Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 83 Tomb of the Royal Palace

What Qin Zhong saw was actually a super-large stone tablet standing in the center of the palace, and the stone tablet actually said that our god king, eternal fragrance.

"How did this palace become a tomb? Is Wang dead?" Chen Mu curled his lips and asked.

Qin Zhong's eyebrows beat: "There is something wrong here. There is such a big tomb in a good royal city. It seems that the king will fall after returning to the city."

" boss, look, the palace door is still open. Why are there so many dark shadows floating inside?" Guo Dafu said that he wanted to move forward. Just as he passed the tombstone, the tombstone began to moan.

Qin Zhong grabbed Guo Dafu: "Don't move, something is wrong here!"

"Go quickly, you can't stay here for a long time." Chen Mu said that he wanted to pull Qin Zhong out of the palace.

"Boom!" The gate of the palace closed abruptly, and the bluestones in the huge courtyard of the palace began to shake, and the ground under Qin Zhong and the three began to loosen and sink.

The underground of the palace shook and shook violently, and Qin Zhong trembled all over, and the center of his body shifted rapidly. At this moment, he felt that the situation was not good. The palace was a trap. I don't know if Guo Dafu walked through the tombstone and touched the switch.

"Mu'er, catch me." Qin Zhong shouted.

Chen Mu grabbed Qin Zhong's arm. Guo Dafu didn't know what was rising under his feet. He was raised high, his body shook and fell down. However, what rose from his feet was a dark coffin. A powerful black dragon on the coffin spit out a long flame from his mouth, and the black fire cloud hovered around. Around the coffin, the whole coffin is completely shrouded in black sacred and horrible division.

This is just a coffin. With the rise of this coffin, other places are also collapsing crazily. In desperation, Qin Zhong immediately decided: "Let's go to the coffin, or we will suffer."

Qin Zhong tightened Chen Mu's hand and jumped on the dark coffin, but Guo Dafu's eyes were dull: "Big boss, no way, I just came down, and I'm going to go up again!"

"If love doesn't come, just wait for death." After Qin Zhong said, Guo Dafu looked back and saw that the ground of the palace behind him began to collapse crazily, and layers of soil kept sinking. At the fallen pit, hundreds of coffins rose one after another. The patterns on each coffin were different. The tiger wolf roared, the eagle and snake danced vigorously, the real dragonfly, and the unicorn Yi, one by one, was lifelike. The ground of the whole palace was completely collapsed, but what rose was a stone pillar, and each coffin fell on the stone pillar.

Under the stone pillar, thousands of feet of abyss, falling rocks into the water, gurgling.

Guo Dafu's face turned pale. Chen Mu hugged Qin Zhong's waist and dared not move. Qin Zhong grabbed the coffin tightly and protruded the dragon head. Mu'er, be careful, and there is a coffin rising below. Qin Zhong shouted.

Guo Dafu's face was pale: "That's a huge coffin, which actually rises in the middle!"

"Is that the king's coffin?" Qin Zhong was surprised that at the place where the coffin came, that is, behind the stone tablet, the huge coffin was like a tiger soaring in the sky. At the head of the coffin were nine flying dragons with auspicious clouds. This coffin was different from other coffins. The carved patterns on the coffin were painted in color, and every detail was beautifully depicted, and the coffin A main dragon on the lid opened its mouth, its fangs leaked out, and the dragon's horn held up high.

Qin Zhongxinhan: "This, this is a fierce dragon."

"Does the fierce dragon have nine sons?" Guo Dafu was stunned.

Chen Mu's eyes were slightly heavy and his heart tightened: "Qin Zhong, I don't want to leave you. It seems that we are less lucky this time."

"We have to rush up. If we can come in, we can go out. I don't know how many mysteries there are in these big coffins. It seems that we need to be careful."

"Big boss, why are these big pillars so familiar?" Guo Dafu sat on the edge of the coffin and looked at the other coffins.

A mass of black gas gradually rose from the largest coffin, and the smell of corpses floated. Qin Zhong pinched his mouth and nose: "Damn it seems that this is really a deadly place. There are a hundred and eight coffins here, like the cemetery of all the leaders in the Water Margin."

" boss, otherwise we will jump into the coffin. I will have to pry the big coffin open. There must be a lot of royal treasures in it. Since this is not our illusory environment, it must be realistic. These tombs must be the dead tombs of their royal city."

Guo Dafu's inference aroused Qin Zhong's great interest. He held his chin with one hand and nodded, "That's right, but we can't pry open more than 100 coffins here one by one. If that's the case, we will be exhausted."

"Hey, if you have something good, take some. If not, let's change it." Guo Dafu's spiritual head came out. He suddenly kicked the ink dragon head on the coffin and suddenly rushed to another coffin about three meters away. The coffin was carved with a baby cow, and the cow was ploughing the land. Behind him was a star bucket in the sky, swaying clouds.

Qin Zhong sneered: "Big rich man, be careful. Don't let the one in the coffin pull you in. Be careful. Maybe there are organs in these coffins."

"Haha, it's already like this, so try it." Guo Dafu said, grasping the coffin lid with his arms. After a fight, the coffin lid was opened. With a roar, the coffin lid fell into the abyss. The sound after falling into the water was really touching.

Qin Zhongfu smiled and said, "Is there anything?"

"Yes." Guo Dafu showed a greedy look and put his hand into the coffin. After turning it over, he turned out a Ruyi from the coffin: "Ruyi, it's so heavy. Is there any fluid in it?"

"If you find something, put it away quickly. Don't let the owner take it away." Qin Zhong said that he and Chen Mu also stood next to the coffin, opened the lid of the coffin and threw the lid of the coffin into the abyss. The same voice made the three people tremble.

"My God, there is a nobleman here. Look at the string of golden beads above this guy's head, and it's in the shape of a dragon. Is he the prince?" Qin Zhong said, reached out and pulled down the golden dragon on the forehead of the body, put a cushion in his hand, and sneered, "Well, I didn't expect that we would also fight upside down. Well, such a large pile of coffins are still in the palace. If we don't turn over at this time, there will be no more chance."

"Ah!" Guo Dafu's voice came.

Qin Zhong suddenly turned around. Guo Dafu didn't know why he had run far away from the coffin that he took away, and the two were at least 100 meters away from each other.

" boss, there are organs here. Just now, our coffins have moved, and you have moved forward. I have to come this way. You turn over first, and I'll turn over somewhere else." Guo Dafu said.

Qin Zhong smiled faintly: "Big rich, you must be crazy. Remember, let's try to get close to the largest coffin together, and don't move around the coffin that we can't reach."

"Well, well, I'll turn over two more, and we'll go." Guo Dafu didn't know why he took the things of the body and pushed the coffin together into the abyss. In this way, the place where he was became a big platform. Although he stood in mid-air, it could at least serve as a platform for taking off.

Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu flipped in different coffins respectively. If they didn't push off a coffin, the position of these stone pillars would change once, and it changed a lot, which was really dizzying. If people with poor balance conditions would definitely be confused.

The stone pillar at the foot of Qin Zhong gradually approached the largest coffin. He saw the opportunity, pushed Chen Mu first, and then jumped and stood on both sides of the coffin. Guo Dafu also crossed the ditch and stood next to the coffin with a pearl necklace on his back.

While the two met again, they went to see that the stone pillars in the middle of the compound were empty one by one. After each coffin was looted, they sank into the abyss, and the biggest coffin suddenly floated out of stench. The stench was breathless. Qin Zhong tore off a piece of cloth and gave it to Chen Mu: " Hold your mouth and nose, or you will feel uncomfortable for a while.

" boss, this coffin has to be pushed away. Maybe there is a bigger baby in it. Haha, we are rich again." Guo Dafu is beautiful.