Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 43 Soul Sword

The purple gold coffin is surrounded by a kind of red dust tangle, a kind of unbalanced warmth rolling in yin and yang, squeezing Qin Zhong's mood, looking at the non-human ghost in front of her, this woman's desire really makes a normal man unable to control his autonomy.

Qin Zhong pushed his hand against the corner: "Miss Ghost, what do you mean? We can be friends. I don't object or hate being friends with ghosts, but you should pay attention to your own way of expression. We are different from ghosts. Friends are simply friends."

"Yes, can't we sleep together and have a common product together as friends? Such as having a baby or something?

Ah? Having children? A ghost fetus, how can that work? You are a ghost!"

As soon as the female ghost heard this, his face changed in an hour, and it was like a purple eggplant. Normally, it was difficult for this color to appear on the ghost's face without blood, but it was absolutely rare that such a color appeared on her face. No matter when, such a thing was basically could not be seen. Love happens.

When the female ghost saw Qin Zhong's face full of doubts and predation, her face darkened and made waves of low roars to vent her dissatisfaction. The female ghost roared several times, and suddenly a strange smile appeared on her face.

"Well, I will return to my soul through my body. At that time, I was not a ghost. It would be normal for us to have children." As the female ghost said, her body floated lightly like a feather and plunged her head into the body in her coffin. In a blink of an eye, a dark current penetrated into the eyebrows of the body, and a black and red light flashed on the dry skin bones of the body.

A thick layer of fog and melanin smoke suddenly rose around the dry body. The body suddenly got up and jumped out of the coffin.

A cold sweat broke out on Qin Zhong's forehead, and his heart almost rose to his throat. He was not afraid of the female ghost to surprise him. After all, his life was that the female ghost came back with the blood beads, but she treated herself so enthusiastically. He was afraid that he could not cope with it. Women, if they were like Mengna Yingzi and Chen Mu, she still There is a way, but this female ghost like a nymphomaniac is still a soulless female ghost. She really can't deal with it. Oppose it. I'm sorry, run away. I'm a little sorry. He is struggling between these two things.

A dark shadow fell beside Qin Zhong, looking at the old bark-like cheeks, wrinkled lips, skull-like forehead, eyes, teeth, these things made Qin Zhong instinctively stretch out his fist, punched the dry body in two, and the skeleton-like head rolled aside. And the soul of the female ghost flew out of the body.

" boss, I got it!" I don't know when Guo Dafu appeared in front of the capital coffin, pulled out the sword in the coffin and held it tightly: "We can go back and change money."

The soul of the female ghost was ready to borrow Guo Dafu's body again, but when he entered Guo Dafu's body again, he was bounced aside by the sword in Guo Dafu's hand. He didn't know what the sword in Guo Dafu's hand was like. Where did he get so much energy? The female ghost lying next to him all day didn't know that the sword had such a great effect and could suffer such a big loss.

The female ghost roared secretly: "What is this? What's going on?"

"I'm afraid someone put down the sword here in order to suppress your soul. The regeneration function of this sword may also be because your soul is here and doesn't want you to leave at will." Qin Zhong guessed.

The female ghost's face suddenly became ferocious. Her eyes stared at Qin Zhong motionlessly. The soul body circled around the purple gold coffin twice, and her expression became extremely angry, as if the soul would have a violent movement.

Qin Zhong grabbed Guo Dafu: "Come here." He waved his hand with the female ghost: "Sister ghost, let's go back first and come here to see you when we have time. I guess the sword in your coffin will grow in a while. I think you'd better not go out."

"Nonsense, you left like this. You really failed my friendship to save you. Are you ashamed?" The female ghost actually came to an exciting method.

Qin Zhong curled his lips and smiled: "Sister, ghost is a ghost. You have to sleep well in the coffin. If the quality of sleep is not good, it will become very ugly. I don't like you next time I come to see you."

"You human beings will lie to me. I don't believe it. Come back." The female ghost said, full of pain on her face, and the rebellion just now seemed to disappear at this moment.

Guo Dafu was dumbfounded. He didn't know what the female ghost was thinking. He didn't know whether the female ghost was really moved and fell in love with his boss. He handed the sword in his hand to Qin Zhong: " boss, this sword is for you. It's up to you whether this female ghost is left."

"What's the matter? Are we human?" Qin Zhong said, holding the sword in his hand, and his voice became harsh: "Female ghost, tell me your name and come back to see you."

"Pearl Gege."


"Are you a royal descendant?" Qin Zhong asked in surprise.

Guo Dafu covered his mouth and laughed: " boss, do you think he still looks like a grid?" Guo Dafu's face suddenly became silent, as if he remembered something: "But that's right. Those ancient grids are obviously malnourished, and I really don't know what kind of products they are. They are all defective."

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense. Your boss's life was saved by Gege. Remember, we always owe this Gege a life, but her fate depends on her own liberation, you know?"

"I know." Guo Dafu opened his mouth and said without hid: "What about you? Your fate depends on yourself to change."

The bitter water on the female ghost's face and the dry face really left tears. Her aggrieved head jumped back into the coffin and roared.

Suddenly, Qin Zhong felt a trembling at the foot of the road, and there was a super displacement of the tomb. The lid of the purple gold coffin was covered by itself. With a bang, the ground under Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu rose high, like an elevator. They drilled out of the ground and returned to the circular cemetery caused by the stone.

At this moment, the sky is bright in the mission area, and the newborn sun radiates his red light in the eastern sky, warming this desolate land.

At this time, Qin Zhong saw that there was an epitaph engraved on the sword in his hand. The name was a soul sword, but the small characters below were written in that style: During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, the palace entered the incense and died violently and was buried. The emperor criticized this place as a tomb. The tree chastity archway, which has not been married in his life, is regarded as a virgin.

"Which fairy wrote this? It's bullshit."

"That's right, what's written on the boss, read it to me."

Qin Zhong's contemptuous eyes glanced at Guo Dafu, and finally walked away speechlessly. The two walked all the way to the dispatching station, but after leaving the mission area, they were only a few steps away from the front of the dispatching station. Several black figures appeared, and two round beads fell on Qin Zhong and the two Before, there was a thick white smoke.

Qin Zhong's wrist shook passively, and the soul-suppressing sword in his hand disappeared.

When he fixed his eyes, two people in night clothes in front of him quickly ran to the dispatching station and got into the car without a trace.

Guo Dafu was dumbfounded: " boss, this..."

"What the hell is this, chase!" Qin Zhong didn't care so much. The sword he desperately got back was taken away by others, and no one could easily let it go.

He immediately rang the bell of the dispatching station. Soon, a black car stopped in front of Qin Zhong. As soon as the driver saw Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu, he was dumbfounded: "Are you really out?"

"Isn't this good? Don't ink. Let's go. Someone has robbed us of the fruit of victory.

"Okay, let's go now!" As soon as the driver stepped on the accelerator at his feet, the car sped away and went straight to the door post when it came. Qin Zhong pulled out two steel knives on the road.