Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 96 Intervention

Qin Zhong got some ten-minute news from several people who acted at night. He went back and plugged all the USB flash drives on these people into the computer and scanned them. It is inevitable that there will be some puzzling things in it. In addition, there are also detailed information about Akai's blood tide, which makes Mr. Qin feel It was wonderful, but he was not ready to make peace with the president at that time. In addition to the old ghost, there was also Hu Dajun. He did not believe that these people could escape the pursuit of such two ruling forces.

The night was dark and the wind was high. Qin Zhong sat alone in the dormitory and looked at the information on the computer. He always thought about some of the mysteries, but he never figured it out, so he gave the USB flash drive to the old ghost. He was going to leave the rest to the old ghost to deal with.

"Big boss, what are you going to do next?" Guo Dafu has been going to the old ghost every day in recent days. The two discussed whether to break the window paper and directly confront those Tianshimen.

Qin Zhong shook his head: "It's not the right time yet. Besides, it's not convenient for Qin Zhong and others to intervene. After all, this country still has laws, so it's a good choice to leave the whole thing to the old ghost or Hu Dajun."

Guo Dafu looked back at the old ghost. The old ghost stared at Qin Zhong speechlessly with a melancholy face.

"What are you looking at? I have to do this. If you expect me to do these things, you might as well kill me. This ancient tomb college, his uncle, regrets coming here and I'm exhausted." Qin Zhong complained that he deliberately complained and let the old ghost take over the matter. After all, he could free himself to deal with his grandfather's affairs. After all, it was his father's enemy. This is blood vengeance. If he does not avenge this, he will be rebellious.

But this person can be felt from Grandpa, but he has never been able to locate it. Even the 27-level guy is not sure whether it is or not. It is likely to kill the back of the revenger. No, he has to investigate it.

"Old ghost, do me a favor and investigate the 27th grade student. I want all his information." Qin Zhong said.

The old ghost still had no answer. He just stared straight at Qin Zhong and was stunned.

Guo Dafu pulled the old ghost with his hand: "Hey, uncle ghost, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, nothing. I have never seen Xiao Zhong so sharply arrange for others to do anything, but I can see his father's original figure from him." The old ghost said.

Guo Dafu laughed: "Do you mean that he was possessed by his father?"

When Qin Zhong heard this, he was extremely angry and kicked Guo Dafu away. This was the first time since Guo Dafu followed Qin Zhong. He acted so fiercely: "I can stand other jokes, but my father's jokes can't be made."

Qin Zhong's foot, Dr. Guo was completely dumbfounded. He sat on the ground and wanted to ask why, but he was stopped by the old ghost.

"Okay, don't make trouble with your two brothers. The rich are also unintentional. Forget it, I'll do this. Three days later, I'll send all the information to your mobile phone. Later, you can clean up that guy as you like, but I also chased this from 137 Grottoes. It's not easy for all of us. After so long and so many things, it's almost time to close. We can't collapse.

Qin Zhong frowned, took a breath, turned his head out of the old ghost's office, and only snorted coldly before leaving.

The old ghost patted Guo Dafu: "Forget it, you also met his abscess. What did you say is not good? His father's death is unclear. This is also an old case between our archives and the public security system for a long time."

"Oh, I know. This is just the boss kicking me. I can't say no one. If it were you, I would play with your life." Guo Dafu scholar Qin Zhong snorted out of the office.

The old ghost was confused for a moment. Say good things by yourself. Who is this?

That night, the old ghost sent the information of the 27th grade student to Qin Zhong. Qin Zhong opened the message and was stunned, which made him think about the main line of the whole matter from the beginning. After a long time, he sighed and miscalculated to himself.

This night is destined to be a murderous night. Qin Zhong can't be captured about this matter, and it can also be said that it is easy.

"Kill you son of a bitch. When I drag your family out, let's see how you will face me, face me, and his grandfather." Qin Zhong said and rubbed his hands on the handle of his two knives.

He turned off the lights, and the air outside the window became colder and colder. He opened the door, and a dark shadow stood at the door.

"Big boss, the rich man knows it's wrong. I hope you don't mind."

"Well, they are all good brothers. At that time, I didn't control my own strength, and it was also a temporary temper. Let's go and go out with me to arrest people." Qin Zhong has forgiven Guo Dafu after kicking out. He knows Guo Dafu too well, but he can't give up his son, so he can only walk away from him coldly.

"Damn it, Uncle Ghost asked me to tell you that Hu Dajun and their people have intervened and are communicating with the school now. The board of directors of the school has agreed to assist them, and Lin Shuo, who is the main person in charge this time. It seems that he has worked hard to keep the position of principal."

Qin Zhong's lips were up: "If he continues to be the principal, won't your plan fail?"

"Hey, it's not easy to get something from him. Don't think Lin Shuo is so powerful. Let me tell you, he only needs my power to deal with him. He absolutely can't stand it..." Guo Dafu was a lot of words and followed Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong was super fast and stood at the door of the 13th dormitory building of Tianshimen in a blink of an eye.

"No. 13, that's it." Qin Zhong smiled when he saw this number: "With this number, there will be a blood stain here tonight. Hey, it's really despicable."

"The moon is dark and the wind is high at night, and the blood of murder is not left." Guo Dafu said poetically.

Qin Zhong gently knocked on the door of the dormitory building, and an old man came out of the door, who was the old man in charge of the dormitory building.

"Oh, two teachers, do you have something to do here so late?"

Qin Zhong nodded: "Let's talk to a student. This student is extremely dangerous now. He is a dangerous person, so no matter what happens, you can stay in the room so as not to hurt you."

"Ah? Do you want to do it?" The old man looked very panicked.

Qin Zhong nodded, and the old man opened the door, hurried back to his mail room, locked the door, turned off the lights, and the whole dormitory building was dark.

"Haha, it's still the boss. Our night vision device is useful."

Mr. Qin waved his hand: "You go to the right, I'll go to the left, and take good care of this person." He took out a photo and handed it to Guo Dafu: "Look, they are ninjas and masked. We may not be able to recognize them under the night vision device. Remember every detail of him and don't hurt people indiscriminately, but those who block our way will resolutely put them down."

"Don't worry, boss, I know this person even if he turned to ashes. He dared to openly contradict me in my class last few months. Humph, this time he has a chance to deal with you."

"Okay, let's go, move quickly, seven floors, there are many dormitories, absolutely no let them find a way to escape, look at the door, look at the windows, and put them all down if they can't." Qin Zhong was fierce, and this time he was bound to win.

The two nodded to confirm each other, and then went upstairs separately.

It's late at night, and most of the students are sleeping soundly in the dormitory, but after all, there are people who get up at night and can't sleep because their brains are not good. After all, there are soberness in the dormitory. Many people don't care when they hear any movement, but they still have a lot of thoughts. Anyone who shows up must be punched hard and hit the sky. Stars, shock fell to the ground, and then the dark shadow rushed into the house. After looking at everyone carefully, they sealed the window and left a sentence before leaving: "Don't open the window when someone knocks. The army is acting here."

Some students were puzzled to see their roommates who fell at the door: "Damn it, acting is really fun. Looking at his state, he was beaten like this."

"I think that the man is very powerful. Let's not mess with him. Let's stay honest."

"Yes, yes, don't be beaten." Most of the students have chosen to hide and even dare not open the door.