Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 16 Looking for the corpse

Qin Zhong felt the great righteousness on his body. In an instant, he suddenly noticed that the yin qi in the morgue was getting thicker and stronger, but he couldn't figure out how to use the great righteousness in his body. However, this vast righteousness actually made him tremble all over, and it was the ice that shook from his body. Crystal-shaped items.

" boss, what are you doing?"

"I don't know, there is always some uncomfortable feeling in the body, so I will shake it twice, and it will feel very comfortable." Qin Zhong said and entered the morgue and followed the route of the Shunzi ghost.

As soon as I entered the morgue, the bodies inside were all kinds of strange and everything. Some covered white cloths were unexpectedly blown down by the wind. The tragic situation could touch the world.

A corpse had no arms, and there was a bowl-sized round hole in his chest. There was a black paste around the hole, and mucus was constantly gushing out of the body, covered with his body, and there was a little sticky ** in the mouth of the body.

Qin Zhong wanted to take a look, but was stimulated by a residual electric current.

"He is electrocuted, but it's still high-voltage electricity. It's really speechless. It's so sad to be so young."

" boss, look at that Shunzi ghost!"

Qin Zhong turned his head and saw the Shunzi ghost tearing the white cloth one by one. He pulled it down and took a look. After feeling that it was not his wife, he continued to the next one.

It doesn't matter if he toss so much. The bodies in the whole morgue have been tossed all over. Some bodies have no face, some bodies are missing half of their bodies, and some are incomplete at all. The fragmentary limbs seem to be missing something, and some bodies are split at one time by some sharp weapon from the middle and divided. Two pieces.

And Guo Dafu stood in front of a corpse and worried: "This corpse is strange. How did he die? The upper body has no chest, and the lower body is missing, shemale? No, shemales are all men and women. This is obviously a woman. Is it an eunuch? But it should be a woman."

"Princess Taiping, don't look at it. Hurry up. Maybe the body can't be found, maybe it's wrong." Qin Zhong pulled away Guo Dafu, and when he looked at the Shunzi ghost, he was fixed and did not move for a long time in front of a corpse.

A gloomy cry came. It was a man's cry, crying dimly, crying heartbreakingly, and crying the air here condensed.

"Did he find it?"

"I don't know, maybe."

"You said, it's really amazing for a big man to cry like this. It can be seen that they are deeply affectionate." Chen Murao said emotionally.

Shunzi turned his head back and shouted, "What do you know? This is my body. If I hadn't died, so many things would not have happened."

"Ah?" The three were stunned.

"Your body has been seven days and hasn't been cremated yet?" Qin Zhong asked.

"Without the signature of the family, who can cremate and who can move it can only be left here."

Guo Dafu scratched his head, followed by the Shunzi ghost and waved his head: "Open it. Let's see what virtue you have when you die."

"Good!" Shunzi played a gust of cold wind and blew away the white cloth covering the body. Under the white cloth, a broken body fell on the morgue in pain.

Looking at the face, a large eyeball was shattered and fell on the outside. Half of the face was separated, revealing cheekbone teeth. The teeth** still had a few white spots. According to Chen Mu's experience, the white spot was the egg of the corpse worm.

Qin Zhong and Shunzi said, "Is this your body? It doesn't look like you at all?"

"This is me. If you don't believe it, you can see it with our hands." Shunzi ghost stretched out his hand, missing a finger in his hand and disguised it with a black rubber cover, and the body was indeed the same. Looking at the figures of the two people, their size was almost the same, but the appearance on their faces did change. I'm afraid it was like this when Shunzi ghost left the body, and this The body has been here for a long time, and this change may have taken place.

Guo Dafu curled his lips and said, "It's true that if you don't die, so many things won't happen."

"Yes, but my death was indeed a mystery at that time. I always felt that someone pushed me behind me, but when I looked back, there was no one there and died on the spot in a blink of an eye."

"That's called ghost revenge. I don't know that you have offended that kid. He wanted your life. There is no doubt about this." Qin Zhong said and was ready to help cover the white cloth.

But the ghost stopped Qin Zhong: "Six of you, you are all my benefactors. I can't thank you enough, but I have a small request. I want to return to the body. I want to find my wife's body, and our two bodies are cremated together."

"Are you going to go by yourself?"

"Why don't we carry it for you?"

"Forget it, you'd better go there by yourself."

Three people made three statements, and Shunzi ghost was in pain: "On the one hand, I'm afraid that you don't dare to do anything by looking at my appearance, and on the other hand, I'm afraid that you will be tired. How can I let you worry about my lifeless ghost?"

"Okay, then you can go back to your wife. It's just the first seven, and it's still possible for you to return to your soul." Qin Zhong doesn't know how to know so much about ghosts.

Chen Mu also took a look at Qin Zhonggao. In the past, his understanding of Qin Zhong was only about skills, but he never thought that Qin Zhong was so proficient in ghost things.

Looking at the Shunzi ghost, tears in the corners of his eyes instantly entered the body. The body trembled back and forth in the corpse** and sat up in a blink of an eye. The smashing eye jumped back and forth, and the other eye suddenly flowed out of his eyes. The body used his hand that lost a finger. He held his eyes and stuffed them into his eyes, which jumped off the corpse bed and quickly went to the depths of the morgue.

After entering the last door of the morgue, the body jumped, because he already had one leg that could not land on the ground and could only jump with one foot. It looked like a zombie, but the zombie did not jump after research, but it was just that his body was stiff.

Where the body passed by, Bai Bu picked up, but did not find his wife, but when they came to the end, they found a dimly lit room in which there seemed to be a nervous and busy figure, and they could hear the people inside talking.

"Teacher, this body has been smashed to pieces. How can we maintain his original appearance?" A woman's voice.

"He jumped downstairs and fell to death. Of course, we can't perform surgery on the body, which will cause dissatisfaction of their families, so what is left to us can only be said to put something under the body, or in an irrelevant place, or simply use some injections. Hold the body up, so that it will be beautiful and unnoticed. An old voice.

"Oh, do you need to get the consent of your family before cleaning up the deceased?"

"Of course, but for a dead body like this, we only need to do our duty to help him clean up his skin, wipe the spilled blood, excrement, etc., and then help him put on makeup, shape, and finally put on beautiful clothes, even if our task is completed."

The old voice looks low and loud, and virtuous. The young voice looks young and fresh, diligent and inquisiable.

When Qin Zhong and the three secretly looked inside, they found three people, and one of them had never spoken. Wearing a blue coat, wearing a mask and gloves, etc., was cleaning up the blood stains on the body for a corpse. From the appearance, the body was a woman, and their technique was quite skillful, no In a few minutes, the body was cleaned up, and a girl helped put on beautiful clothes and put makeup on the body's face.

And the older staff member filled the potion with some needles and other things, and was pricking the seemingly imperfect place on the body.

Three people stared outside the door for nearly 40 minutes, and the whole corpse beauty part was over. Just as several people were about to push the door in, the three people inside ended and said older, "There are so many people who died today. There are still two bodies. Let's keep them for tomorrow. Let's push this body out."

The younger man pushed the corpse bed and wanted to walk to the gate on Qin Zhong's side.