Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 25 Steel Knife Processing

I don't know when the sky began to rain. In a place like the Ancient Tomb College, a rain usually surrounds the whole mountain area, and you will feel a wet feeling for a long time.

In the principal's room, Lin Shuo slapped the case with one hand and suddenly shocked several boss-level figures present.

"Don't think that you can do whatever you want with me with a few stinky money. Your requirements can't be passed with me. What evidence? Do parents of students killed by monsters during field missions have to make trouble with me? Besides, when you sent them here to study, how could they enter the school without signing the contract?

Lin Shuo's words stunned several of the bigwigs present. Although they were full of anger, they still didn't dare to say anything.

Sun Long's father got up and patted his clothes, and his face became much lighter: "Well, since the principal said so, we have no choice but to solve this matter according to our own methods."

Several bigwigs came to the principal's office and didn't get any answer, so they had to walk away in dismay. But at this moment, Qin Zhong was repeatedly studying his drawings. He found a book about the power of the five elements to complement each other in the school library. After reading it several times, he felt that the wind helped the thunder. After repeated thinking about the kinetic energy, there may be a change when the five elements of wind and thunder beads merge together.

"Qin Zhong, have your drawings been designed?" Chen Mu called Qin Zhong early in the morning.

"Well, almost, wait for me. I'll come to you later. I want to see what happens after such a design." After Qin Zhong said, he found some books about the legend of shamans. After all, this five-e elements bead is the result of the study of the shaman's ancestors when he went back after he got the five-e elements principle from the Central Plains, so the wonderful use of such beads depends on the shaman's books.

Qin Zhong turned the book on both sides, and only one paragraph interested him. What the text said was that Shamanzu returned to the northeast with two bronze medals that had been sacrificed to the five elements from the Central Plains. On the way, he met mountain thieves and rushed to use some shaman techniques to get rid of those people, but he didn't expect That is, there are also several magic masters among those flying thieves, who use a large number of evil ghosts to surround Shamanzu.

And when the shamanzu was helpless, suddenly there was lightning and thunder between heaven and earth, and the wind was strong. It was strange that his two bronze medals were actually released, and the reflected energy put down all the mountain thieves. After he successfully returned to his mountain area and his tribe, he changed between these five elements. The process of Wanhua has been recorded and applied to the shaman technique, which has achieved today's results.

When Qin Zhong saw this paragraph, he saw that his steel knife was still green. As long as there was light, the knife light would render a large environment. If it could really produce the effect of the shamanzu at that time, it was very likely that the steel knife would become a sharp weapon with the help of his antique charm.

"Well, that's the drawing." Qin Zhong put away the drawings, wrapped them in a box with steel knives and thunder beads, sealed them with tape, and left the library.

After the carton was handed over to Chen Mu, he didn't say much and wanted to go to Yingzi to discuss the technical problems in the shaman. He didn't return until late at night. The two talked about a lot of issues about shaman history and shaman skills.

In a blink of an eye, Chen Mu called Qin Zhong and went to the blacksmith's shop in the ancient tomb town to get a knife. He prepared the money and rode his bicycle out of the school.

"Squeak, squeak!" The bicycle is not fast, and it can't get up quickly. By the time he arrived in the town, it was already noon.

"Boss, I'm a friend of Mr. Chen. Come and pick up the goods." As soon as Qin Zhong entered the door, the traditional sound of iron beating came out of the blacksmith's shop, which was the sound of fire from the blast furnace, and the temperature here was really unacceptable.

Qin Zhong's face was full of sadness: "It's not easy for such an old blacksmith's shop to survive."

"What's the matter, look down on our behavior?" At this time, a man swaying out of the blacksmith's shop. The man was covered with iron ash, and the skin on his face was roasted like a suckling pig.

"Ha, no, it's just that such an old profession is really rare, but it's a miracle that you can still survive here. I'm just sighing."

The owner of the blacksmith's shop curled his lips and smiled: "This is close to your school, otherwise there would be no such survivability."

"Are there so many people in our school making knives here?" Qin Zhong looked surprised.

The boss nodded and said, "Yes, of course, not only your students, but also the teachers in your school. They often send a lot of things to practice. The techniques they use are ancient methods, so they must come to me to process."

Qin Zhong's eyes glanced around the house and did see a lot of strange ironware, but Qin Zhong had something that stunned him.

"Ninja knife?" This thing can directly stimulate Qin Zhong's nerves.

"Well, this knife was custom-made by someone here a few months ago, but it is said that he never saw him back after going to Guishan." The boss said and took out Qin Zhong's things: "You guys, I'm still doing it for the first time, but your drawings are also very good. I also processed them for you. Your knife has become quite good now."

Qin Zhong was attracted by the boss's words. Originally, he was thinking about weapons, but he saw the ninja knife and heard Ghost Mountain. These two things can directly lift Qin Zhong's appetite.

It seems that this ancient tomb academy is really not simple, otherwise the old ghost would not have made such a big deal here. He opened the box and looked at his steel knife. His eyes suddenly lit up. The steel knife became thinner than before, but it was longer, but the quality of the knife was obviously improved, and the position of the two beads was designed to be lengthened. In the middle distance, Qin Zhong designed a bloodlet, and A particularly deep hole was left in this trough.

"From the whole, the design of your knife can be said to have been exhausted, but I added some changes to the length according to your design ideas, and added some modern scientific titanium to increase its toughness, but what I don't understand most here is that your bloodletting tank is facing out. What does the little hole do?

Qin Zhong sneered and said, "You don't know that. Sometimes I can put some powder, or smaller pills, solids and so on in that hole."

"In this case, that's fine. Anyway, you are professional with knives." As a boss, he usually talks to the guests relatively politely when collecting money, and also tries his best to please the guests, hoping to get more income.

Qin Zhong curled his lips and smiled and said, "Of course, but I don't think you need the ninja knife here. Why don't I take it back or send it back to them?"

"Oh, that would be really great. Come on, this is the name of their class. You can find them and give it to his classmates. I'll give you this knife. In this case, I won't charge you the extra processing fee for making knives, just a cost."

Qin Zhong knew it, took his things, paid for it, held a ninja knife, remembered the name of the class, and walked back. But as he walked away, he felt cold in his heart, because he was already poor and white, and he had dozens of yuan of change, and he didn't even take advantage of a red ticket.

But when he left the ancient tomb town by bicycle, several people rushed out of the roadside without leaving the town, each with a machete in their hands, and their clothes were all rags, which looked like thieves.

Qin Zhong seems to remember the legend of the shaman ancestors. Are there also thieves here? Not to mention that you have to rely on the power of the two beads of wind and thunder?