Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 19 Ninja Evil

Qin Zhong heard Guo Dafu's request for help and felt that Guo Dafu should be fine, so he first took a few students' mission cards and ghost bags. Then he staggered to Guo Dafu to help clean up the old forest demon.

However, no matter how the two people take action, the old demon was always underground for a while, and then on the ground. Before the second move with the two of them, it was gone, which made Qin Zhong extremely distressed.

"Consuming tactics, guys, you all get away from the old mushroom. This trick still wants to show off in front of my old mushroom. Let's see how I deal with him." Not to mention, the old mushroom raised one hand and ran out two pangolins from nowhere. These two pangolin, black heads, a golden armor, plunged into the ground. Not long after, the old forest demon came out of the ground and desperately avoided the attack of the pangolin.

After Qin Zhong saw that the old forest demon got out of the ground, he slipped, with thunder beads in his mouth and a steel knife with wind beads in his hand, and rushed to the old demon in two steps.

"The world is so big that the wind is green and wood, and you can't break your skin. Then the thunder in my mouth will break your real body.

The thunder beads in Qin Zhong's mouth rolled up a wave of purple electric light for a moment, instantly surrounded the old forest demon, and then saw that the old demon's body was broken layer by layer and torn at the end.

The broken bark was burned crazily by a flame after the roots fell to the ground. Not long, there was only a soft body left in front of Qin Zhong, which collapsed in an instant.

Guo Dafu was dumbfounded, blinked his eyes, and looked at a pool of green and yellow ** on the ground, which was sticky and seemed to be about to get into the ground, but the four black eyes of the two pangolin armors stared at the pool of **. This ** seemed to feel the existing threat and had no choice but to turn to the grass.

Qin Zhong curled the corners of his mouth and sneered, "What kind of object is this? It occupies the flesh of the big green worm and occupies the shell of the tree demon. Then let me see what's inside you. Kill it!" He shouted, danced with two knives, and hit a cross wind and thunder. This is a trick he has only recently invented. It belongs to an all-round attack move, which consumes considerable physical strength. When Qin Zhong's two knives split the green bug into more than a dozen sections and spread it into green water.

A wisp of black smoke slowly rises from the ground, and there seems to be a little light in the smoke.

"Big boss, be careful, there is a figure in the smoke." Guo Dafu can see clearly from the distance of the station.

Qin Zhong's body retreated a few steps and fixed his eyes. There was indeed a figure, and this figure was dressed in a black night coat, with a cloth belt on his head.

"Ninja, Dafu, be careful." Not waiting for Qin Zhong's voice to fall to fall, the black shadow instantly a white smoke. When the white smoke subsided, there were more than a dozen identical ninja shadows around Qin Zhong. Bright red blood flowed from each shadow's eyes. The abdomen of these figures was inserted with half of sabers, while half of the sabers were held in their hands, together. Surrounded by Qin Zhong.

"Big boss, so many?" Guo Dafu doesn't know the direction.

Qin Zhong's nose sniffed a few times, and his eyes instantly resisted a black soul body: "Unfortunately, this evil spirit is not completely corrupt, and it can still emit such a strong smell." He immediately smiled and said, "Let's see where you are going this time." Two knives flew together, and Leizhu exited: "Wind and Leiyi, change it at the right time. When you move, you can kill it!"

Guo Dafu doesn't know what Qin Zhong is talking about at this moment. Did Qin Zhong really learn some psychology: " boss, what kind of spell is this?"

"I'm communicating with this evil spirit, hoping that he can understand something, but I still have to clean up his soul." Qin Zhong's two knives were repeatedly cut on the forbearable soul body, and in an instant, the black gas gradually melted away.

Qin Zhong shouted, "Don't leave. I promise to recite the Eternal Scriptures 108 times for you. As long as you go back with me and be baptized by the Ancient Tomb College, you must be able to be reincarnated."

"Roar!" The dissipated black smoke, in a blink of an eye, was actually condensed again by Qin Zhong, becoming a pill-sized qi elixir, floating in the palm of Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong put this black gas pill away in a paper box and put it in his pocket. He took a breath and said, "I didn't expect this ghost psychology to be really useful. If this guy really doesn't go with us, a new old forest demon will appear in the near future. At that time, the old demon will be extremely resentful. Heavy, no one wants to catch him again."

Ah? Boss, do you know this? Guo Dafu asked in surprise.

Qin Zhong looked at Guo Dafu with his eyes sideways: "You can be a teacher at this level. Do you think your boss can understand these things?"

"Uh!" Guo Dafu is speechless.

Qin Zhong let the old mushroom return to the steel knife. After all, the few summons just now are quite soul-consuming. The soul power of the old mushroom is not easy to come, so he needs to rest and have a full rest.

Qin Zhong looked back at the bodies of the students who fell on the ground and thought about it for a long time. He also gave up the idea of destroying the corpses: "Let's go, just think these bodies were killed by the ghosts here."

" boss, the ghosts here are all here. After going back, where are there any other ghosts around this coordinate?" Guo Dafu has a deep understanding of many things in the Ancient Tomb College, and it's really not good if he doesn't understand them, so this reminds Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter. Those who come out to do the task will die in vain. No one will be responsible for this matter. Let them investigate. Even if they find us, I won't care. As the saying goes, those who come will not refuse."

Guo Dafu secretly accepted Qin Zhong's statement and had no choice. If he could find a way, there was no better way to do it.

"Go out and wait for the bus. It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Because there were many students at the beginning, many ghosts have dodged us, but I'm afraid that the rest of the road will have something that shouldn't appear." Qin Zhong's information comes from the website. He saw it clearly and carefully recorded every detail here.

Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu ran from the way they came from. Before they ran halfway, they found that several students had been hard under the root of the tree halfway. Looking at the bleeding on their faces, they should have been injured by some huge shock power, resulting in a heart pulse and instant death.

"Be careful, the soul bags in those people's hands have been taken away. It may be a force."

"Damn, these students are usually obedient birds at school. Why don't they recognize anyone?"

Qin Zhong smiled sarcastically and said, "It's still the same sentence that you can become a teacher at this level. How can those students respect you, so you must stand up in front of them and let them feel horrible when they see you. This is the means and strength."

"I think it's better to forget it. I still learned these two brushes from the old hands. There is no way to stand up."

Guo Dafu shook his head. While the two were talking, stretching out from the forest, several black eyes had already fixed on Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu. A strong cold breath was like the unearthed by ghosts, and the huge yin energy came to Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong's hair shrugged high, paused for a moment, and then whispered, "Big rich man, run!" As soon as he finished speaking, he pulled Guo Dafu and quickly left for the dispatching battle.

Qin Zhong ran behind him and sweated profusely. Not long after, Guo Dafu was sweating profusely. Not to mention that he could keep up with Qin Zhong's footsteps. The speed of the two people can be said to be the best. If a person's life is in danger, his feet may be twice as fast as usual, and those who have practiced may exceed Four times, if he had participated in the Olympics, Bolt's performance might have been at the bottom long ago.

As soon as the two jumped out of the grass and saw a car parked at the dispatching station. Seeing Qin Zhong rushing out, the driver immediately opened the window and shouted, "You two, hurry up. They are behind you. None of us can survive when it's too late."

"Big rich, grit your teeth and go!" Two people got into the car, but a dark haze behind them was close to the rear of the car.