Spiritual History of Manchuria

Chapter 24 Bishop's Island 1

After seeing Guo Dafu's behavior, Qin Zhong suddenly felt that the ship had become a mess and was killed by the captain. Chen Mu beside him was extremely abnormal, and the seemingly immobile ship under his feet also moved rapidly and full of horsepower.

"Rich, hit the ghost three inches, don't hurt the captain's body." Qin Zhong shouted, and he also rushed into the cockpit. When he entered the cockpit, the captain did not seem to feel anything after receiving a heavy stick. He suddenly turned around and grabbed Guo Dafu's collar, and the wrench of the other hand had been raised high.

Qin Zhong reacted fast enough and pushed his elbow out horizontally and hit the captain's cheek fiercely. Suddenly, the captain's whole body was paralyzed on the helmsman of the boat, and his body kept shaking.

"Come out, if you don't come out, your three souls will be ruined." Guo Dafu shouted, and at least he knew how to extinguish the ghost's soul.

At this time, the Haoran righteousness in Qin Zhong's body suddenly warmed up, and his whole spirit was also excited. Even in his state of amnesia, the Haoran righteousness in this body can definitely be said to be a magic weapon to protect himself, at least ghosts can't get close to him.

"Big rich, the captain doesn't seem to be able to do it. There are two crew members next to him. They should also be able to sail." Qin Zhong said and turned his eyes to the two crew members who were paralyzed. The two guys were scared by the captain's move just now, and two of his partners also died, and they were doing it by their own, which made them even more unscathed.

Guo Dafu reached out to visit the captain's breathing and found that the captain's body was no longer trembling. He put down the captain's body, took down the wrench in his hand, and then tried to change the direction of the ship to its original situation. However, no matter how he steered, the direction of the ship remained unchanged and went straight in one direction. Drive away.

After rushing through the wind and waves and crossing several high waves, the speed of the ship finally slowed down. The captain's still sober people seemed to be panicking. They didn't know what they were going to do or what was going to happen to them, but if they continued, death would definitely get closer and closer to them.

Qin Zhong gathered all the normal people: "We must hold on. We should be able to find food in the cargo hold below. We can't rely on the torture of the sea. We hope that the fierce ghosts on this ship will not take us to a place that will never return, but our next task is to take the rudder and go under the ship to find it. Food, it's been another day. There is no way to survive if you don't eat.

"I know, I'll take them off the boat, boss, you steer here." Guo Dafu rushed to make arrangements first.

But Qin Zhong waved his hand and said, "There are bones all over the ground. It's not that easy to find food from their hands."

After Qin Zhong finished cleaning up the captain, the ship continued to sail for a day and a night. It was already the early morning of the third day when they were ready to find food. Chen Mu had been sleeping on the deck for a day and a night. It was not until Qin Zhong found her again that he got up and rubbed his head and mouth, which seemed to be filled with lead. He said some messy words in a confused way.

"It's over, I can't see anything this time. Go and get the torch." Qin Zhong let the crew out.

After a while, the torch came in, and several people carefully entered the cabin, and began a big search.

"Boom!" Empty, the loud crack sounded, and the hull had a split collision. Qin Zhong and others were immediately shocked and didn't know what had happened to the ship.

"It seems to have hit something." The crew said.

"That's bad. If we really hit a reef or something, we won't be soaked in water?"

Qin Zhong glanced and didn't seem to find any leakage, and the ship's body did not tilt at all, which proved that the ship is still intact. Did he hit any creature? This is possible. If you hit some large creature in the water, it will not be surprising to make such a sound.

"Go up and have a look, Mu'er, you find it first, use your charm, and don't make any more faults." Qin Zhong arranged it.

Chen Mu nodded. Qin Zhong and the two crew members quickly went up to the deck and visited around. They found nothing, but when they wanted to go back to the cabin, Guo Dafu ran over in panic.

" boss, we just bumped into a whale. I don't think that guy will live long."

Qin Zhong scratched his head and really hit the creature: "Is our boat all right?"

"It should be all right. Also, the captain woke up and just saw an island not far ahead. I think we'd better go up there and talk about it." Guo Dafu shouted.

As soon as Qin Zhong heard this, he suddenly felt refreshed. With the island, he proved that there were likely to be plants. At least they could not starve to death, and the boat could also lean against the island for repair. Maybe it could be repaired.