Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 73 Spells all over the sky

"The Curse of the Underworld!" Qin Zhong unconsciously shouted this sentence out of his mouth.

The big hand just now, coupled with the death method of these people, he remembers from which book he saw. This time, he felt it once, and he couldn't help feeling the great pressure.

"Qin Zhong, be careful." Chen Mu shouted.

Another big hand fell from the sky and wanted to smash Qin Zhong into meat sauce. Qin Zhong rolled sideways. After hitting the ground again, it disappeared in an instant.

Guo Dafu hurriedly picked up Qin Zhong: " boss, the situation is not good. I'm afraid this is a mechanism. Let's go out first."

"Let's not go first. Go in and have a look. If it's really a ghost spell, there must be something else there."

Qin Zhong saw the clue, and he knew little about the ghost spell, but he remembered the characteristics of this spell very clearly, including the big hand just now. This big hand must be the magic foot in the ghost spell. This magic foot is like a big hand, falling from the sky, made of super yin qi and falling. After the ground, it will cause great damage.

The three rushed into the door of the palace and watched the big hand keep bombing the square crazily, and the fragile ground kept cracking in the bombing.

" boss, what if we enter the palace and hit the roof with a big hand?"

"No, if there is a cursed rune, where should it be hidden?" Qin Zhong asked Guo Dafu.

Dafu thought for a long time, looked back at the palace, and raised his eyebrows: "Oh, that's what the boss said. Only by putting it in this palace can you be carefree."

"General spells are written on paper, but curses are different. He will cast spells in several important places, usually written with animal blood, cinnabar to ward off evil spirits, and curses are written with the blood of dead animals, and it collects the blood of a variety of dead animals, including us humans."

Ah? So evil?"

Qin Zhong glanced at the palace and did not enter the palace directly, but hid under the rain curtain at the door.

"Let's not go in first. Maybe the inside is more evil than the outside." Qin Zhong kept nodding: "Maybe, the king is trying to avoid the disaster of the palace, but he can guess that there is a problem here. Why can't he find a solution?"

"Maybe it's out of your ability." Chen Mu said.

Qin Zhong nodded in agreement and turned his head to look into the palace, but when he looked at him, he suddenly trembled, his back sweated coldly and his scalp was numb.

Guo Dafu's face turned pale in shock, clenched his hand, and his palms were full of cold sweat.

Chen Mu covered his mouth and did not dare to say a sound. In the palace, he selected a dense white silk from the ceiling, and there was a corpse hanging on each silk. Looking around, a huge palace was full of such hanging ghosts, long tongues, blue and purple faces, and an amazing number of deaths. , as a miracle of collective death.

" boss, why are so many hanged?" The rich man didn't speak for a long time.

Qin Zhong calmed down: "The curse is definitely a curse. There are thousands of people hanging here together. Their costumes are all eunuchs in the palace. Unless ordered by Wang, even so, they can be spared to die, but the matter came suddenly. Looking at their appearance, it probably just happened. Of."

"Look at the bottom!" The sweat on Chen Mu's forehead was crackling, and his eyes stared at the ground and kept trembling.

Qin Zhong took the opportunity to look at the ground and took a breath of cold air. The ground of the palace was full of dismembered corpses, tongues, teeth, ears and eyes. Such small parts were already full of the ground. What's more terrible is that many corpses have produced dense corpses, and insects keep biting. The amount of meat on the body is extremely amazing, and it looks like at least tens of thousands.

The whole palace was completely shrouded in an atmosphere of death and devouring. This result made Qin Zhong finally understand why the king said he wanted to build a palace. It turned out that what was going to happen in this palace was either directed by him or that he knew but could not solve it.

Qin Zhong calmed down a little and prepared to burn the palace. Looking at the dead bodies, he was really sorry.

"Mu'er, burn here so that those corpses and insects don't eat up the corpses. Let's do something good."

Chen Mu sorted out a lot of charms and was ready to do it. Qin Zhong was fast and chopped out with two knives. He directly cut off the two plaques at the door of the palace and cut them into pieces of firewood: "Come and fire."

Chen Mu easily played a fire charm and pointed out the plaque in Qin Zhong's hand. Qin Zhong stood the plaque at the door of the palace. After all, the door of the palace was also pasted with paper, so it was easier to burn there. In a short time, the whole palace began to burn, and the big square The hand has disappeared, and the rest is a gap, which is no different from the moat at the beginning.

Qin Zhong scratched his head: "Go down first. Let's come up when the palace is over."

The fire was raging, and the crackling sound of corpses and insects burning in the sea of fire. The whole palace fell into the sea of fire. In the sea of fire, you can hear the sound of the body breaking bones from time to time, but among those sounds, there is another very regular sound of crying.

This howling is resentful and heavy. When it is sharp, it can make people prick their ears and numb all over. When it is low, it can make people's hearts tremble.

As the cry rushed out of the sea of fire, I don't know when a ball of fireballs flew out in the sea of fire. More and more fireballs floated in the air, painted charms, and spells all over the sky fell down.

"Hugh, Tomb, Death, Jue, Ghost, Ghost, Destroy!" Eight words flew all over the sky, forming a super-large mask covering the whole palace, and a group of ghosts rose from the sea of fire. They climbed out of the sea of fire and came straight to Qin Zhong's side with evil faces.

"Your uncle, something happened, and those ghosts are coming to us."

"Then kill!"

Qin Zhong shook his head: "I'm afraid we can't kill them. These guys are all cursed. Maybe we will be played to death by them."

"Then let's run!" Chen Mu said.

Qin Zhong continued to shake his head: "Running is definitely not the way. The key is to solve the eight big characters. How did they come from before you know how to solve this deadlock."

" boss, our back road has been broken, and there is a sea of fire in front of us, and those ghosts are going to meet us. What should we do? Is it okay if you don't fight?" Guo Dafu said that he would wave his hand and rush over.

Qin Zhong grabbed Guo Dafu and said, "Don't move, don't move for the time being. Be careful. Let's go to the ditch and have a look."

The three hurriedly rushed to the ditch and looked down. It was really a deep ditch. It looked wide and eight meters. Although it was not as wide as the moat, it was at least as long as the moat. The whole palace has now become an isolated island. If you want to escape from it, you must fly over seven or eight meters. The gap.

However, this should not be a problem for Qin Zhong. Guo Dafu can also do it. Only Chen Mu really can't let him fly through the crack seven or eight meters wide.

"We want to fly there. Does Mu'er have a way to get there?"


Qin Zhong was surprised: "What's the solution?"

"You carry me on your back." Chen Mu is not polite.

Qin Zhong was confused: "It's hard for me to fly there by myself. Well, the two of us stayed with you to kill ghosts, and just collected all these ghosts. It's good to go back and change your grades."

"Forget it, you don't think I can see it. These cursed ghosts are not so simple for us to clean them up. Chen Mu knew that he typed a fire charm, and then hung a spell on his chest: "Take me on your back and jump over."

"Don't tell me that you are a light charm."


"Is there anything else? Let's let the rich man carry it together!"

Guo Dafu looked confused and looked back at the mountain-like ghost tide. The desperate surge was simply a kind of deterrent.

"Buzz!" Two harsh roars, I don't know when the eight big words just now floated all over the sky.