Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 13 Ling Chi

Qin Zhong pulled the woman into the security room. When the two security guards sleeping in the security room saw Guo Dafu coming, they immediately cheered up. No one dared to make trouble at this time. After all, Guo Dafu did not come here often. This was because Qin Zhong was arranged to work here, which was also discussed between Guo Dafu and Meng Na. The result.

In the middle of the square, the knife in the old man's hand cut off the bloated poisonous meat on his calf piece by piece, and the corpse insects slowly crawling out of the poisonous meat slowly surged out, a batch, a batch of dead, corpses everywhere, and the rotten meat instantly piled up into a hill.

"Master Dao, can you do it? Do you want to call an ambulance?" The rich man looked anxious. He asked, the old man had no energy to talk to the rich man.

After Qin Zhong comforted the woman, the woman fell asleep in the security room. It seemed that he was really tired of crying, and the whole community ushered in a short silence.

Just as Guo Dafu and Qin Zhong thought that the first seven, which was not sad, passed smoothly, the surveillance in the security room suddenly blacked at the same time. All the computers used for the monitoring crashed collectively, and the two security guards hurriedly shook the mouse: "What's wrong? Is the monitoring not working well?

"It's the same here. All the computers have crashed." Another security guard said.

When Qin Zhong heard this, he was stunned and had an ominous feeling in his heart.

Guo Dafu's face was gloomy: "It's bad, here comes the big man."

"Boss, what should I do?" The security guard had no idea, and the mouse in his hand kept shaking, and the nerves of the two people were extremely nervous.

Suddenly, the computer hosts were turned on at the same time, and the screen returned to normal, but at this moment, all the screens showed half of the photos in Qin Zhongyi's pocket, and at this photo, there were half more faces at this moment. In addition to the driver, there was another person Qin Zhong did not know, two and a half Human face.

Qin Zhong was shocked. He put his hand into his pocket and slowly took out the photo. When he saw this half of the photo, there were only two and half photos of his face, but at this moment, he had two and a half more faces. He tightened his heart, slowly put away the photo and looked at the monitoring screen. On the curtain, the old paper-burning old man appeared on the screen.

The old man smiled proudly, her green face kept twitching, and her mouth tremblingly said, "Damn it's always going to die. I'm dead. Don't think about it. The curse begins immediately."

Qin Zhong still remembers the words in the elevator. He knew that the old man must have helped him fulfill his wish when he found him. Otherwise, he would not have worked so hard to do so many things, but he didn't know the reason for these things. He only knew that the old man burned paper all day long and didn't know that he burned paper. What's the strength?

Qin Zhong looked at the old man's face and didn't know why the old man insisted on appearing in the monitor. Is this to remind Qin Zhong not to forget the photo given to him? Then this photo must have great significance.

The two security guards had been scared to pee their trousers, and one of them sat on the ground. After sighing, Qin Zhong said softly, "I can't forget!" After that, the old man's appearance disappeared, and all the screens returned to normal, but after the screen returned to normal, the old man in the middle of the square actually cut off the meat on his calf, leaving only bones. At this time, the bones were white and slowly carved a lot of bones by him with a fruit knife. Fan, doesn't this old man really know the pain?

"Big rich, let's go and have a look." Qin Zhong's name, I don't know whether it was from the bottom of his heart or by the way. This call made Guo Dafu deeply feel the feeling of the past.

" boss, have you recovered your memory?"

"Bullshit, what memory, am I okay? Go quickly. I don't want to see anyone die in the community." However, when Qin Zhong and Guo Dafu just left the security room, they only heard a sharp brake on the road at the gate of the community. The two turned their eyes to the door. A local tycoon car unexpectedly hit the doorpost of a barbecue restaurant and broke the doorpost. The roar of the car kept ringing, and in an instant, the local tycoon car surrounded a lot in front of him. People.

Qin Zhong came closer and watched. The driver he saw in the car was actually the local tycoon man just now. The knocked-down pillar just inserted into the car from the window and penetrated the rich man's chest. The tycoon man widened his painful eyes and stared at a wedding photo of two people hanging in front of the car, and his mouth flowed in the corner. Bright red blood came out, but painful tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"What's the pain?" Qin Zhong sighed.

Guo Dafu breathed a long breath: "For good, this guy finally didn't die in our community. If he dies in our community again, I will throw his body out."

"Even so, the police will not stop easily when they come. After all, the last stop of this local tycoon left us." Qin Zhong's analytical ability is still super strong, but he seems to have thought of something in the depths of his mind, but he repeatedly can't find his previous physical ability and ability.

Guo Dafu laughed loudly: "The police don't believe me and have to trust our Guo family. Even if something really happens, I don't think it's too tedious to involve us."

"Boss, it's not good. The old man went crazy in the middle of the square just now." A security guard ran out of the security room and shouted as he ran.

Qin Zhong stopped aside and shook his head helplessly and said, "This is really the first seven. It doesn't seem to be lively."

As soon as his words fell, dark clouds covered the crescent moon, and there seemed to be a triangular shadow in the sky. The triangle landed in the center of the square. The old road stood in the middle of the square and took off his coat. He was already sweat all over his body. I don't know if it was caused by his pain or jumping around.

But the fruit knife in his hand kept cutting on his leg. At this time, he had cut off nearly half of the meat on his left leg.

" Stop, cut it again. If you cut your uncle again, you will hang up." Qin Zhong shouted loudly.

The old man sweated and was dehydrated, cracking his mouth and roaring, which was a moan of pain and a complaint of torture.

Guo Dafu slapped Lao Dao's forehead. Lao Dao rolled his eyes and fell to the ground. The rotten meat on the ground was piled up, and black blood turned into a river. I really don't know how much blood the old Tao can stay here. No matter how much flesh and blood there is, it must be Guo Dafu's big trouble in the future.

So many things have happened in his community in a day. It seems that there must be something wrong with the feng shui here, otherwise there will be no one after another, which will make everyone confused, and there is also a stupid Taoist priest who gives himself Ling Chi.

Qin Zhong squatted down and looked at the dead insects that died in the air. He seemed to remember something, but he didn't remember it clearly. He patted his head with his hand and stiffly survived. When he looked at the old Tao, there was a black triangle on his face. The shape mark, the whole person has died, and the left leg of the leg that has been cut off has dried up, and a dark shadow suddenly flew out of the old Tao's body, which was not very clear under the street lamp.

Qin Zhong knows who this person is, but he just doesn't want to provoke such a ghost: "Brother, it's almost done. You have to calm down. Waiting to see your bride, I will definitely give her your things. It's over today."

"This is not over yet. The first seven, we have to seize the time. We don't have to hide whoever we can."

Listening to the ghost's words, Qin Zhong doesn't quite understand. Who is he? Does he really want to absorb yang and wait for his bride after July 7 to see his bride again? If so, then this ghost is likely to become a devil and will come here without peace.

"So you're not going back?" Qin Zhong asked.

The male ghost moaned in a low voice, "My name is Shunzi. Remember, as long as I don't see my bride for a day, I won't leave. I will clean up whoever provokes me. A stinky Taoist priest still wants to accept me. I think he is too overpowerful, and you." As he spoke, he pointed his finger to Qin Zhong: "Don't think it's okay to help me. If I can't do it well, I'll clean it up."