Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 51 July 14 1

It is not unreasonable for Chen Mu to pay heavy attention to Qin Zhong. His purpose is very simple, which is to enable Qin Zhong to achieve excellent results in the duel on July 15 to show the prestige of psychology, so as to get a higher enrollment share in school enrollment. In this way, she has more students. The opportunity to rise to power is even more just right.

Of course, it is not easy for Chen Mu to sit on the headmaster, which also takes some time for him to contact and get familiar with him.

The night wind sings, and the silver moon is ashamed. I don't know when the rain here fell sparsely. The largest auditorium in the ancient tomb college is full of students of the ancient tomb college. It is preliminarily estimated that it has been more than 10,000, and at this moment, the time has been locked in the dusk of July 13 of the lunar calendar.

There is an old man sitting on the rostrum of the auditorium. He is none other than the highest-level principal Lin Shuo of the college. This time, he also invited four old monsters from the Northeast Paranormal Association. These four people are participants in the original founding of the Ancient Tomb College, and if they are at the level, they may reach level 40 or 50. However, in the records of the college, there is no file of these people, so few people can know the identity of these four people.

Lin Shuo stood in front of the four old men and bowed deeply, put out his hands to calm the scene, and then said, "I will gather everyone today. First, arrange the beginning of the event tomorrow morning, and second, I want to introduce the general situation of this July 15th event to you."

"July 15th Ghost Festival, the name of this activity was unanimously agreed by our jury and named the Netherworld Journey from thousands of people. The main purpose of this activity is to exercise the cultivation level of teachers and students in our school. The second is to clean up the ghosts of the ancient tombs near our school, so that the ghost world can also There is an orderly order."

"After all, it is the first Ghost Festival. We should pay attention to respect for ghosts, not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and respect the feelings of the families of the deceased. Don't casually dig into other people's ancestral graves. If something really happens, the school will punish them severely."

"In addition, we have invited four master figures to come to us this time. They are all masters of the Northeast Paranormal Association. They come to maintain the order of the activity. If there is anything special, they will take action. In addition, this time we have the honor to invite 3,000 teachers and students from Maoshan School, Tiandao College and Bingcheng Taoist Association to participate in our activities. Of course, we are the organizer and we are the host. If there is a place that can be allowed to them, we must do our friendship as a landlord.

"The last thing, in this activity, we have the most ghosts captured alive, and the strongest is the winner. A strong ghost is equivalent to ten ghosts at a lower level. Of course, we will carry out the price on the website. In addition, we also have a large number of secrets. You can choose ten books for the first place and the second place. Eight books, and so on.

Lin Shuo talked a lot, and Qin Zhong snored, forming a feature in the whole quiet scene. Guo Dafu leaned on Qin Zhong's shoulder and fell asleep, while Qin Zhong leaned on Chen Mu's shoulder and fell asleep. These two people were simply geniuses. It was not until the whole audience dispersed that the two woke up.

Guo Dafu looked around. In addition to a few aunts sweeping the floor, there were only him and Qin Zhong left in the whole field.

" boss, boss, get up and it's all over."

"Ah!" Qin Zhong's sleepy eyes were hazy: "Really, these people walk so fast. Do you remember what Lin Shuo said?"

Guo Dafu's head shook like a rattle: "No, this is really not."

"Well, if there is anything you don't know, I'll tell you later. Come on, one ice cream per person. After eating, we have to go back to prepare!" Chen Mu didn't know whether he was nervous or because she was finally looking forward to July 15, so the day when he raised his eyebrows was finally coming, so how could he casually give up Qin Zhong, a person who saved the future of ghost psychology?

The three returned to Qin Zhong's dormitory. The other students of ghost psychology were divided into groups. Only Chen Mu, Guo Dafu and Qin Zhong were in another group. The old ghost and Meng Na Yingzi were divided into one group without hesitation. In this way, these groups took care of each other, and Qin Zhong also received some strange things from time to time. Some of the invitations were bought with a lot of money, some were bought with beauty**, and some even had emotional debts with him. Even those who had met once were considered wealth.

" boss, another letter!" Guo Dafu received a white envelope from the crack in the door, and he received more than 100 envelopes like this.

Qin Zhong lowered his head and finally roared furiously: "I'll read the last one again. If it's still those boring invitations, you can stand at the door for me. As long as the person is a messenger, put it down and directly call someone to drag it out."

"Don't worry, I'm going out now."

Qin Zhong tore open the envelope and looked at it without mood, but when he read the first sentence of the letter, he suddenly became energetic: "Qin Zhong, this is a challenge book. I hope that we can fight for one night before tomorrow's activities start, then take a day off and then go to the night."

The words of this letter were concise and clear, and Qin Zhong read it very comfortably, so he rushed out of the room: "His, who wrote this? Come out for me."

"Big boss, you don't need to continue to read the information. Just give this person to me."

"Look, that information has nothing to do with this activity. I think it's better to be comfortable with the one here. Stretch your muscles and bones to help the distribution of physical energy when you act tomorrow night."

Guo Dafu scratched his head and looked at Qin Zhong in surprise: " boss, are you all right?"

"It's okay. I just want to think who is going to challenge me. Is my reputation really so famous?" Qin Zhong asked back.

While he was talking, a smiling guy came out of the courtyard of Qin Zhong's dormitory: "Qin Zhong, recently, your reputation has been like waves, and it has come to my ears one by one. My talented teenager in the upper world can't help but want to see how powerful you are, like you by the way. Please tell me your special and mysterious knife method.

"Hmm?" Qin Zhong was suddenly shocked. How could he let this person know that he would practice the soul-losing knife? Was he found by this person during training?

"Who are you? Why did you come here to find me?" Qin Zhong is testing people.

Some people laughed loudly: "I'm a student of upside down. I heard that you have a good reputation, so I have to try your methods. At the beginning, when my brother said that you easily got through the tide of corpses, I was very surprised that a student for two or three years may not have yours, but you came out of there alive and did it again. After such a big move, you have taken care of where the ghost hall will be, so if I don't ask you to compete with me, I'm afraid I won't have a chance in the future.

"What, are you going to die, or am I going to die?"

"Hahaha, we are not allowed. Do you think the training on July 14th is a good thing? I think you should understand this truth. In the early morning of July 14, the yin is extremely heavy. Ordinary people enter the activity area, which is simply nine deaths. Or why do you want everyone to form a group to enter this time? Although there are tens of thousands of students in our college, not everyone can sign up for a name, so I came to see you this day. Strange people, can't you really get hurt and die?" As the man came, he looked questionable and pleading.

Qin Zhong's mouth was slightly upturned: "Then won't we die half of the 10,000 students in our school?"

"That may not be. The students sent by our school, one has no money, the other has no power, and the poor family, are organized to participate in activities, and those rich families are bound to pay a lot of money to buy these trophies from those students as their trophies. Report, and of course, there will be black hands to grab these trophies.

After hearing this, Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu stood still and stared at the people.