Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 7 White and Red

On the first day of work, Qin Zhong encountered something that made him unhappy. The strong smell of burning paper came to his nose.

"His uncle, who burns paper? Is there anyone else burning paper in this community?" Qin Zhong couldn't help saying it.

Another security guard in his class pulled Qin Zhong and said, "Brother, it's better not to care about such a thing. We can't afford to provoke the people in this community. They are either dignitaries or local tyrant landlords."

"Go, what kind of society is this? Anyway, I am also the security guard of this community. What if this causes a fire? We will be responsible at that time." Qin Zhong is full of righteousness at this moment, and he himself feels that a righteousness is quietly emerging.

Another security guard rolled his eyes and said, "Cut, go ahead. Anyway, I don't care if it's cleaned up. I won't call you."

"Well, I don't believe who can do anything to me." Qin Zhong said and went to the place where the smell came.

The security guard knows that Qin Zhong has something to do, but it is really a waste of interpersonal relationships to find such a profession. With Guo Dafu's rich family, to be honest, he can let him go anywhere, but Guo Dafu's original intention is to make Qin Zhong pay more attention in the community. After all, the job of a security guard is not so easy to do every day. He wants to worry about his users, and he hopes that this can arouse the past in his heart.

So this security guard can't afford to provoke Qin Zhong. Everything has to be done by Qin Zhong. If Qin Zhong really has something to do, he really can't ignore it. If he doesn't care, it's just that he doesn't do it well.

Qin Zhong didn't care about those. He straightened his hat and went out of the security room and went straight to the 20-story high building opposite. Qin Zhong saw a lot of people surrounded downstairs. Some seemed to be watching the bustle, but most of them should be relevant personnel.

Qin Zhong pushed away several people in the way with his hand. After the road dodged, a white gentleman waved a small flag in his hand and said his swaying words: "There are beautiful rivers and mountains ahead. Looking back, there is a bottomless abyss. Follow the flag. Don't go wrong. If you get lost, read three apricot yellow flags."

"What's going on? Who asked you to burn paper in the corridor? Don't you know how dangerous it would be if it caused a fire? Qin Zhong shouted loudly, but when he had just finished speaking, he found a very serious problem. Just where he entered the door, there were two huge happy words pasted on the two doors, and this word was just pasted at first glance, and behind Mr. Baishi was a woman, dressed in a red dowry and holding a delicate hand. The urn.

Qin Zhong's scalp is numb, uncle, what's the situation? Xizi, red clothes, holding the urn, and Mr. Bai Shi, burning big paper.

Mr. Baishi shouted, "The villain is blocking the way, and his family rewards money. Please leave quickly, otherwise the sword will have no eyes and kill you."

"Get out of here." Hearing this anger and irritability, Qin Zhong slapped Mr. Bai Shi on the head and staggered him. He almost crooked: "What kind of money is the reward? Is the dead money so easy to use? If you want to kill me, aren't you afraid of being arrested by the police?

"Crazy, don't be rampant. Let me determine the country with a sword." Mr. Bai Shi pulled out a mahogany sword from his back and shook his head to stab Qin Zhong.

Qin Zhong touched his arm and raised his hand with another big mouth: "Justifiable defense, hit you dizzy." Qin Zhong didn't know if he was disgusted with these deceptive magicians. He always felt uncomfortable when he saw such a person.

The muscles on Mr. Bai Shi's face are twisted and unsteady, and he has to fight with him for several rounds.

Qin Zhong came to Mr. Bai Shi: "No matter how tricky today's white matter is, tell them not to burn paper in the corridor again."

"A righteous face, arrogant, okay, this is the true God who went down to earth and obeyed the oracle." Mr. Bai Shi said to Qin Zhong and turned back to the family of the bereaved man and said, "This is the god of justice. You are right to listen to him. Destroy the burning paper and send your husband on the road."

Mr. Bai Shi seemed to really not want to be beaten next to Qin Zhong again. Looking at the two red faces, it really made everyone laugh secretly.

But the woman in red seemed to be floating and came to Qin Zhong in a few steps: "Brother security guard, here is 200 yuan. Please accommodate me. My husband just died, and today is also our happy day. Let me burn some paper money and give him some money to accommodate the kid. Little woman, please."

"Indoing the kid?" Qin Zhong seemed to understand what was going on with this woman. In order to confirm, he asked again, "Your husband died, and then you are going to marry the urn, right?"

"Well, it's a dream and an agreement between us."

Qin Zhong brushed, and tears surged from the corners of his eyes: "The depth of love, the pain, this is just your family. Think about it, if you really light this building, how many families will do this to you, lose your lover, your favorite person, your favorite person, the closest person? Do you think others also want to follow? Are you in the same pain?"

"This..." The woman's eyebrows trembled slightly, and the corners of her mouth squirmed. The slender white fat hand held the urn, which was obviously not very symmetrical: "But my husband died of hatred, so how to explain it?"

"Then you can burn it again in the courtyard. How many points can it be? How can it be like this in this corridor?" Qin Zhong said and pointed to the flower bed in the courtyard of the community for the family.

Mr. Bai Shi saw that Qin Zhong's righteousness was really unaffordable, so he had to agree with it. Under Qin Zhong's repeated dissuasion, the woman finally nodded, stopped burning paper behind her, and quickly went to the center of the square. Mr. Bai Shi hastily ended the funeral for the family and took the money and ran away.

And Qin Zhong looked at the dispersed crowd, as if she had lost her soul. She held the urn in her hand and sat on the chair, staring at the big basin on the ground that had not been burned.

Looking at her jade-like cheeks shrouded in gray, tears rolled down, and the ground was crisp and sounded, and the painful mood was broken like tiles and jade, and the porcelain jars turned into ashes.

Qin Zhong squatted in front of the woman and asked softly, "Girl, don't cry and ruin your body. People can't come back to life after death. Isn't living well the greatest comfort to the dead?"

"How do you know?" The woman's crying voice was a little hoarse.

Qin Zhong continued, "That's because he must love you as much as you love him, you know?"

"Yes, you're right, so I decided that I will go with him. I'm lonely, and I can't live without him." The woman's voice is firm and her tone is calm.

Qin Zhong sweated coldly: "Don't, don't do this. It's not worth it. Your future will be quite beautiful, and there will be a good tomorrow. Don't look for such a shortcoming. That's too much money."

"No loss, because I can see my husband."

"What if you can't see it?" Qin Zhong questioned.

As soon as the woman heard this, she was stunned, and two lines of tears suddenly intercepted: "Why can't you see it?"

"Uh!" Qin Zhong didn't know why he couldn't see it. He thought for a moment and simply made up a reason: "This is like we took the train. He bought the ticket to the south first. When you leave, you may not have a ticket, so you have to wait for yourself to live well and die normally. He also has a reputation there before leaving."

After listening to Qin Zhong's words, the woman wiped her tears, put down the urn, straightened her hairstyle, and cleaned up her face: "Thank you, brother, I know what to do."

"Well, that's right. Otherwise, wouldn't it be useless for you to go with him?" Qin Zhong slowly eased until this time. Suddenly, he felt that he was very successful and had a very good way to convince this extremely painful woman, and even he admired his behavior.

"Thank you, brother. I'm going to take a shower and clean up. I'm going to leave here. You won't be allowed to invite you to dinner on the day I leave." The woman's warm invitation seemed to have forgotten the pain of her bereaved husband.

Qin Zhong's forehead sweated coldly: "Well, well, if the young lady invites you kindly, there is no reason to shirk it. You'd better go ahead."

Then the woman left quickly with the urn in her arms.