Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 60 Demon Cave 2

The Jiuyang blade was controlled, and in the middle of the demon cave, it was also the place where Qin Zhong and the three of them hid. In the stone statue beside him, the sound became more and more sad and heavy, tearing people's hearts and lungs.

But while Qin Zhong combined the mystery, the black moisture in the middle of the demon cave suddenly condensed into a phantom. The phantom was dressed in a robe, his hair was loose, and his face could not be seen clearly, but he could be seen that the virtual shadow was tall, and one of his two big hands tightly grasped the nine Yang blades, and the other With one arm push, a fierce black gas rushed to the group of people under the statue of the demon king with eight arms like a tide.

"What about the boss?"

"Wait a minute, let me arrange it later." Before Qin Zhong finished his words, several people who were also hiding behind the stone statue suddenly appeared. They turned their heads and ran out of the cave. Before he could run out, their necks were cut off by a wisp of black smoke, and their heads rolled down.

"Daes, this is so perverted. I'm afraid we will be in danger today." Qin Zhong said to himself.

The long beard who manipulated the Jiuyang blade rolled out of cold sweat and tried his heart to continue to operate. Unfortunately, he overestimated his high-end goods. The Jiuyang blade only turned around in the dark shadow's hand and immediately turned into nine scrap irons and was left out.

And the rest of the people are doing their best to use their own tricks to deal with this powerful illusion.

Qin Zhong sighed: "It seems that this is the only way." He asked Guo Dafu to take off his clothes and held them in his hand: "Wait."

Guo Dafu looked helpless: " boss, you can't let me take off my clothes every time you come out. Why is that?"

"Stop talking, you'll know in a minute." Qin Zhong said, and he had already rushed out behind the stone statue. While he was running, he suddenly felt a strong airflow rushing towards him. Suddenly, he flashed and threw Guo Dafu's clothes into the air, but he changed his direction and flashed to the statue of the eight-armed demon king.

Guo Dafu's clothes were cut into eighteen and a half, but Qin Zhong sprinted with a cold sweat. When he arrived at the statue of the eight-armed demon king, he grabbed the statue of the eight-armed demon king without saying a word, turned around and ran to the mouth of the cave: "Dafu, Muer, go quickly."

Qin Zhong's whole set of actions was only in an instant. The people who were fighting with the arrogance of the ghost king only felt a gust of wind flashing by. By the time they noticed it, the statue of the eight-armed demon king behind them had disappeared.

"What? Is the statue of the demon king of the eight-armed town gone?

"It's not good. There are tall people here. Go quickly. You don't want to stay here for a long time." An older Taoist priest said.

The woman who was fighting was injured all over, her breathing had difficulty, and the box of rune paper in her hand had disappeared.

The remaining few people put oil under their feet. At this time, who dares to stay in the demon cave without the statue of the eight-armed demon king?

All the stone statues of demons in this demon cave are completely deterred by the eight-armed demon king, otherwise they will mol their skin in the fastest time.

And Qin Zhong held the stone statue tightly in his hands, like a black electric light, and rushed directly out of the demon hole.

In the demon cave, the woman's head had already been cut open by a black air. Starting from the center of her eyebrows, half of her head rolled to the ground. All the stone statues in the cave have begun to morphose, and the clicky stone skin fell to the ground, making a suffocating sound. Guo Dafu, who was hiding behind the stone statue, suddenly felt a sticky feeling in the middle of his palms.

"Teacher Chen, run!" With that, he rushed out of the cave desperately. Chen Mu followed Guo Dafu and rushed out, and those who were also hiding behind the stone statue were anxious and madly scolding Qin Zhong and others.

"Who is this? It's so dark that he took away the prey we've been waiting for a long time. If you catch this thief, you must split him in half." The speakers finally showed their true faces. These people are actually ghosts. Without looking at anything else, they can fully judge the identity of these people by looking at the hard cwoods under their feet.

The wind blowing in Qin Zhong's ear, and a large mass of black fog chased him, and Guo Dafu and Chen Mu behind them were also extremely fast, but they were chasing the black fog. And behind them are the survivors who did it earlier in the cave.

Qin Zhong is very glad that the ghost king did not find himself at the beginning and did not do anything to himself. If he did it at the beginning, it is likely that nothing has happened to happen to him.

"Thief, stop us, or we will catch you to unload eight pieces and bring the statue."

And Qin Zhong knew that he was not the opponent of the black fog, so he ran and had to run quickly. Otherwise, if he was caught by the legendary ghost king, he might become his servant or directly become a ghost.

But at this time, in the demon cave, there was a sudden sharp scream, followed by those low roars, which had a strong atmosphere of joy and a strong sound of mutual comfort.

Qin Zhong was furored. He didn't know the means of the ghost king, but he had seen on the Internet that if the ability of the ghost king was really as said on the Internet, then Qin Zhong's way to provoke him was equivalent to stuffing his head into other people's mouths.

Qin Zhong ran out for nearly 70 or 80 miles in one breath until he stopped at a wooden pavilion. He looked around. This circle was actually a place with deep aura, but the people behind him could not see his figure.

He took a long breath and can finally sit down and rest for a while. If he runs like this, he will have to be killed. It's better to find a more hidden place first and sit down, which will help him recover his vitality. Even if the ghost king chases him, he has the time and ability to continue running, even if he can't run. You can deal with it.

But before Qin Zhong finished thinking about it, a shady atmosphere came from behind him and escaped in an instant. However, from Qin Zhong was right in front of him, a man wearing a black cloak, his eyes seemed to be wearing a glasses frame. He could always see between his eyes that the man's coldness had forced into his heart, and he was all over his body. Chilling.

"Das, it's really coming. Isn't this my life? If I really start to do it, I will definitely suffer losses." Qin Zhong thought to himself that he must find a reasonable way and better let himself escape without fighting. He didn't want to see the ghost king of the underworld reveal his true body.

Qin Zhong gritted his teeth and rushed out, looking carefully at the man who came out slowly: "Who are you? How dare you block the way from me? I don't know if it's a "big" disaster?"

"Robbery? Did you rob me? The visitor's face was uncomfortable, and his cold air seemed to be white. His body trembled, and his white air rose, and his body seemed to be short again.

"You said I robbed you?" Qin Zhong was even more surprised and frowned: "Why do you think I robbed you? Did you see that I ate you or moved you? If it weren't for me robbed you and you were talking nonsense, then don't blame me for cursing and scolding anything unpleasantly!"

Qin Zhong's threat was simply a pebblestone. He saw that the other party's body was as thick as a mountain, and the strange airflow from his body really made Qin Zhong feel uncomfortable.

The man's eyes closed slightly, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he grabbed it with one hand: "Come here!"

The statue of the eight-armed demon king in Qin Zhong's arms suddenly flew out. He grabbed the statue for fear that he would be taken away, but he was unable to control his heart. He didn't know where a super cold air came from. His hand began to be angry with a cold white frost, from the tip of his hand to his shoulder, almost turning into ice. General.

"Who are you?" Qin Zhong already had an answer in his heart, but he still couldn't believe that what he met was what he imagined.

"Who do you think I am? The statue is in your hand. Who can catch up with you so easily? Your boy is quite interesting. Why don't you come with me in the future and be my servant?"

Qin Zhong was shocked and said secretly that even if he tried hard, he would have to fight, otherwise he really couldn't escape.