Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 36 Death in the Wasteland

These senior students didn't care about Qin Zhong's feelings at all. The purpose of that person was to let Qin Zhong complete the so-called task by himself. However, at this time, Qin Zhong found a very serious problem. These students did not want to complete this task with him at all. It was probably behind them. People dictate that they take action, which is an act of deception.

But Qin Zhong only regarded these things as jokes. He plucked his eyebrows and put on a chic look: "You, and you, can be called scum. You uncle, I'm not like you. Let's talk about it when my mission comes back."

Qin Zhong Qingfeng generally left in a hurry. According to the normal procedure, he rushed to the comprehensive building. Because the time of the task did not wait for people, he directly took the elevator. After all, the school activities were approaching, and not many people came out to participate in the task. However, while he entered the elevator, several students of Tianshimen followed Qin Zhong closely, and Several people took the same elevator and went down.

Qin Zhong's task is on the 5th underground floor. This layer of task is simply a little abnormal. People who want to complete this layer of task must have rich experience and considerable skills to be able to do it easily in the task.

After Qin Zhong got out of the elevator, he only felt that several Tianshimen students behind him had been following him. Based on this, he felt very bad. After all, after killing Sun Long that day, Sun Long's parents and the parents of several dead students had defined Qin Zhong as enemies and must kill, so he The risk of coming out to do the task is 100 times higher than that of others.

Of course, the students who die in the mission area in the college are not protected by law, so only that is the best opportunity for Sun Long's parents. I don't know how long they have been waiting for Qin Zhong here, but how can they let go of this opportunity.

As soon as he got off the elevator, Qin Zhong walked into danger step by step, because outside the yellow line outside the exit dispatching room was an extralegal place. He had already prepared everything, and even if he tried his best, he had to throw away the few people behind him.

The teacher in charge of this level of scheduling has not seen students come in for a long time. After he saw Qin Zhong's badge, he stopped for a moment: "Freshman?"

"Yes!" Qin Zhong's answer was sonorous and powerful.

"You haven't been graded yet?"

"Yes, I don't have a level yet."

The teacher looked back at the students of Tianshimen behind him and whispered to Qin Zhong, "We teachers have to be responsible for the students in the school. I advise you that students who can come here should be at least level 4 or above. Do you know what this concept is?"

"I don't know, but I know I must successfully complete this task. I need money." Qin Zhong said his intention without concealment.

And the students behind him smiled one after another: "It's really interesting. Such an old man can still come to this floor to find excitement. I don't think we have to do it. He will be played to death by those fierce ghosts."

"Qin Zhong, as a teacher, I have to remind you that when you get out of this yellow line, you must face all kinds of dangers. We are unable to protect a flipped student in the mission area, so you..."

"It's timeless, but thank you, teacher, open the door for me." Qin Zhong's resolute eyes made the teacher stand upright, solemnly pressed the button under his hand, and opened the door in front of Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong closed his eyes slightly. After the door opened, he paused a little and took a breath. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and stared at a car. With a competition, he rushed into the car like flying. After getting on the car, he locked all the doors of the car.

"The driver drives, let's go to this place." He showed the sign in his hand to the driver, and the place written on it was the princess's grave.

"I don't know where those students are going?"

"I saw that they went to the Stin River. We are in two directions. Let's go." As Qin Zhong spoke, the steel knife in his hand had glowed green, and the wind and thunder made a sizzling sound, which really shocked the driver. The driver was slightly flustered. He stepped on the accelerator under his feet and rushed out at a high speed.

After the students of Tianshimen checked the signs, Qin Zhong had already taken a car far away. Even if they wanted to catch up, they were afraid they would catch up after arriving in the mission area.

One of the students went back and asked the teacher who checked the brand, "Where did the second guy go just now?"

"It should be the princess's grave. You are not far away. I hope you seniors can take care of this freshman."

As soon as the teacher's words fell, these students of Tianshimen sneered, and one of the burly students said loudly, "Don't worry, we will take good care of him and ensure that he will not be exposed to any danger."

Several students of Tianshimen laughed wildly and didn't take the car, but just grabbed the skateboard. It seems that they are going to play cool here.

Because there are cars and self-propelled vehicles such as skateboarding in the mission area, if you step on the skateboard, you will face more threats. Maybe they will encounter any kind of ghosts halfway. They must face it. If they wait for the car, they may waste some time, but it is relatively safe. .

Qin Zhong's car was very fast. I don't know if the driver had not received students here for a long time. He looked very excited. Although he was shocked by Qin Zhong's steel knife, he still finished his work.

"Qin Zhong, good luck. If you can get out smoothly, please press the button in the opposite cabin and I will be there in five minutes."

Five minutes, what a fast speed. In fact, the princess grave is the farthest mission area from entering the door. If you want to drive here in five minutes, you must raise the speed to more than 245 within two minutes, so the cars used to pick up students in the mission area are specially made and are no different from racing cars.

After Qin Zhong got out of the car, he was not in a hurry to enter the mission area, but looked inside on the edge of a desolate grassland. At a glance, he would faintly see a few dead trees on the barren grassland. The branches and leaves on the tree pole had drooped into fat, and the rest were nothing more than the dilapidated tree poles, and Tree roots that are unable to support a flood.

A burst of yellow dust swept over the barren grass and rushed to Qin Zhong with a strong smell of dead dust.

"Daes, it's really not a place for me to stay." He turned his head and looked in the direction of the driveway. He wanted to see if the students of Tianshimen had followed him, but it seemed that he was still safe for the time being, but he resolutely strode into the grass, and every step he took a different feeling.

After all, it is a barren grassland. Once it rains, water will inevitably accumulate here. The uneven ground on the grass really makes it impossible to walk quickly.

Unfortunately, the weather was not beautiful, but it covered the sun with dark clouds at this time. In an instant, it began to rain again. The rained more and more heavily. The sound hitting the ground made Qin Zhong feel a burst of depression. Sometimes the lightning tried to split the suffocating silence, but after the lightning, it was just After splitting a few dead trees, the rest is nothing more than the impression left on the photographer.

Qin Zhong walked forward with difficulty. He did not hide from the rain. He followed the route seen on the computer and followed the coordinates step by step with the compass.

"Wow!" Suddenly, a strong wind blew, and the raindrops hit Qin Zhong's face.

"Goo!" The sad sound of the two buzzers may imply that there is no vitality here.

A sparrow's wings were wet by the heavy rain and hit the puddle on the ground with heavy water stains. Qin Zhong squatted down. When he saw the sparrow, the sparrow had closed its eyes in pain. The two claws pulled out twice and relaxed and stretched out.

"The wasteland here is really the same as the strategy said. It's so desolate. It's really lifeless. Damn, it seems that all the people who can come here are masters. Are you masters?" He couldn't help asking himself, and finally he shook his head.

At this moment, there was a rapid sound of footsteps behind Qin Zhong. His feet fell into the water depression, splashing stars, and the sound was crisp into his ears. Qin Zhong couldn't help but be careful.

" boss, slow down, wait for me for a moment, and I'll come too." The person who came spoke breathlessly and seemed to be a little out of breath.

Qin Zhong's face suddenly relaxed: "Slow down, this weather is not suitable for running fast."

"You can't run. There's something behind it."