Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 33 All Laws are One

After a night's rest, Qin Zhong and others basically recovered, but Qin Zhong was still the most sober one. He spent an hour or two more to read the files of these people again, from which he seemed to find the characteristics of all the supernatural events that happened to them, and each time the supernatural happened. During the event, ninjas will appear, and each time they will end with a fire fox.

Look at Nakajiro's file. He once learned Taiji in Wudang Mountain in China. Is this Firefox spell passed down from Wudang? Qin Zhong's questions in his mind could not be explained for a moment, but they could only be uncovered little by little in the future. Now it seems a little early and a little hasty to solve these mysteries.

Qin Zhong put down the file in his hand for the time being. He lowered his head and thought about it, and then fell asleep. Maybe he was too tired. During this period of time, he did not get a good rest at all, even for a day or two.

The next morning, the rising sun shone in from outside the window, and someone seemed to get up early to burn paper to commemorate the deceased.

And Qin Zhong put away the file on the table and let the big teeth, and he remembered what was in the file. In this way, he could try his best to study the spell.

"Eat breakfast!" I don't know when Daya got up. He went to the small shop downstairs to buy soybean milk and deep-fried dough sticks, and hurriedly sent them upstairs: "Eat while it's hot. It doesn't taste good when it's cold."

"Well, let's eat. After dinner, we will move on to the next topic. Ha ha, the task is very difficult." Qin Zhong made great efforts this time because he was going to participate in two things, one is hunting a week later, and the other is the ghost festival activity mentioned by Chen Mu.

Soy milk deep-fried dough sticks are indeed one of the classic breakfasts of Chinese people. Even the old chicken named Ken has to learn how to make deep-fried dough sticks from our China. A deep-fried dough stick is just a deep-fried dough stick.

Qin Zhong first raised his own question. He knew that Mark, who was present, was a religious person and could explain some Western sects, while the Korean army was a master of the array of shamanism. He wanted to hear the difference between these two people's spells and the heavenly master's charms, and the method of demon subjugation in religion.

For a long time, Mark is still a quick word.

"In our Christian opinion, this demonism is generally borrowed from the power of God, and our loyal believers will also believe in the power of God. Generally speaking, as you said about casting spells, I feel that it should be the same as our divine power possession. The divine power can be possessed at will, and then break the devil's body, and even Magic, but it seems that the spell you are talking about seems to guide some force to work on you, and then use this power to completely control your thoughts and illusions.

Facing Mark's opinion, Qin Zhong is deeply touched. This should be the central thinking of the Christian school. He puts his mind completely on the mind of God. Whether it is praying, praying, or doing things, it will be the kind of calmness that seems to have a backer and face things without worries. Free.

After getting Mark's idea, Qin Zhong asked the Han army. In the past, Qin Zhong said that Han Jun was a veritable old fox. Although it was a derogatory word, it was very appropriate to use this derogatory term. After all, the Korean army's social experience, complexity and meticulousness of thought were above Qin Zhong.

"Uncle Han, I saw in the book that many things in the spell are complementary to what is said in the ghost doctor's manual. From this point of view, this spell is also a way to impose the will of the person who cast the spell on the curse, which is affected."

Han Jun took a breath and thought for a moment: "You are right. Since I studied shaman for so long, I was still struggling with how to stand against those ghosts, ghosts and so on, but the more I went to the back, the more I found that those ghosts were all sentient beings. I remember when the Buddha taught at the beginning. Hou, to get great self-being, we must get rid of affection on the basis of affection. Love is a huge obstacle on the road to achievement. It is not only a spell, but also the use of people's feelings. This word love is indeed an obstacle to others. If we can put down our normal thinking, it may be easy to affect the spell on people. Expulsion."

"I have done a lot of experiments. For a creature with an insect-level IQ, such as a spider, it is easy to control spiders by sacrificing methods of shamans, which is also in the form of spells. On the other hand, if you treat mammals such as pigs and dogs in the same low-level way, it won't work. It is necessary to deepen the intensity of casting spells and the aura of sacrifices to control them. If they are human beings, they need to spell more. Among them, it is likely to use some other means, such as entering, guiding, deception, and a series of other techniques. These should all belong to ghost psychology. Learning, or the category of human psychology.

Qin Zhong was stunned: "Uncle Han's insights are very profound. Do you also have any research on ghost psychology? I also understand what you said, that is to say, the thinking of everything in the world is different. Everyone's level is high and low. If a spider wants to become refined, it will take a hundred years or a thousand years to achieve small achievements. If there is really any profound functionalization, it may be beyond their reach. , basically impossible to achieve, right?

"As the saying goes, the Buddha said that there are 84,000 methods in the ten Dharma world and countless hundreds of cultivation methods, but every thought we scattered will produce countless thoughts at every moment, and every thought may become the way for the master of spells to control you, and in another way, everyone's call Between sucking, you have betrayed yourself and exposed yourself. For example, after we see someone, we can intuitively feel the temperament of this person, and how this person should communicate with him and deal with things.

After all, the old fox experienced a profound explanation by the Korean army made Qin Zhong immediately feel his shortcomings in these matters, and his face was low.

"Whatever you say, no matter which discipline it is, it has its central idea. This central idea may be connected with each subject, especially the ghost industry. In fact, the difference is that the method is different, but no matter which method, one person uses it, It is a method that many people use, that is, many methods. There are so many methods that they are inseparable from. It is always a thing.

"Yes, in order to achieve their purpose of casting spells, for the purpose of common, either harming people or catching ghosts." Han Jun hit the nail on the head, and Mark beside him was stunned.

However, Qin Zhong got a lot of benefits from it. Now he understood the reason of the spell and the whole thing. The purpose of this kamikaze team is to come to mainland China to make trouble. Why did he choose the biggest action in the northeast is because they had been in the northeast for a long time. Of course, it was stolen by them. The place where I came may be reluctant to leave this land.

Qin Zhong's hand gently tapped on the table: "Thank you two. Recently, the things at hand are also very messy, and I'm in a hurry to go back, so I won't leave you any more. When my business is done, let's sit down and talk."

"Forget it, your few questions have also made us authenticate a problem. Everything in the world can find their commonalties. This is just what we just said about. Xiaozhong, I am very moved by your move this time, but on the basis of inheriting your Qin family's career, I hope you will be in the future. Being able to find a more suitable path for your development, life has been swaying for decades. In fact, it is very fast. In fact, we can't do many things in our life. It is even more difficult to choose the path that suits your development. Just take care of yourself.

Han Jun said, got up and stretched out, picked up a cigarette and rolled out of the archives room. Mark also moved and walked away tiredly.

And Big Teeth is still an old man doing his job and packing up the files in the archives.