

After Sun Long ran back to school, he hurriedly reported the situation to his teacher of Tianshimen, which was almost an hour before they left from the ancient tomb pool.

Immediately, the teacher of Tianshimen took several teachers majoring in Fu, prepared for something, and immediately set out. Sun Long led the way. Along the way, several teachers immediately asked about the situation at the scene. Sun Jun said about Qin Zhong's situation at the scene: "I also met a freshman at the scene. I don't know what he was doing there. But we met the jumping corpse. After thinking about it for a long time, we didn't dare to take action, so we came back to find you.

"Well, it's good for you to be careful, but speaking, this jumping corpse can run away, which is definitely because his energy is still very sufficient. We underestimate him. At least this zombie has to create a lot of value for us." The teacher of Tianshimen said.